Sec. 150.5. Evaluation of candidates  

Latest version.
  • (a) The qualifications commissions shall evaluate candidates for elected public office for the courts set forth in section 150.1 of this Part to determine whether they are highly qualified, qualified, or not qualified for the office to which they seek election.
    (b) The criteria for evaluation shall include professional ability; character, independence and integrity; reputation for fairness and lack of bias; and temperament, including courtesy and patience. Candidates found highly qualified must be preeminent members of the legal profession in their community; have outstanding professional ability, work ethic, intellect, judgement and breadth of experience relevant to the office being sought; possess the highest reputation for honesty, integrity and good character, including the absence of any significant professional disciplinary record; and either demonstrate or exhibit the highest capacity for distinguished judicial temperament, including courtesy, patience, independence, impartiality and respect for all participants in the legal process.
    (c) Where a quorum exists, a majority vote of the members present shall be required to find a candidate qualified for judicial office. A two-thirds majority of the members present shall be required to find a candidate highly qualified for judicial office.
    (d) All votes on a candidate's qualifications shall be by secret ballot.
    (e) Each commission shall publish an alphabetical listing of the names of all candidates that it has found highly qualified, qualified or not qualified for election to judicial office.