Part 800. General Rules and Regulations  

21 CRR-NY XVII 800 Notes
Sec. 800.1. Commission
Sec. 800.2. Vessel
Sec. 800.3. Rates and charges
Sec. 800.4. Entrance to Port property
Sec. 800.5. Wharf
Sec. 800.6. Berthing of vessels
Sec. 800.7. Dockage
Sec. 800.8. Wharfage
Sec. 800.9. Access to shipping record and payment of bills
Sec. 800.10. Storage
Sec. 800.11. Unprovided-for movement of freight
Sec. 800.12. Goods held for storage
Sec. 800.13. Right to sell goods for unpaid charges
Sec. 800.14. Owner's risk
Sec. 800.15. Improper packing
Sec. 800.16. Refusal of low valued freight
Sec. 800.17. Responsibility for loss or damage
Sec. 800.18. Explosives and inflammables
Sec. 800.19. Lights
Sec. 800.20. Proper care of vessel and authority to order change of berth
Sec. 800.21. Safety measure against disease
Sec. 800.22. Resposibility for entering port property
Sec. 800.23. Clearance around fire hydrants
Sec. 800.24. No parking on wharfs
Sec. 800.25. No smoking
Sec. 800.26. Spark protector necessary
Sec. 800.27. Wharf obstructions
Sec. 800.28. Deposit of refuse, etc., forbidden
Sec. 800.29. Speed limit in port area
Sec. 800.30. Enforcement of rules and regulations
Sec. 800.31. Penalties for violation
Sec. 800.32. Control of smoke emissions from vessels
Sec. 800.33. Right to interpret rules and change the same