New York Codes Rules Regulations (Last Updated: March 27,2024) |
TITLE 20. Department of Taxation and Finance |
Chapter III. Fuel and Carrier Taxes |
Subchapter C. Truck Mileage and Fuel Use Taxes |
Article 3. Fuel Use Tax |
Part 492. Computation of the Fuel Use Tax |
Sec. 492.1. Determining the composite rate and aggregate rate of tax
Latest version.
- Tax Law, §§ 301-h, 523(b)(a)(1) Composite rate. The fuel use tax is based upon the amount of motor fuel and diesel motor fuel used by a carrier in such carrier's operations within this State. Pursuant to section 523(b) of the Tax Law, the fuel use tax is determined by multiplying the number of gallons of motor fuel or diesel motor fuel, as the case may be, used by a carrier in such carrier's operations within this State by a composite rate which is determined by adding together:(i) a fuel tax component determined in accordance with the provisions of section 523(b) of the Tax Law; and(ii) a sales tax component determined in accordance with such section 523(b).(2) Aggregate rate. Similar to the fuel use tax, the article 13-A carrier tax is measured by the amount of motor fuel and diesel motor fuel imported into this State in the fuel tanks of qualified motor vehicles and consumed in this State in the operation of such qualified motor vehicles. In accordance with the joint administration provisions of section 301-h of the Tax Law, the joint fuel use and article 13-A carrier tax is computed separately for each fuel based on an aggregate rate which is determined by adding together:(i) the applicable composite rate as determined by paragraph (1) of this subdivision; and(ii) the article 13-A component determined in accordance with section 301-h(a)(2) of the Tax Law.(b)(1) For calendar quarters beginning on or after January 1, 1996, the rates per gallon of the sales tax components, under the prevailing price, the composite rates of the fuel tax and sales tax components, under the prevailing price, and the aggregate rates of the article 13-A, fuel tax and sales tax components, under the prevailing price, for motor fuel and diesel motor fuel for the following periods are, in cents per gallon:
Motor Fuel Diesel Motor Fuel Sales Tax Composite Aggregate Sales Tax Composite Aggregate Component Rate Rate Component Rate Rate (i) Jan.-March 1996 7.8 15.8 30.21 8.2 16.2 30.61 (ii) April-June 1996 7.7 15.7 29.89* 8.7 16.7 30.89* (iii) July-Sept. 1996 7.8 15.8 29.54 9.1 17.1 30.84 (iv) Oct.-Dec. 1996 8.2 16.2 29.94 8.5 16.5 30.24 (v) Jan.-March 1997 8.1 16.1 30.45 9.3 17.3 31.65 (vi) April-June 1997 8.5 16.5 30.73** 9.6 17.6 31.83** (vii) July-Sept. 1997 8.0 16.0 30.0 8.4 16.4 30.4 (viii) Oct.-Dec. 1997 7.6 15.6 29.6 8.2 16.2 30.2 (ix) Jan.-March 1998 8.1 16.1 30.7 8.4 16.4 30.25 (x) April-June 1998 7.4 15.4 30.0 7.8 15.8 29.65 (xi) July-Sept. 1998 6.7 14.7 29.3 7.3 15.3 29.15 (xii) Oct.-Dec. 1998 6.6 14.6 29.2 7.1 15.1 28.95 (xiii) Jan.-March 1999 6.5 14.5 28.5 7.2 15.2 28.45 (xiv) April-June 1999 6.2 14.2 28.2 6.8 14.8 27.05 (xv) July-Sept. 1999 6.9 14.9 28.9 7.4 15.4 27.65 (xvi) Oct.-Dec. 1999 7.3 15.3 29.3 7.7 15.7 27.95 (xvii) Jan.-March 2000 8.3 16.3 29.7 8.4 16.4 28.05 (xviii) April-June 2000 8.6 16.6 30.0 9.0 17.0 28.65 (xix) July-Sept. 2000 9.7 17.7 31.1 9.5 17.5 29.15 (xx) Oct.-Dec. 2000 10.5 18.5 31.9 9.8 17.8 29.45 (xxi) Jan.-March 2001 10.1 18.1 32.1 11.0 19.0 31.25 (xxii) April-June 2001 09.5 17.5 31.5 10.8 18.8 31.05 (xxiii) July-Sept. 2001 09.5 17.5 31.5 09.9 17.9 30.15 (xxiv) Oct.-Dec. 2001 09.5 17.5 31.5 09.6 17.6 29.85 (xxv) Jan.-March 2002 08.7 16.7 31.3 09.1 17.1 29.95 (xxvi) April-June 2002 07.3 15.3 29.9 08.2 16.2 29.05 (xxvii) July-Sept. 2002 08.9 16.9 31.5 09.1 17.1 29.95 (xxviii) Oct.-Dec. 2002 09.0 17.0 31.6 08.9 16.9 29.75 (xxix) Jan.-March 2003 09.4 17.4 31.4 09.8 17.8 30.05 (xxx) April-June 2003 09.8 17.8 31.8 10.4 18.4 30.65 (xxxi) July-Sept. 2003 10.5 18.5 32.5 11.0 19.0 31.25 (xxxii) Oct.-Dec. 2003 9.5 17.5 31.5 9.9 17.9 30.15 (xxxiii) Jan.-March 2004 10.5 18.5 33.1 10.3 18.3 31.15 (xxxiv) April-June 2004 10.5 18.5 33.1 11.0 19.0 31.85 (xxxv) July-Sept. 2004 11.4 19.4 34.0 11.1 19.1 31.95 (xxxvi) Oct.-Dec. 2004 12.3 20.3 34.9 11.9 19.9 32.75 (xxxvii) Jan.-March 2005 13.1 21.1 36.3 14.5 22.5 35.95 (xxxviii) April-June 2005 12.1 20.1 35.3 13.9 21.9 35.35 (xxxix) July-Sept. 2005 14.6 22.6 37.8 15.8 23.8 37.25 (xl) Oct.-Dec. 2005 15.2 23.2 38.4 16.5 24.5 37.95 (xli) Jan.-March 2006 18.3 26.3 42.2 19.5 27.5 41.65 (xlii) April-June 2006 15.4 23.4 39.3 16.6 24.6 38.75 (xliii) July-Sept. 2006 14.0 22.0 37.9 14.0 22.0 36.15 (xliv) Oct.-Dec. 2006 14.0 22.0 37.9 14.0 22.0 36.15 (xlv) Jan.-March 2007 14.0 22.0 38.6 14.0 22.0 36.85 (xlvi) April-June 2007 14.0 22.0 38.6 14.0 22.0 36.85 (xlvii) July-Sept. 2007 14.0 22.0 38.6 14.0 22.0 36.85 (xlviii) Oct.-Dec. 2007 14.0 22.0 38.6 14.0 22.0 36.85 (xlix) Jan.-March 2008 14.0 22.0 38.4 14.0 22.0 36.65 (l) April-June 2008 14.0 22.0 38.4 14.0 22.0 36.65 (li) July-Sept. 2008 14.0 22.0 38.4 14.0 22.0 36.65 (lii) Oct.-Dec. 2008 14.7 22.7 39.1 14.7 22.7 37.35 (liii) Jan.-March 2009 16.0 24.0 41.1 16.0 24.0 39.35 (liv) April-June 2009 12.8 20.8 37.9 15.4 23.4 38.75 (lv) July-Sept. 2009 13.7 21.7 38.8 14.7 22.7 38.05 (lvi) Oct.-Dec. 2009 15.6 23.6 40.7 15.6 23.6 38.95 (lvii) Jan.-March 2010 15.0 23.0 39.3 15.5 23.5 38.05 (lviii) April-June 2010 16.0 24.0 40.3 16.0 24.0 38.55 (lix) July-Sept. 2010 16.0 24.0 40.3 16.0 24.0 38.55 (lx) Oct.-Dec. 2010 15.6 23.6 39.9 16.0 24.0 38.55 (lxi) Jan.-March 2011 15.9 23.9 40.9 16.0 24.0 39.25 (lxii) April-June 2011 16.0 24.0 41.0 16.0 24.0 39.25 (lxiii) July-Sept. 2011 16.0 24.0 41.0 16.0 24.0 39.25 (lxiv) Oct.-Dec. 2011 16.0 24.0 41.0 16.0 24.0 39.25 (lxv) Jan.-March 2012 16.0 24.0 41.8 16.0 24.0 40.05 (lxvi) April-June 2012 16.0 24.0 41.8 16.0 24.0 40.05 (lxvii) July-Sept. 2012 16.0 24.0 41.8 16.0 24.0 40.05 (lxviii) Oct.-Dec. 2012 16.0 24.0 41.8 16.0 24.0 40.05 (lxix) Jan.-March 2013 16.0 24.0 42.6 16.0 24.0 40.85 (lxx) April-June 2013 16.0 24.0 42.6 16.0 24.0 40.85 (lxxi) July-Sept. 2013 16.0 24.0 42.6 16.0 24.0 40.85 (lxxii) Oct.-Dec. 2013 16.0 24.0 42.6 16.0 24.0 40.85 (lxxiii) Jan.-March 2014 16.0 24.0 42.4 16.0 24.0 40.65 (lxxiv) April-June 2014 16.0 24.0 42.4 16.0 24.0 40.65 (lxxv) July-Sept. 2014 16.0 24.0 42.4 16.0 24.0 40.65 (lxxvi) Oct.-Dec. 2014 16.0 24.0 42.4 16.0 24.0 40.65 (lxxvii) Jan.-March 2015 16.0 24.0 41.8 16.0 24.0 40.05 (lxxviii) April–June 2015 15.0 23.0 40.8 16.0 24.0 40.05 (lxxix) July-Sept. 2015 14.7 22.7 40.5 16.0 24.0 40.05 (lxxx) Oct.-Dec. 2015 15.7 23.7 41.5 16.0 24.0 40.05 (lxxxi) Jan.-March 2016 14.2 22.2 39.2 16.0 24.0 39.25 (lxxxii) April-June 2016 13.7 21.7 38.7 14.9 22.9 38.15 (lxxxiii) July-Sept. 2016 13.6 21.6 38.6 14.5 22.5 37.75 (lxxxiv) Oct.-Dec. 2016 14.1 22.1 39.1 15.0 23.0 38.25 (lxxxv) Jan.-March 2017 14.1 22.1 38.3 15.1 23.1 37.55 (lxxxvi) April-June 2017 14.6 22.6 38.8 15.7 23.7 38.15 (lxxxvii) July-Sept. 2017 14.6 22.6 38.8 15.7 23.7 38.15 (lxxxviii) Oct.-Dec. 2017 14.2 22.2 38.4 15.4 23.4 37.85 (lxxxix) Jan.-March 2018 15.0 23.0 39.9 16.0 24.0 39.15 (xc) April-June 2018 15.0 23.0 39.9 16.0 24.0 39.15 (xci) July-Sept. 2018 15.2 23.2 40.10 16.0 24.0 39.15 (xcii) Oct.-Dec. 2018 16.0 24.0 40.90 16.0 24.0 39.15 (xciii) Jan.-March 2019 16.0 24.0 41.70 16.0 24.0 39.95 (xciv) April-June 2019 14.7 22.7 40.4 16.0 24.0 39.95 (xcv) July-Sept. 2019 15.4 23.4 41.10 16.0 24.0 39.95 (xcvi) Oct.-Dec. 2019 15.6 23.6 41.30 16.0 24.0 39.95 (xcvii) Jan.-March 2020 15.2 23.2 40.60 16.0 24.0 39.65 (xcviii) April-June 2020 15.1 23.1 40.5 16.0 24.0 39.65 (xcix) July-Sept. 2020 13.7 21.7 39.10 15.6 23.6 39.25 (c) Oct.-Dec. 2020 13.8 21.8 39.2 15.5 23.5 39.15 (ci) Jan.-March 2021 13.8 21.8 38.4 15.3 23.3 38.15 (cii) April-June 2021 14.4 22.4 39.0 15.8 23.8 38.65 (ciii) July-Sept. 2021 15.6 23.6 40.2 16.0 24.0 38.85 (civ) Oct.-Dec. 2021 16.0 24.0 40.6 16.0 24.0 38.85 (cv) Jan.-March 2022 16.0 24.0 41.3 16.0 24.0 39.55 (2) For months beginning on or after June 1, 1996, and ending prior to June 1, 1997, the rate of the “tax surcharge” imposed by section 301-g of the Tax Law included in the article 13-A component is reduced from 7.5 percent to 2.5 percent. The aggregate rates set forth in subparagraph (1)(ii) of this subdivision reflect an article 13-A component determined on an average basis as required by statute (Tax Law, § 301-g[a]). The article 13-A rate in effect is 14.41 cents per gallon for the months of April and May 1996 and 13.74 cents per gallon for the month of June 1996.(3) For months beginning on or after June 1, 1997, the rate of the “tax surcharge” imposed by section 301-g of the Tax Law included in the article 13-A component is reduced from 2.5 percent to zero. The aggregate rates set forth in subparagraph (1)(vi) of this subdivision reflect an article 13-A component determined on an average basis as required by statute (Tax Law, § 301-g[a]). The article 13-A rate in effect is 14.35 cents per gallon for the months of April and May 1997, and 14.0 cents per gallon for the month of June 1997.
See paragraph (2) of this subdivision for important information regarding aggregate rates for the period April through June 1996.
See paragraph (3) of this subdivision for important information regarding aggregate rates for the period April through June 1997.