Sec. 461.14. Fees and costs  

Latest version.
  • (a) When an action subject to this Part involves an applicant, the Power Authority may charge a fee to the applicant in order to recover the actual costs of environmental review and/or preparing or reviewing the EIS; provided, however, that an applicant may not be charged a separate fee for both the preparation and review of an EIS; and provided, further, that any fee charged must reflect the actual costs to the Power Authority for such preparation or review. Where an applicant does not choose to prepare the EIS, the Power Authority shall provide the applicant, upon request, with an estimate of the costs for preparing such statement based on the total cost of the project for which funding or approval is sought.
    (b) For nonresidential construction projects, the total project cost shall be the cost of supplying utility service to the project, the cost of site preparation and the cost of labor and material, as determined with reference to a current cost data publication in common usage such as Building Construction Cost Data by Means.