Sec. 1950.16. Requirements for plumbers  

Latest version.
  • (a) No person other than a duly licensed plumber shall do any plumbing in connection with any attachment to the mains of the water board without the written permission of the director, except as otherwise provided in this Part.
    (b) Any attachments to the water board main shall comply with the rules and regulations of the water board and the plumbing code of the city.
    (c) Curb boxes and valve boxes on services shall be kept uncovered and readily accessible during construction or repair work.
    (d) When plumbing work is completed in any new building, a space suitable for the installation of a water meter shall be provided and water shut off.
    (e) The installation of nipples and a union in order that water may be obtained to test the plumbing will be allowed. Such nipples and unions shall be removed after such tests are completed and the director is notified.
    (f) No person shall break a water board seal nor disconnect or remove a water meter without obtaining the approval of the director.
    (g) No licensed plumber nor any other person shall make any attachment to any pipe or other fixture until written approval has been obtained from the director.
    (h) No plumber or other person shall alter in any way the service branch pipes attached to the waterworks mains without written approval of the director.
    (i) No plumber or other person shall make an attachment to any service branch or other pipe in such a manner that the water passing through such an attachment is not registered by the water meter.
    (j) No person shall, by means of false keys or other means, cause or suffer any premises to be supplied with water after the water supply has been disconnected by the water board.
    (k) All cast or ductile iron water services, after pressure testing to 150 pounds per square inch, shall be chlorinated by the water board with reference to time and place of such chlorination. Points for the application of chlorine and subsequent drainage shall be determined by the director and provided by the plumber or contractor. No water shall be provided through such service until results of chlorination have been approved by the director.
    (l) Bills shall be rendered to the plumber or contractor at the real cost to the water board.