Sec. 803.2. Designation of records access officer  

Latest version.
  • (a) The chairman, is responsible for insuring compliance with this Part, and designates the following persons as records access officers: F. W. Dunham, Jr., General Manager, Administration Building, Port of Albany, Albany, New York 12202.
    (b) Records access officers are responsible for insuring appropriate agency response to public requests for access to records. However, the public shall not be denied access to records through officials who have in the past been authorized to make records or information available. Records access officers shall assure that personnel:
    (1) Maintain an up-to-date subject matter list.
    (2) Assist the requester in identifying requested records, if necessary.
    (3) Upon locating the records, take one of the following actions in accordance with section 803.6 (b) of this Part:
    (i) Make records promptly available for inspection; or,
    (ii) Deny access to the records in whole or in part and explain in writing the reasons therefor.
    (4) Upon request for copies of records:
    (i) Make a copy available upon payment or offer to pay established fees, if any, in accordance with section 803.8 of this Part; or,
    (ii) Permit the requester to copy those records.
    (5) Upon request, certify that a transcript is a true copy of records copied.
    (6) Upon failure to locate records, certify that:
    (i) Albany Port District Commission is not the legal custodian for such records, or
    (ii) The records of which Albany Port District Commission is a legal custodian, after diligent search, cannot be found.