Appendix B.

(Covered Entity Name)
(Date) _____________
Notice of Exemption
In accordance with 23 NYCRR § 500.19(e), (Covered Entity Name) hereby provides notice that (Covered Entity Name) qualifies for the following Exemption(s) under 23 NYCRR § 500.19 (check all that apply):
□ Section 500.19(a)(1)
□ Section 500.19(a)(2)
□ Section 500.19(a)(3)
□ Section 500.19(b)
□ Section 500.19(c)
□ Section 500.19(d)
If you have any question or concerns regarding this notice, please contact:
(Insert name, title, and full contact information)
(Name) _______________________ Date: ______________________
(Covered Entity Name)
[DFS Portal Filing Instructions]