Sec. 1950.5. Application for water service  

Latest version.
  • (a) Applicants for water service shall make such deposits or payments and obtain permits as may be required according to the service rendered before the application will be granted. No work or improvements to supply water shall be performed prior to obtaining permits from the water board.
    (b) Payment of the applicant for water service of any or all deposits, fees, or charges that are required by the water board and which are prerequisite to the granting of such applications shall be considered as sufficient evidence of agreement on the part of said applicant to conform and comply with each and every rule and regulation that has been or may in the future be enacted and which governs the granting of such application or the consequent sale of water by the water board.
    (c) All applications for the use of water outside of the corporate limits of the city of shall be made to the director in writing. Such application shall state the name of the owner of the property for which supply is requested, and shall be accompanied by either the original or copies thereof of any granted permits that may be required by the State, county or township in which such property is situated. All such applications shall be reported by such director to the water board for such action as the water board deems proper. If the water board grants any such applications, they shall be subject to the provisions of this Part and the water board may impose such additional conditions as it deems in the best interest of the water board.
    (d) No water shall be supplied to any premises, the owner of which is indebted to the water board for services supplied, work completed or material furnished or in any other manner, until such indebtedness has been paid, whether that indebtedness was incurred at the premises for which service is supplied, or contracted at any other place within or without the city.