Sec. 1025.17. Poisons  

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  • (a) No vehicle shall enter either the Queens Midtown Tunnel, the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel or the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge Lower Level if its load includes any poison A, except there shall be no restrictions on the transportation of gas identification sets, loaded or empty. Empty containers which last contained a Poison A are not allowed passage.
    (b) Thiophosgene (thiocarbonyl-chloride) is restricted to a maximum quantity per vehicle of 60 gallons or 1,000 pounds gross weight; provided, however, such liquid is packed in fiberboard boxes with inside glass bottles not exceeding one pint capacity each, or in wooden boxes with inside glass bottles not exceeding one quart capacity each.
    (1) Hydrocyanic acid solution is restricted to a maximum quantity per vehicle of 60 gallons or 1,000 pounds gross weight; provided, however, such liquid is in inside glass bottles of not over one pound capacity each for solutions of not over five percent strength, and not over five pounds capacity each for solutions of not over two percent strength.
    (2) Dinitrophenol solutions are restricted to a maximum quantity per vehicle of 60 gallons or 1,000 pounds gross weight; provided, however, such liquids are in fiberboard boxes with glass, earthenware, or metal inside containers not over one gallon capacity each; not to contain more than four inside glass or earthenware containers if their capacity is greater than five pints each.
    (d) Phenyldichloroarsine, liquid, is restricted to a maximum quantity per vehicle of 60 gallons or 1,000 pounds gross weight; provided, however, such liquid is in metal drums or containers of five gallons or less.
    (1) Poisonous liquids, poison B, listed in section 1025.27 of this Part for reference to this subdivision, are restricted to a maximum quantity per vehicle of 60 gallons or 1,000 pounds gross weight; provided, however, such liquids are in inside glass, earthenware or polyethylene containers of one gallon capacity or less, or in metal drums or containers of five gallons or less. There are no restrictions on the transport of empty containers which last contained such liquid, provided the accompanying shipping papers show them to be empty. No empty tank vehicle which last contained poisonous liquids, poison B, referenced to this subdivision, is allowed passage.
    (2) Insecticides, liquid, classified as poison B, for household use, when in tightly closed inside containers not over 16 ounces capacity each, packed in strong outside containers and exempt from U.S.D.O.T. specification packaging, marking and labeling requirements are not restricted.
    (f) Poisonous liquids, poison B, listed in section 1025.27 of this Part for reference to this subdivision, are restricted to a maximum quantity per vehicle of 60 gallons or 1,000 pounds gross weight; provided, however, such liquids are in metal containers or cylinders of 100 pounds gross weight or less. Empty containers which last contained poisonous liquids, poison B, referenced to this subdivision, are not allowed passage when the quantity and/or container size limitation exceed those described above.
    (g) Poisonous liquids, poison B, listed in section 1025.27 of this Part for reference to this subdivision, are restricted to a maximum quantity per vehicle of 60 gallons or 1,000 pounds gross weight, regardless of size of containers. There are no restrictions on the transport of empty containers which last contained such liquid, provided the accompanying shipping papers show them to be empty. Empty tank vehicles which last contained poisonous liquids, poison B, referenced to this subdivision, are not restricted, provided the vehicle is shown on the shipping paper to be empty--that is, drained of the material it last contained, with residue not in excess of 60 gallons.
    (h) Poisonous liquids, poison B, listed in section 1025.27 of this Part for reference to this subdivision, are not restricted regardless of quantity or size of containers, or when in tank vehicles.
    (1) Poisonous solids, poison B, listed in section 1025.27 of this Part for reference to this subdivision, are restricted to a maximum quantity per vehicle of 2,000 pounds gross weight; provided, however, such solids are in containers of 25 pounds gross weight or less.
    (2) Cyanogen bromide is restricted to a maximum quantity per vehicle of 2,000 pounds gross weight; provided, however, it is packed in tightly closed glass, earthenware or metal inside containers and not over one pound capacity each, securely cushioned and packed in outside wooden boxes with a gross weight of not more than 35 pounds.
    (j) Poisonous solids, poison B, listed in section 1025.27 of this Part for reference to this subdivision, are not restricted in quantity; provided, however, such solids are in containers of 25 pounds gross weight or less.
    (k) Poisonous solids, poison B, listed in section 1025.27 of this Part for reference to this subdivision, are restricted to a maximum quantity per vehicle of 2,000 pounds gross weight; provided, however, such solids are in containers of 85 pounds gross weight or less.
    (l) Poisonous solids, poison B, listed in section 1025.27 of this Part for reference to this subdivision, are not restricted in quantity; provided, however, such solids are in containers of 85 pounds gross weight or less.
    (m) Poisonous solids, poison B, listed in section 1025.27 of this Part for reference to this subdivision, are restricted to a maximum quantity per vehicle of 2,000 pounds gross weight, regardless of size of containers.
    (n) Poisonous solids, poison B, listed in section 1025.27 of this Part for reference to this subdivision, are not restricted regardless of quantity or size of containers.
    (o) Any material listed in section 1025.27 of this Part and referenced to this subdivision may or may not be a poisonous substance. When such material is not identified by the prescribed U.S.D.O.T. caution label for hazardous material--and is known not to meet the description of a hazardous material--the material is allowed passage, provided the shipping order, bill of lading or other shipping paper shows the following certification:
    This shipment conforms to Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority rules for the transportation of explosives and other hazardous materials via the Queens Midtown Tunnel, the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel and the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge Lower Level.