New York Codes Rules Regulations (Last Updated: March 27,2024) |
TITLE 22. Judiciary |
Subtitle D. Forms |
Chapter VII. Surrogate's Court Forms |
Subchapter B. Adoption Forms of the Surrogate's Court |
Adoption Forms |
22 Petition (certification as a qualified adoptive parent) (private-placement) |
D.R.L. §§ 115, 115-d Form 22 (Certification as Qualified Adoptive Parent) 12/97 SURROGATE'S COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ________________ In the Matter of the Adoption of (Docket) (File) No. A Child Whose First Name Is PETITION by Adoptive Parent(s) (Certification as a Qualified Adoptive Parent) (Private-Placement) ________________ The Petitioner(s) respectfully allege(s) to this Court that: [Delete inapplicable provisions]: 1. (His)(Her)(Their) name(s), residential address and telephone number are: Petitioner (specify name): Petitioner (specify name): 2. (He)(She)(They) (is)(are) seeking certification by this court as (a) person(s) qualified to take custody of the adoptive child, [specify first name]: , (prior to) (contemporaneous with) the filing of a private-placement adoption petition. 3. (He)(She)(They) (has)(have) (not) been the subject of a pending child protective investigation or of an indicated report, as such term is defined in section 412 of the Social Services Law, filed with the statewide register of child abuse and maltreatment pursuant to Title six of Article six of the Social Services Law. 4. A pre-placement investigation will be undertaken by a disinterested person, as such term is defined in section four of 115-d of the Domestic Relations Law and a written report of such investigation will be furnished directly to the court by such disinterested person. 5. The marital, family status and history of the Petitioner(s) (is) (are): Petitioner (specify name): Petitioner (specify name): 6. The physical and mental health of the Petitioner(s) (is)(are): Petitioner (specify name): Petitioner (specify name): 7. Attached hereto and made a part hereof is a statement of all property owned by and income of the Petitioner(s). 8 Petitioner(s) (has)(have)(not ever been) (a) respondent(s) in any proceeding in a court concerning alleged (abused) (neglected) (abandoned) children, (except as follows:) Form 22 page 2 Petitioner (specify name): Petitioner (specify name): (b) (Petitioner(s) (have) no prior criminal convictions or founded findings of child abuse or neglect (except as follows): Petitioner (specify name): Petitioner (specify name); 9. Petitioner(s) (has)(have)(not) made any prior application for certification as (a) qualified adoptive parent(s); if so, the disposition and disposition date of such application was as follows: Petitioner (specify name): Petitioner (specify name); ); 10. Petitioner(s) (do) (does) (not) intend to cause a pre-placement investigation to be undertaken (and request(s) this court to appoint a disinterested person to conduct such pre-placement investigation;) WHEREFORE, Petitioner(s) pray(s) for an order (conditionally) certifying Petitioner(s) as (a) qualified adoptive parent(s). / Petitioner: typed or printed name/signature / Petitioner: typed or printed name/signature / Attorney if any: typed or printed name/signature Attorney's Address and Telephone Number Form 22 Page 3 VERIFICATION STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF ) being duly sworn, says that (he)(she)(they) (is)(are) the Petitioner(s) in the above-named proceeding and that the foregoing petition is true to (his)(her)(their) own knowledge, except as to matters (he)(she)(they) believe(s) it to be true. / Adoptive Parent: typed or printed name/signature / Adoptive Parent: typed or printed name/signature Sworn to before me this day of , 19 . (Deputy) Clerk of the Court Notary Public |