New York Codes Rules Regulations (Last Updated: March 27,2024) |
TITLE 22. Judiciary |
Subtitle D. Forms |
Chapter IV. Forms of the Family Court of the State of New York and Adoption Forms of the Family Court of the State of New York (cf. s205.7) |
Subchapter A. Forms Authorized by Section 205.7 |
General forms |
2 Summons |
(Note: This form is not to be used for General Form 2 proceedings under Soc. Serv. (Summons) Law §§ 358-a,383-c, 384, 384-b, 392; or 8/2002 F.C.A. Art. 4, 5 or 10 FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEWYORK COUNTY OF _____ ________________ In the Matter of a Proceedingunder Docket No. __ Article _ of the Family Court Act SUMMONS Respondent ________________ IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE OF THESTATE OF NEW YORK TO THE ABOVE-NAMED: (RESPONDENT): , WHO RESIDES OR IS FOUND AT: . AND TO: WHO IS THE [specify relationship]: of (Petitioner)(Respondent)(Child) WHO RESIDES OR IS FOUND AT: . (A) (P)etition(s) under Article _ of the Family Court Act having been filed with this Court, andannexed hereto YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBYSUMMONED to appear before this Court at _______, NewYork, on __, __, at _ o'clock in the _ noon of that day to answer the petitionand to be dealt with in accordance with Article _ of theFamily Court Act. On your failure to appear as hereindirected, a warrant may be issued for your arrest. Dated: ______, __. Clerkof the Court NOTICE: Family Court § 154(c)provides that petitions brought pursuant to Articles 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 ofthe Family Court Act, in which an order of protection is sought or in whicha violation of an order of protection is alleged, may be served outside theState of New York upon a Respondent who is not a resident or domiciliary ofthe State of New York. If no other grounds for obtaining personal jurisdictionover the Respondent exist aside from the application of this provision, theexercise of personal jurisdiction over the respondent is limited to the issueof the request for, or alleged violation of, the order of protection. Wherethe Respondent has been served with this summons and petition and does notappear, the Family Court may proceed to a hearing with respect to issuanceor enforcement of the order of protection. |