Sec. 4900.5. Unwarranted invasion of personal privacy prohibited  

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  • In cases for which the Committee on Public Access to Records has promulgated guidelines as provided in section 89(2)(a) of the Freedom of Information Law, for the deletion of identifying details for specified records, which are to be made available, such guidelines will be followed by the authority and its subsidiaries. In the absence of such guidelines, when making records available, the authority or its subsidiaries may delete identifying details which might lead to an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. An unwarranted invasion of personal privacy includes, but shall not be limited to:
    (a) disclosure of employment, medical or credit histories, or personal references of applicants for employment, unless the applicant has provided a written release permitting such disclosure;
    (b) the sale or release of lists of names and addresses in the possession of the authority or its subsidiaries, if such lists would be used for commercial or fund-raising purposes; and
    (c) disclosure of items of a personal nature, when disclosure would result in economic or personal hardship to the subject party and such records are not relevant to the work of the authority or its subsidiaries.