Part 171. Requirement of Withholding New York State Personal Income Tax from Wages  

20 CRR-NY II A 5 171 Notes
Sec. 171.1. Requirement of withholding New York State personal income tax from wages
Sec. 171.2. Definition of employer
Sec. 171.3. Definition of wages
Sec. 171.4. Determining New York State personal income tax to be withheld
Sec. 171.5. Determining New York State personal income tax to be withheld on wages paid to resident of New York State
Sec. 171.6. Determining New York State personal income tax to be withheld on wages paid to nonresident of New York State
Sec. 171.7. Voluntary New York State personal income tax withholding agreements
Sec. 171.8. Exemption from withholding of New York State personal income tax for certain employees incurring no New York State personal income tax liability
Sec. 171.9. Extension of withholding of New York State personal income tax to supplemental unemployment compensation benefits
Sec. 171.10. Extension of withholding of New York State personal income tax to annuity payments if requested by payee
Sec. 171.11. Extension of withholding of New York State personal income tax to certain gambling winnings
Sec. 171.12. Cross-references