Sec. 2186.12. Corrective and remedial actions  

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  • (a) Corrective or remedial actions.
    In formulating appropriate corrective or remedial actions for performance deficiencies, the agency will take such actions as it deems appropriate to prevent a continuation of the deficiency or to mitigate, to the extent possible, its adverse effects or consequences, and to prevent its recurrence.
    (b) Curing performance deficiencies.
    The agency, if it deems it appropriate to cure performance deficiencies, may take, among others, the following actions:
    (1) direct the grantee to submit progress schedules for completing approved activities;
    (2) issue a letter of warning advising the grantee of the deficiency, establishing a date for corrective actions, and putting the grantee on notice that more serious actions will be taken if the deficiency is not corrected or is repeated;
    (3) inform the grantee that certifications of any information the agency requires is no longer acceptable, and that additional information or assurances are required;
    (4) direct the grantee to establish and follow a management plan that assigns responsibilities for carrying out remedial actions;
    (5) direct the grantee to suspend, discontinue, or not incur costs for the affected activity;
    (6) direct the grantee to reimburse the grantee's program account in any amounts improperly expended;
    (7) change the method of payment from advance payment basis to a reimbursement basis; or
    (8) direct the grantee to cancel the development grant project before expending further funds.