New York Codes Rules Regulations (Last Updated: March 27,2024) |
TITLE 6. Department of Environmental Conservation |
Chapter III. Air Resources |
Subchapter A. Prevention and Control of Air Contamination and Air Pollution |
Part 231. New Source Review for New and Modified Facilities |
Subpart 231-6. Modifications to Existing Major Facilities in Nonattainment Areas and Attainment Areas of the State within the Ozone Transport Region |
Sec. 231-6.2. Netting
Latest version.
- This section sets forth the procedures for avoiding a NSR major modification where the proposed modification exceeds the significant project threshold(s) but does not result in a significant net emission increase.(a) General requirements.(1) A net emission increase determination shall be confined to the appropriate contemporaneous period for a proposed modification.(2) Any ERC which is used in a net emission increase determination must have physically occurred on or after the applicable date listed in section 231-6.6(c) of this Subpart.(3) A net emission increase determination will only be allowed at an existing major facility.(4) Any creditable emission increase or ERC must be of the same class of nonattainment contaminant. For example, only NOx emissions shall be used for netting of new NOx emissions, only PM-2.5 shall be used for netting of new PM-2.5 emissions.(5) Any creditable emission increase or ERC which is used in a net emission increase determination must occur at the same major facility as the proposed modification.(6) Any creditable emission increase from an emission source issued a permit for which an emission offset or an internal offset was obtained, shall not be considered in any subsequent net emission increase determination.(b) Permit requirements for netting.A facility owner or operator which proposes a modification that does not result in a significant net emission increase, must:(1) apply for and obtain a permit which establishes an emission limit that equals the projected actual emissions or potential to emit, as appropriate, of the modification of each nonattainment contaminant(s) which exceed(s) the applicable significant project threshold;(2) apply for and obtain a permit which establishes the ERCs relied on for the net emission increase determination, if the ERCs are not already approved by the department;(3) submit a use of emission reduction credits form (duly completed and signed by the applicant) for each source of ERCs to be used for netting. Upon issuance of the permit for the proposed modification, the ERC Registry will be amended to reflect that the ERCs have been committed to the proposed modification; and(4) apply for and obtain a permit which complies with any additional requirements of Subpart 231-11 of this Part.(c) Re-evaluation of a prior net emission increase determination at a facility that was not significant.The facility owner or operator must reevaluate the determination of the net emission increase of a prior modification which did not result in a significant net emission increase if a proposed modification will commence operation within the contemporaneous period of the prior modification. The facility owner or operator must recalculate the net emission increase of the prior modification at the facility by including the project emission potential of the proposed modification as a creditable emission increase. If the recalculated net emission increase of the prior modification results in a significant net emission increase, taking into account the proposed modification, the facility owner or operator must select one of the following options:(1) submit a permit application and accept a condition prohibiting the proposed modification from commencing operation until after the close of the contemporaneous period for the previously permitted modification; or(2) create additional ERCs according to the provisions of Subpart 231-10 of this Part at the facility in an amount which ensures that the net emission increase of the prior modification, after taking into account the creditable emission increase of the proposed modification does not result in a significant net emission increase; or(3) submit an application requesting modification of the permit for the prior modification which reflects the applicability of this Subpart. The facility owner or operator may not begin actual construction of the prior modification or begin operation until the department approves the application and issues a permit which incorporates the requirements of this Subpart.