Sec. 1950.15. Charges for fire protection  

Latest version.
  • (a) Except where fire flows are metered together with normal water service to a water customer, no charge shall be made for the actual use of water for fire protection purposes. Availability charges for fire protection shall be as hereinafter set forth.
    (b) The availability charge for each public fire hydrant inside the city boundary shall be $103.00 per year, payable by the city fire department to the water board.
    (c) The availability charge for each public fire hydrant located outside the city boundary shall be $150 per year, payable in advance to the water board.
    (d) The availability charge for service to private fire protection services inside the city boundary shall be the annual amounts as identified in the board schedule of rates, payable in advance, based on the nominal diameter of each service at its point of connection to the water board main.
    (e) The availability charge for service to private fire protection services located outside the city boundary shall be 200 percent of the fee chargeable for similar service inside the city boundary.
    (f) The requirement that meters shall be installed on all service branches shall be waived in the case of service branches intended for fire protection only. However, a detector check valve is required on fire protection lines.
    (g) Water may not be used from service that has a detector check valve, except for fire protection.
    (h) A detector check valve to indicate when water has been used shall be installed on all fire services in a building with 10 or more rooms rented or hired out to be occupied for sleeping purposes.
    (i) Plans for fire protection installations in multiple dwellings must be approved by the city building inspector and the city fire department before approval by the director.
    (j) All fire protection branches must be provided with a valve between the street main and the building or private fire line supplied with water.
    (k) The water board shall place its seal upon any opening or valve connected with or to any fire protection service branch to seal such valve either open or closed.
    (l) When a water board seal is broken, either accidentally or in order to obtain water for fire protection, the director must be notified immediately by the person breaking the seal or by any employee of the water board having knowledge thereof. A new seal will then be set and so recorded.