Dockage Rules  

Sec. 1242.1. Dockage, definition of
Sec. 1242.2. Day, definition of
Sec. 1242.3. Mooring facilities, definition of
Sec. 1242.4. Mooring facilities, ingress and egress
Sec. 1242.5. Mooring facilities, condition for use
Sec. 1242.6. Public wharf, definition of
Sec. 1242.7. Use of public wharves
Sec. 1242.8. Watercraft, definition of
Sec. 1242.9. Application of rates
Sec. 1242.10. Berth assignment permits; rights granted
Sec. 1242.11. Berth assignment permits; application
Sec. 1242.12. Berth assignment permits; time for filing and information
Sec. 1242.13. Berth assignment permits; small craft applications
Sec. 1242.14. Berth assignment permits; location of berth
Sec. 1242.15. Services during o/t business hours
Sec. 1242.16. Charges, responsibility for
Sec. 1242.17. Charges—small craft, responsibility for
Sec. 1242.18. Charges—credit
Sec. 1242.19. Berth usage; verification of cargo
Sec. 1242.20. Berth usage; securing watercraft
Sec. 1242.21. Berth usage; measurement of vessels
Sec. 1242.22. Berth usage; emergency watch
Sec. 1242.23. Berth usage; ship's documents
Sec. 1242.24. Berth usage; removal of watercraft
Sec. 1242.25. Berth usage; raising of vessels
Sec. 1242.26. Berth usage; speed restrictions
Sec. 1242.27. Berth usage; mooring and cargo handling tackle and labor
Sec. 1242.28. Responsibility for injuries and damages
Sec. 1242.29. Indemnity
Sec. 1242.30. Burning and welding
Sec. 1242.31. Fire signal