
Sec. 1220.50. Vehicles not maintained, operated and registered in accordance with Port Authority rules and applicable laws, ordinances or regulations may be denied access to or removed from terminal
Sec. 1220.51. Vehicles so loaded, constructed, operated, equipped or maintained as to endanger persons or property or obstruct traffic barred from terminal
Sec. 1220.52. Vehicles having weights or dimensions in excess of described maxima or using prohibited fuels barred from terminal
Sec. 1220.53. Vehicles lacking valid registration plate barred; exceptions
Sec. 1220.54. Persons driving highway vehicles within terminal required to be duly licensed to operate such vehicles
Sec. 1220.55. Passenger boarding and discharge areas to be used so as to avoid blocking egress of departing vehicles
Sec. 1220.56. Procedure to be followed by driver in event of accident involving his vehicle
Sec. 1220.57. Unauthorized tampering, starting, movement or interference with vehicles prohibited
Sec. 1220.58. Permission required to fuel, defuel, lubricate, clean or repair vehicles within terminal
Sec. 1220.59. Vehicles entering terminal required to extinguish headlights
Sec. 1220.60. Prolonged sounding of vehicle horns prohibited
Sec. 1220.61. Leaving vehicles unattended without turning off motor and setting brakes prohibited
Sec. 1220.62. Vehicles prohibited from remaining in terminal for more than 30 minutes
Sec. 1220.63. Operation of vehicles within terminal regulated
Sec. 1220.64. Compliance with authorized traffic orders, signals, signs or directions required
Sec. 1220.65. Drivers required to report arrival and departure and pay fees
Sec. 1220.66. Disabled vehicles subject to removal
Sec. 1220.67. Removal of vehicles from terminal to be at owner's or operator's risk and expense