Sec. 576.4. Exemptions  

Latest version.
  • (a) The provisions of this Part shall not apply to the following:
    (1) Plants not otherwise defined in law or regulation as invasive species affixed to or transported in watercraft for use as camouflage for hunting or wildlife viewing purposes.
    (2) Bait or baitfish that can legally be used on a waterbody and is possessed consistent with all applicable laws and regulations.
    (3) Legally taken game as defined in section 11-0103(2) of the Environmental Conservation Law or fish as defined in section 11-0103(1)(a).
    (4) The use of plants or animals for habitat restoration, invasive species control, scientific research, aquaculture, landscaping, gardening, or other activity pursuant to express written approval by the department, consistent with all applicable laws and regulations related to their use, possession or harvest.
    (b) The provisions of section 576.3(c) of this Part shall not apply to any watercraft and associated equipment or floating dock that is re-launched from a launch site into a public waterbody within the bounds of any permanent barriers impassible to watercraft which was, prior to launching, removed from the same launch site without having been launched into any other waterbody from any other launch site.