Sec. 2164.2. Application information  

Latest version.
  • (a) An application form, signed by an authorized officer of the eligible applicant, including the name, address and telephone number of applicant and the name of applicant's chief executive officer or other official to whom inquiries should be addressed. In the event that a municipality has designated another eligible applicant to submit an application on its behalf, then supply the name, address and telephone number of such entity, the name of the chief executive officer, and a certified copy of the resolution designating such entity.
    (b) A statement indicating whether the applicant has or will submit an application to the Housing Trust Fund Corporation for assistance under the Low Income Housing Trust Fund Program (Private Housing Finance Law, § 1100 et seq.) and the amount requested in any such application.
    (c) A history of all acceptances or rejections of proposals under either the Affordable Home Ownership Development Program or the Low Income Housing Trust Fund Program.
    (d) A certified copy of the resolution of the governing body of the eligible applicant authorizing the submission of an application for assistance under the act.
    (e) A certified copy of the certificate of incorporation of all eligible applicants other than municipalities.
    (f) A copy of the audited financial statements relating to the past three years, prepared by an independent certified public accountant, of all eligible applicants other than municipalities.
    (g) A statement describing:
    (1) the interest, if any, whether direct or indirect, in any of the transactions contemplated by the proposal of any member of the governing body of the eligible applicant, its officers or its employees and their immediate family members; and
    (2) the disclosure provided or to be provided to participating parties by the eligible applicant concerning such interest.