Sec. 2161.3. Eligible property  

Latest version.
  • (a) The amount of land appurtenant to each home to be assisted under the act will not be in excess of the amount required to maintain the basic livability of the home. In areas where local zoning applies, the maximum amount of land allowed for each home is one house lot which cannot be subdivided into another buildable lot under such local zoning provisions. In rural areas where there is no applicable zoning, the maximum amount of land will be determined by the corporation on a case-by-case basis in light of common standards for single-family housing in the area.
    (b) Each home to be assisted under the act will consist of no more than one building, except that separate garage structures for dwelling units will not violate this provision. In the case of the assistance of homes involving two to four dwelling units, at least one wall of each unit will be contiguous with a wall or walls of one or more of the other units.