Sec. 6.5. Agency claim certification  

Latest version.
  • The head of the department concerned, or such authority in the department as has been designated by the head of the department by a rule or written direction, must certify to the Comptroller that the claim as approved is just, true and correct and therefore appropriate to pay. The agency certifier should satisfy himself or herself that acceptable evidence of receipt and/or inspection is on file. The submission of claims by State agencies to the Comptroller's Office shall be made by an electronic transfer of information into the Statewide Financial System, either directly, or indirectly through the State agency's financial management system. The submission of claims shall be certified by the agency certifier by entry of the unique identification and password that identifies the agency certifier. This unique identification and password is provided by either:
    (a) the Statewide Financial System for those agencies submitting information directly; or
    (b) the agency's financial management system for those agencies submitting information indirectly.
    Electronic certification by a designated officials shall be deemed the equivalent of a conventional written certification by such individuals and shall constitute such individuals' certification that the information entered into the Statewide Financial System, or the agency's financial management system, is correct and just and that payment is approved and the goods or services rendered or furnished are for use in the performance of the official functions and duties of the agency. The individual shall be subject to the same penalties for improper certification that would be applicable if the individual had made such certification in writing.