Sec. 2394.13. Priorityof scheduling

Latest version.
  • (a) Unless the StateTax Commission has rendered a decision as provided in subdivision(a) of section 2394.10 of this Part and the warrant has been vacatedpursuant thereto, any person, to whom the provisions of this Partare applicable and who has otherwise timely petitioned for a hearingas provided for in the applicable sections of the Tax Law to whichPart 3000 of this Title is applicable, is entitled to and shall begranted a priority of scheduling as to the hearing of said petitionby the Tax Appeals Bureau.
    (b) Written requestfor a priority of scheduling of hearing of such petitions shall bemade to:
    New York State Tax Commission
    Director of Tax AppealsBureau
    Building 9, State OfficeCampus
    Albany, NY 12227
    (c) The provisions ofthis section shall not apply where the hearing provided for in thisPart and the hearing provided for in Part 3000 of this Title havebeen consolidated pursuant to section 2394.11 of this Part.