Sec. 2397.1. Definitions  

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  • The definitions providedby section 9(a) of the Tax Law for electronic funds transfer (hereinafter referred to as EFT) and by section 10(a) ofthe Tax Law for commissioner, payment of tax, and taxpayer apply to this Part. The definitions provided by section 2396.2 ofthe Title for automated clearing house, ACH credit, ACH debit, department, electronic payment reportingsystem, Federal reserve wire transfer and program alsoapply to this Part. In addition, the following terms are defined forpurposes of this Part:
    (a) The term programyear means the period from September 1st of any given year throughAugust 31st of the following year.
    (b) The term look-backperiod means the June 1st through May 31st period which immediatelyprecedes the previous June 1st through May 31st period and which isused to determine required participation in the program for a givenprogram year. For example, the look-back period of June 1, 2004, throughMay 31, 2005, is used to determine required participation in the programfor the September 1, 2006, through August 31, 2007, program year.
    (c) The term businessday shall mean a day other than Saturday, Sunday or the followingholidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President'sDay, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans'Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, except that such term shallonly include the hours up to 3:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on the lastbusiness day before the applicable due date.
    (d) The term applicabledue date means three business days after the 22nd day of eachcalendar month.