Part 1241. General Terminal Rules and Regulations  

21 CRR-NY XXIV C 1241 Notes
Sec. 1241.1. Marine terminals, condition for use of
Sec. 1241.2. Public wharves, authority to use
Sec. 1241.3. Vehicle loading or unloading
Sec. 1241.4. Compliance with governmental regulations
Sec. 1241.5. Restricted area use
Sec. 1241.6. Lost articles
Sec. 1241.7. Commercial activity prohibited
Sec. 1241.8. Bill posting prohibited
Sec. 1241.9. Assignment of railroad cars
Sec. 1241.10. Space, unleased
Sec. 1241.11. Sanitation
Sec. 1241.12. Cargo movements: improper handling prohibited
Sec. 1241.13. Cargo handling
Sec. 1241.14. Refuse removal
Sec. 1241.15. Explosives, dangerous articles and combustible liquids
Sec. 1241.16. Gas free certification
Sec. 1241.17. Fissionable materials
Sec. 1241.18. Dangerous articles—handling limitations
Sec. 1241.19. Explosive materials
Sec. 1241.20. Nuclear weapons
Sec. 1241.21. Dangerous articles—handling
Sec. 1241.22. Dangerous articles—handled in containers
Sec. 1241.23. Sisal, hemp or baled fibers—handling
Sec. 1241.24. Cargo—wet or fire damaged
Sec. 1241.25. Responsibility for injuries and damage
Sec. 1241.26. Loss or damage—Port Authority not liable
Sec. 1241.27. Safety and fire prevention
Sec. 1241.28. Fueling watercraft
Sec. 1241.29. Fire hazardous vehicles or equipment prohibited
Sec. 1241.30. Individuals prohibited from endangering others at terminal
Sec. 1241.31. Life saving equipment, use of
Sec. 1241.32. Smoking or open flames prohibited
Sec. 1241.33. Traffic and parking
Sec. 1241.34. Engine refueling rules
Sec. 1241.35. Vehicle refueling—rules
Sec. 1241.36. Abandoned vehicles
Sec. 1241.37. Abandoned vehicles—disposition
Sec. 1241.38. Vehicles—speed limits
Sec. 1241.39. Parking
Sec. 1241.40. Vehicle parking, unauthorized
Sec. 1241.41. Materials handling equipment—permit to use