UCS-124 Demand letter

UCS-124 (Rev. 11/90)
Commercial Claim Arising Out of a Consumer Transaction
Name of defendant
You have not paid a debt owed _________, which you incurred on _________, 199 __. The amount remaining upaid on the debt is $ ____. Demand is hereby made that this money be paid. Unless payment of this amount is received by the undersigned no later than ______, 199 __, a lawsuit will be bought against you in the Commercial Claims Part of the Court.
If a lawsuit is brought, you will be notified of the hearing date, and you will be entitled to appear at the hearing and present any defense you may have to this claim.
(If applicable) Our records show that you have made the following payment in partial satisfaction of this debt (fill in dates and amounts paid) _________.
A copy of the original debt instrument — your agreement to pay — is attached.
[The names and addresses of the parties to that original debt agreement are
(to be completed if complaint was not a party to the original transaction)]
Typed or Printed Name and Address of Claimant