Sec. 459.13. Reconnection  

Latest version.
  • (a) Except in extreme and unusual circumstances or where a customer requests otherwise, the utility shall reconnect service to any disconnected residential customer not more than 24 hours after any of the following events:
    (1) receipt by the utility of the full amount due and owing (including arrears, reconnection charges, collection charges, and, if applicable, a security deposit when requested in writing) for which service had been disconnected;
    (2) agreement by the utility to a plan by which the customer is obliged to satisfy the arrears;
    (3) receipt of a commitment of a direct payment or a written guarantee of payment from the local social services commissioner; or
    (4) direction by the Power Authority of the State of New York.
    (b) The direction to reconnect service under paragraph (a)(4) of this section will only occur when it reasonably appears, in exceptional circumstances, that there is legitimate dispute about an unpaid portion of the arrears claimed by a utility; where an apparent error in the disconnection of service has occurred, or where a serious impairment to human health or safety seems to exist. In circumstances where the customer makes acceptable arrangements for the payment of all amounts owed, the customer will be informed that if he does not honor the agreement, the service will be disconnected and will not be reconnected until full payment is made of all amounts owing. In cases where the customer has a history of reconnecting his own service or of not honoring previous agreements, the utility may require that the customer make full payment of all amounts owing before service is restored.