Sec. 530.1. Request for review  

Latest version.
  • (a) The commission shall transmit to Court of Appeals Hall in Albany, NY, three copies of its written determination, together with its findings of fact and conclusions of law and the record of the proceedings upon which the determination is based, including all record and documentary evidence or materials. Two copies shall be addressed to the Chief Judge; the third copy shall be addressed to the clerk of the Court of Appeals for filing. Upon completion of service upon the respondent judge or justice of the copy required to be served by the Chief Judge, the clerk's copy shall be available for public inspection at the clerk’s office at Court of Appeals Hall at Albany.
    (b) A timely written request to the Chief Judge for review by the Court of Appeals, in accordance with Judiciary Law section 44(7), shall commence the proceeding for review of the determination of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. Respondent in a commission proceeding shall be denominated the petitioner in the Court of Appeals and the commission shall be denominated the respondent in the Court of Appeals. Petitioner's written request of the Chief Judge shall be transmitted, by personal delivery or certified mail, to the chambers of the Chief Judge at Court of Appeals Hall, Albany, NY 12207-1095, with copies addressed to the clerk of the Court of Appeals for filing and to the commission.