Sec. 910.6. Table I  

Latest version.
    Item No.Waters Index NumberNameDescriptionMap Ref. No.ClassStandards
    1aSL portionSt. Lawrence RiverThe portion of river confined between the United States shore line and a line starting at Tibbetts Point Lighthouse, running directly north to the International Boundary Line, thence downstream along the International Boundary Line, terminating at the point of landfall of the International Boundary Line on St. Regis Point approximately 0.5 mile west of St. Regis Hamlet. For classification purposes, this includes all arms and bays in this included section and also includes all streams on islands in this section of the river, except the bay area described in item no. 1b below.A-21 Barnhardt Island A-20ne A-20nw A-19ne A-19nw A-19sw A-18se A-18sw B-18nw B-17ne B-17se B-17sw B-16se C-16ne C-16nw C-16se C-16sw C-15se C-15sw D-15ne D-15nw D-14se D-14neAA
    1bSL portionSt. Lawrence RiverBay area south of a line drawn from upper dock near westerly property line of Diamond National Corp. to the tip of the car ferry pier at Ogdensburg.B-17neCC
    2SLC-4 and trib. 4-1Trib. of St. Lawrence River and subtrib. A-25DD
    3SLC-5 portionEnglish RiverFrom Canadian Border to trib. 8.A-24 A-25DD
    4SLC-5 portionEnglish RiverFrom trib. 8 to 1 mile downstream from P 1.A-24CC(T)
    5SLC-5 portionEnglish RiverFrom 1 mile downstream.A-24DD
    6SLC-5-1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 and 8-1, 2Tribs. of English River and subtribs.From P 1 to source.A-25 A-24D DD D
    7SLC-5-P 1Trib. pond of English River A-24CC
    8SLC-6 and trib. 6-1West Branch English River and subtrib. A-25DD
    9SLC-10Kellas Creek A-25DD
    10SLC-11Trib. of St. Lawrence River A-24CC(T)
    11SLC-12 portionTrib. of St. Lawrence RiverLoop portion, south of Canadian Border.A-24DD
    12SLC-13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and trib. 13-1Tribs. of St. Lawrence River and subtrib. A-23 A-24DD
    13SLC-18 portionHinchinbrook BrookFrom Canadian Border to 1 mile upstream.A-23DD
    14SLC-18 portionHinchinbrook BrookFrom 1 mile upstream from Canadian Border to East-West Bridge over stream at Earlville.A-23CC(T)
    15SLC-18 portionHinchinbrook BrookFrom East-West Bridge over stream at Earlville to source.A-23 A-24DD
    16SLC-18-2, 3, 4, 5, 6Tribs. of Hinchinbrook Brook A-23 A-24DD
    17SLC-18-1Trib. of Hinchinbrook Brook A-23CC(T)
    18SLC-19Trib. of St. Lawrence River A-23DD
    19SLC-20 portionCollins BrookFrom Canadian Border to trib. 1.A-23DD
    20SLC-20 portionCollins BrookFrom trib. 1 to source.A-23CC(T)
    21SLC-20-1, 3 and tribs. 1-1, 1-1-1, 1-1-2Tribs. of Collins Brook and subtribs. A-23DD
    22SLC-20-2Trib. of Collins Brook A-23CC(T)
    23SLC-21 portionChateaugay RiverFrom Canadian Border to outlet of P 6 (Lower Chateaugay Lake)A-23CC(T)
    24SLC-21-1 and tribs., 1-1, 1-2, 1-2-1, 1-2-2, 1-3aTrib. of Chateaugay River and subtribs. A-23CC(T)
    25SLC-21-1-3, 4, 5 and trib. 1-1-1Subtribs. of Chateaugay River and subtrib. A-23DD
    26SLC-21-2 portionMarble RiverFrom mouth to trib. 6.A-23CC(T)
    27SLC-21-2 portionMarble RiverFrom trib. 6 to source.A-24DD
    28SLC-21-2-1, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 7 and tribs. 1-1, 5-1, 5-2Tribs. of Marble River and subtribs. A-23 A-24DD
    29SLC-21-2-2, 2a, 6Tribs. of Marble River A-23CC(T)
    30SLC-21-3 portionTrib. of Chateaugay RiverFrom mouth to 0.5 mile upstream.A-23DD
    31SLC-21-3 portionTrib. of Chateaugay RiverFrom 0.5 mile upstream to inlet of P 2aA-23CC(T)
    32SLC-21-3 and inlet of P 2a and P 2aTrib. of Chateaugay River and subtribs.From inlet of P 2a to sourceA-23BB(T)
    33SLC-21-4, 5, 6, 7, 8Tribs. of Chateaugay River A-23CC(T)
    34SLC-21-5-1Subtrib. of Chateaugay River A-23DD
    35SLC-21-P 6Lower Chateaugay Lake A-23BB(T)
    36SLC-21-P 6aChateaugay Narrows A-23 A-24BB(T)
    37SLC-21-P 2Upper Chateaugay Lake A-24 B-24BB(T)
    38SLC-21-P 6-1 portionTrib. of Lower Chateaugay LakeFrom mouth to trib. 1.A-23 A-24CC(T)
    39SLC-21-P 6-1 portionTrib. of Lower Chateaugay LakeFrom trib. 1 to source.A-24DD
    40SLC-21-P 6-1-1Subtrib. of Lower Chateaugay Lake A-24CC(T)
    41SLC-21-P 6-1-2Subtrib. of Lower Chateaugay Lake A-24DD
    42SLC-21-P 6a-2, 3Tribs. of Chateaugay Narrows A-23 A-24CC(T)
    43SLC-21-P 6a-4 and trib. 2-1Trib. of Chateaugay Narrows and subtrib. A-24DD
    44SLC-21-P 2-5Trib. of Upper Chateaugay Lake A-24DD
    45SLC-21-P 2-6Ouleout CreekFrom mouth to source. Parts not in forest preserve.A-24CC(T)
    46SLC-21-P 2-6-1, 4, 5, 6Tribs. of Ouleout CreekParts not in forest preserve.A-24CC(T)
    47SLC-21-P 2-6-2, 3, 8 and tribs., 1-1, 4-1, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3Tribs. of Ouleout Creek and subtribs. A-24DD
    48SLC-21-P 2-6-7 portionTrib. of Ouleout CreekFrom mouth to 1 mile upstream.A-24CC(T)
    49SLC-21-P 2-6-7 portionTrib. of Ouleout CreekFrom 1 mile upstream to source.A-24DD
    50SLC-21-P 2-7 portionSeparator BrookFrom mouth to dam at Lion Mountain water supply.A-24 B-24DD
    51SLC-21-P 2-7 portionSeparator BrookFrom dam at Lion Mountain water supply to source.B-24AAAA
    52SLC-21-P 2-7-1Trib. of Separator Brook A-24DD
    53SLC-21-P 2-7-2 and trib. 2-1Trib. of Separator Brook and subtrib. A-24CC(T)
    54SLC-21-P 2-7-3Bradley BrookFrom mouth to source at Bradley PondA-24DD
    55SLC-21-P 2-7-P 7Bradley Pond A-24DD
    56SLC-21-P 2-7-3-P 7-1, 2, 3, 4 and tribs., 3-1, 3-2, 3-2-1, 3-3, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3Tribs. of Bradley Pond A-24 B-24DD
    57SLC-21-P 2-8, 9 and tribs. 8-1, 9-1, 9-2Tribs. of Upper Chateaugay Lake and subtribs. B-24DD
    58SLC-21-P 2-10South inlet of Upper Chateaugay LakeFrom mouth to trib. 5.B-24CC
    59SLC-21-P 2-10-1, 2Tribs. of South Inlet B-24DD
    60SLC-21-P 2-10-3Trib. of South Inlet B-24CC
    61SLC-21-P 2-10-4Rocky Brook B-24CC(T)
    62SLC-21-P 2-10-5 portionStandish BrookFrom mouth to trib. 1.B-24DD
    63SLC-21-P 2-10-5 portionStandish BrookFrom trib. 1 to dam at Standish water supply.B-24CC(T)
    64SLC-21-P 2-10-5 portionStandish BrookFrom Standish Water Supply Dam to source.B-24AAAA(T)
    65SLC-21-P 2-10-5-1, 2Tribs. of Standish Brook B-24CC(T)
    66SLC-21-P 2-10-5-1-1 and P 2a, P 2bSubtribs. of Standish Brook B-24DD
    67SLC-21-P 2-10-5-3, 4 and tribs. 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4Tribs. of Standish Brook and subtribs. B-24AAAA
    68SLC-21-P 2-10-6Middle Kiln Brook B-23 B-24CC(T)
    69SLC-21-P 2-10-6-1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and tribs. 1-1, 1-4, 1-4-1, 1-5Tribs. of Middle Kiln Brook B-24CC(T)
    70SLC-21-P 2-10-6-2, 4, 7 and tribs. 1-2, 1-3, 1-4-2, 1-4-3, 1- 4-4, 1-6, 6-1, 6-2, 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 8-1, 8-2, 9-1, 9-1-1Tribs. of Middle Kiln Brook and subtribs. B-24DD
    71SLC-21-P 2-11 portionMountain Pond StreamFrom mouth to trib. 2.B-23 B-24CC(T)
    72SLC-21-P 2-11-1, 2 and trib. 1-1Tribs. of Mountain Pond Stream and subtrib. A-23 B-23 B-24CC(T)
    73SLC-21-P 2-11-1-2 SLC-21-P 2-11-2-1Subtribs. of Mountain Pond Stream A-23 B-23DD
    74SLC-21-P 2-11 portion and P 2cMountain Pond Stream Mountain PondFrom trib. 2 to source.B-23DD
    75SLC-21-P 2-12, 13Tribs. of Middle Kiln Brook A-24CC(T)
    76SLC-22Trib. of St. Lawrence River A-23DD
    77SLC-23 and tribs. 23-1, 23-2, 23-3Trib. of St. Lawrence River and subtribs. A-22 A-23DD
    78SLC-24Trib. of St. Lawrence River A-22CC(T)
    79SLC-25Trout RiverFrom mouth to source at trib. 17.A-22 A-23CC(T)
    80SLC-25-1, 2, 3Tribs. of Trout River A-22DD
    81SLC-25-4 portionLittle Trout CreekFrom mouth to trib. 2.A-22 A-23DD
    82SLC-25-4 portionLittle Trout CreekFrom trib. 2 to P 14 outlet.A-23CC(T)
    83SLC-25-4Little Trout CreekFrom P 14 outlet to trib. 5.A-23BB(T)
    84SLC-25-4Little Trout CreekFrom trib. 5 to source.A-23CC(T)
    85SLC-25-4-1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 and all tribs.Tribs. of Little Trout Creek and subtribs. A-23DD
    86SLC-25-4-2Alder Brook A-23CC(T)
    87SLC-25-4-2-1, 3Tribs. of Alder Brook A-23DD
    88SLC-25-4-2-2Trib. of Alder Brook A-23CC(T)
    89SLC-25-4-7 portionTrib. of Little Trout CreekFrom mouth to 1.5 miles upstream.A-23CC(T)
    90SLC-25-4-7 portionTrib. of Little Trout CreekFrom 1.5 miles upstream to source.A-23DD
    91SLC -25-4-9 portionTrib. of Little Trout CreekFrom mouth to 1 mile upstream.A-23CC(T)
    92SLC-25-4-9 portion and tribs. 9-1, 9-2Trib. of Little Trout Creek and subtribs.From 1 mile upstream to source.A-23DD
    93SLC-25-5, 6, 12, 14 and trib. 6-1Tribs. of Trout River and subtrib. A-22DD
    94SLC-25-7, 9, 11, 13Tribs. of Trout River Wentworth Brook A-22 A-23CC(T)
    95SLC-25-9-1Subtrib. of Trout River A-22DD
    96SLC-25-8 and trib. 8-1Trib. of Trout River and subtrib. A-22 A-23DD
    97SLC-25-10 portionCollins BrookFrom mouth to trib. 1.A-23CC(T)
    98SLC-25-10 portionCollins BrookFrom trib. 1 to 1 mile above trib. 1.A-23DD
    99SLC-25-10 portionCollins BrookFrom 1 mile above trib. 1 to trib. 4.A-23CC(T)
    100SLC-25-10 portion and tribs. 10-1, 10-2, 10-3Collins Brook and tribs.From trib. 4 to source.A-23DD
    101SLC-25-10-4Trib. of Collins Brook A-23CC(T)
    102SLC-25-10-4-1Subtrib. of Collins Brook A-23DD
    103SLC-25-15 and tribs. 15-1, 15-3, 15-3-1West Branch of Trout River and tribs. A-23CC(T)
    104SLC-25-15-2, 4 and trib. 2-1Tribs. of West Branch of Trout River and subtribs. A-23DD
    105SLC-25-16 and trib. 16-1Middle Branch Trout River and trib. A-23CC(T)
    106SLC-25-17 and trib. 17-2East Branch Trout River and trib. A-23CC(T)
    107SLC-25-17-1, 3Tribs. of East Branch of Trout River A-23DD
    108SLC-26, 27Tribs. of St. Lawrence River A-22DD
    109SLC-28 and trib. 28-1Briggs Creek and trib. A-22DD
    110SLC-29 portionSalmon RiverFrom Canadian Border to bridge over stream at Westville Center.A-21 A-22CC
    111SLC-29 portionSalmon RiverFrom bridge over stream at Westville Center to source excluding P 50 and P 51.A-22 A-23 B-23CC(T)
    112SLC-29-1 portionLittle Salmon RiverFrom mouth to trib. 5a.A-21 A-22BB
    113SLC-29-1 portionLittle Salmon RiverFrom trib. 5a. to trib. 14.A-21CC(T)
    116SLC-29-1 portionLittle Salmon RiverFrom trib. 14 to source including P 19.A-21 A-22BB
    117SLC-29-1-1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19 and tribs. 4-1, 4-1-1, 19-1, P 20, P 21, P 22, P 23, P 23a, P 24, P 25Tribs. of Little Salmon River and subtribs. A-22 B-22DD
    118SLC-29-3Farrington Brook A-21 A-22CC(T)
    119SLC-29-3-1 and all tribs.Stony Brook and tribs. A-21 A-22DD
    120SLC-29-3-2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and tribs. 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2Tribs. of Farrington Brook and subtribs. A-21 A-22DD
    121SLC-29-1-5a, 5b, 9, 14, 17 and P 17, P 18Tribs. of Little Salmon River A-21 A-22 B-22CC(T)
    122SLC-29-1-6 portionTrib. of Little Salmon RiverFrom mouth to 2 miles upstream.A-22CC(T)
    123SLC-29-1-6 portion and trib. 6-1Trib. of Little Salmon River and subtrib.From 2 miles upstream to source.A-22DD
    124SLC-29-1-8 portionDevelin BrookFrom mouth to trib. 6.A-22CC(T)
    125SLC-29-1-8 portion and tribs. 8-1, 8-2, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6Develin Brook and tribs.From trib. 6 to source.A-22DD
    126SLC-29-1-8-3 and trib. 3-1Trib. of Develin Brook and subtrib. A-22CC(T)
    127SLC-29-1-11 portionEast Branch Little Salmon RiverFrom mouth to 2 miles above trib. 5.A-22CC(T)
    128SLC-29-1-11 portion and tribs., 11-1, 11-3, 11-6, 11-7, 11-8, 11-9, 11-8-1East Branch Little Salmon River and tribs.From 2 miles above trib. 5 to source.A-22 B-22DD
    129SLC-29-1-11-2, 4, 5Tribs. of East Branch Little Salmon River A-22CC(T)
    130SLC-29-1-11-5-1, 2 and trib. 2-1Subtribs. of East Branch Little Salmon River A-22DD
    131SLC-29-2Deer CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1.A-22CC
    132SLC-29-2-1East Branch Deer Creek A-22CC
    133SLC-29-2-1-1, 2, 3, 4 and tribs. 3-1, 4-1Tribs. of East Branch Deer Creek and subtribs. A-22DD
    134SLC-29-2-2 portionWest Branch Deer CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.A-21 A-22DD
    135SLC-29-2-2 portionWest Branch Deer CreekFrom trib. 3 to source.A-22CC(T)
    136SLC-29-2-2-1, 2, 3 and trib. 2-1Tribs. of West Branch Deer Creek and subtrib. A-22DD
    137SLC-29-3 and trib. 3-1Trib. of Salmon River and subtrib. A-22DD
    138SLC-29-4 portionTrib. of Salmon RiverFrom mouth to bridge over stream 0.3 mile downstream from trib. 2.A-22DD
    139SLC-29-4 portionTrib. of Salmon RiverFrom bridge over stream 0.3 mile downstream from trib. 2 to trib. 3.A-22CC(T)
    140SLC-29-4, portion and tribs. 4-1, 4-2, 4-3-1Trib. of Salmon River and subtribs.From trib. 3 to source.A-22DD
    141SLC-29-4-3Subtrib. of Salmon River A-22CC(T)
    142SLC-29-5Trib. of Salmon River A-22CC(T)
    143SLC-29-5-1, 2Subtribs. of Salmon River A-22DD
    144SLC-29-6 portionTitus StreamFrom mouth to dam at Village of Malone Municipal Swimming Beach.A-22CC(T)
    145SLC-29-6 portionTitus StreamFrom dam at Village of Malone Municipal Swimming Beach to trib. 1.A-22BB(T)
    146SLC-29-6 and trib. 6-3Titus Stream and trib.From trib. 1 to source.A-22 B-22CC(T)
    147SLC-29-6-1, 2, 4, 5 and tribs. 2-1, 2-2Tribs. of Titus Stream and subtribs. A-22 B-22DD
    148SLC-29-6-P 28Lake Titus B-22BB(T)
    149SLC-29-6-P 28-1, 4, 5 and trib. 3-1Tribs. of Lake Titus and subtrib. B-22DD
    150SLC-29-6-P 28-2, 3, 6Tribs. of Lake Titus B-22CC(T)
    151SLC-29-7 and tribs. 7-1, 7-1-1Whipleville Brook and tribs. A-22CC(T)
    152SLC-29-8 portionTrib. of Salmon RiverFrom mouth to 2 miles upstream.A-22 A-23CC(T)
    153SLC-29-8 portion and tribs. 8-1, 8-1-1Trib. of Salmon River and subtribs.From 2 miles upstream to source.A-23DD
    154SLC-29-9 and tribs. 9-1, 9-3Winslow Brook and tribs. A-22 A-23 B-22 B-23CC(T)
    155SLC-29-9-2Trib. of Winslow Brook A-22DD
    156SLC-29-10, 11Tribs. of Salmon River A-23 B-23CC(T)
    157SLC-29-10-1 SLC-29-11-1 and trib. 11-1-1Subtribs. of Salmon River A-23 B-23DD
    158SLC-29-12, 15, 16, 17Tribs. of Salmon River A-23 B-23DD
    159SLC-29-13 and tribs. 13-1, 13-4 and tribs. 13-1-1, 13-1-2Roaring Brook and tribs. and subtribs.From mouth to source including Fishpole Pond (P 28a)A-23 B-23AAAA(T)
    160SLC-29-13-2 and P 28bTribs. of Roaring Brook A-23 B-23AAAA
    161SLC-29-14 and trib. 14-1Trib. of Salmon River and subtrib. A-23 B-23AAAA
    162SLC-29-18 and tribs. 18-1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and tribs. 1-1, 1-1-1, 1-2, 2-3, 2-3-1, 2-3-2, 2-4Duane Stream and tribs. and subtribs.From mouth to source at P 38 Parts not in forest preserve.B-23CC(T)
    163SLC-29-18-4, 6, 9 and tribs. 1-3, 1-4, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 7-1Tribs. of Duane Stream and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.B-23DD
    163aSLC-29-18-5Trib. of Duane StreamIn forest preserve.B-23
    164SLC-29-18-10Johnson BrookParts not in forest preserve.B-23CC(T)
    165SLC-29-18-10-1, 2, 3Tribs. of Johnson BrookParts not in forest preserve.B-23DD
    166SLC-29-18-P 38Debar Pond B-23BB
    167SLC-29-18-P 38-1 and tribs. 1-1, 1-2Trib. of Debar Pond and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.B-23DD
    168SLC-29-19, 20Tribs. of Salmon River B-23DD
    169SLC-29-21Hatch BrookParts not in forest preserve.B-23CC(T)
    170SLC-29-21-1 and trib. 1-1Trib. of Hatch Brook and subtrib. B-23DD
    171SLC-29-21-2 portionTrib. of Hatch BrookFrom mouth to trib. 4. Parts not in forest preserve.B-23CC(T)
    172SLC-29-21-2 portionTrib. of Hatch BrookFrom trib. 4 to source. Parts not in forest preserve.B-23DD
    173SLC-29-21-2-1 portionSubtrib. of Hatch BrookFrom mouth to.5 mile upstream. Parts not in forest preserve.B-23CC(T)
    174SLC-29-21-2-1 portionSubtrib. of Hatch BrookFrom.5 mile upstream to source. Parts not in forest preserve.B-23DD
    175SLC-29-21-2-1-1Subtrib. of Hatch BrookParts not in forest preserve.B-23DD
    176SLC-29-21-2-1-2Subtrib. of Hatch BrookParts not in forest preserve.B-23CC(T)
    176aSLC-29-21-2-2, 3Subtrib. of Hatch BrookIn forest preserve.B-23
    177SLC-29-21-2, 4, 6, 7Subtribs. of Hatch BrookParts not in forest preserve.B-23DD
    178SLC-29-21-3Trib. of Hatch BrookIn forest preserve.B-23
    178aSLC-29-21-3-1Subtrib. of Hatch BrookIn forest preserve.B-23
    179SLC-29-21-4, 5Trib. of Hatch BrookIn forest preserve.B-23
    180SLC-29-21-4-1 and tribs. 1-1, 1-2Subtrib. of Hatch Brook and tribs.In forest preserve.B-23
    181SLC-29-21-6 and tribs. 6-1, 6-2Tribs. of Hatch Brook and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.B-23DD
    182SLC-29-21-7Trib. of Hatch BrookParts not in forest preserve.B-23CC(T)
    183SLC-29-21-7-3, 8, 9, 10, P 43, 12, P 40 and tribs. 2-2, 4-2, 4-3Subtribs. of Hatch Brook Duck PondParts not in forest preserve.B-23DD
    184SLC-29-21-7-2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, P 41, P 42 and trib. 4-1Subtribs. of Hatch Brook, Grass Pond, Porkbarrel Pond B-23CC(T)
    185SLC-29-21-8, 9, 10 and tribs. 8-1, 8-1-1, 8-2, 8-2-1, 8-3, 8-3-1, 8-4, 8-5, 9-1, 9-2, 7-1Tribs. of Hatch Brook and subtribs.In forest preserve.B-23
    186SLC-29-22Trib. of Salmon River B-23CC(T)
    187SLC-29-22-1Subtrib. of Salmon RiverFrom mouth to P 47.B-23DD
    188SLC-29-22-2, 3, 4, P 47, P 48, P 49, P 49-1Subtribs. of Salmon River, Owls Head Pond, Drain Pond, Ingraham Pond, Trib. of Ingraham Pond B-23 A-23CC(T)
    189SLC-29-22-P 49-2Trib. of Ingraham Pond A-23DD
    190SLC-29-23Barnes BrookParts not in forest preserve.B-23CC(T)
    191SLC-29-P 50Mountain View Lake B-23BB(T)
    192SLC-29-P 50-1The Narrows B-23BB(T)
    193SLC-29-P 50-1-P 51Indian Lake B-23BB(T)
    194SLC-29-P 50-1-P 51-1, 2Tribs. of Indian Lake B-23CC(T)
    195SLC-29-P 50-1-P 51-P 52Papoose Lake B-23DD
    196SLC-29-P 50-2 portionTrib. of Mountain View LakeFrom mouth to 1 mile upstream.B-23CC(T)
    197SLC-29-P 50-2 portion and P 53, P 54 and trib. 2-1-1Trib. of Mountain View Lake and subtrib.From 1 mile upstream to source.B-23DD
    198SLC-29-P 50-2-1Subtrib. of Mountain View Lake B-23CC(T)
    199SLC-29-P 50-3 and tribs. 3-1, 3-2Ragged Lake Outlet and tribs. B-23CC(T)
    200SLC-29-P 50-3-1-P 55, P 56, P 57Subtribs. of Ragged Lake Outlet B-23DD
    201SLC-29-P 50-3-3Subtrib. of Ragged Lake Outlet B-23DD
    202SLC-29-P 50-3-P 58 and tribs. P 58-1, P 58-2, P 58-3, P 58-4, P 58-5, P 58-P 59, P 58-P 60, and P 58-1-1, P 58-4-1Ragged Lake and tribs. and subtribs. B-23 A-23CC(T)
    203SLC-29-P 50-3-P 58-6 and trib. P 58-4-2Trib. of Ragged Lake and subtrib. B-23 A-23DD
    204SLC-29-24, 25, P 61, 26, 30, 31 P 65a, P 65b, P 65c and trib. 31-1Tribs. of Salmon River, Catamont Pond and subtrib. B-23CC(T)
    205SLC-29-27, 28, P 62a and trib. 30-1Tribs. of Salmon River and subtrib. B-23DD
    206SLC-29-27-P 62Plumadore Pond B-23CC(T)
    207SLC-29-29Cold Brook B-23CC(T)
    208SLC-29-P 65Wolf Pond B-23BB
    209SLC-30 and trib. 30-1Trib. of St. Lawrence River and subtrib. A-21DD
    210SLC-31 portionPike CreekFrom mouth to trib. 6.A-21CC
    211SLC-31 portion and all tribs.Pike Creek and tribs.From trib. 6 to source.A-21DD
    212SLC-32 portionSt. Regis RiverFrom mouth to Franklin-St. Lawrence county line.A-21CC
    212.1SLC-32 portionSt. Regis RiverFrom Franklin-St. Lawrence county line to Brasher-Stockholm town lineA-21 A-20ne A-20seBB
    213SLC-32 portionSt. Regis RiverFrom Brasher-Stockholm town line to Stockholm-Hopkinton town line.A-20se B-20neBB
    214SLC-32 portionSt. Regis RiverFrom Stockholm-Hopkinton town line to dam at St. Regis Falls.B-21CC(T)
    215SLC-32 portionSt. Regis RiverFrom dam at St. Regis Falls to trib. 51. Parts not in forest preserve.B-21 B-22BB(T)
    216SLC-32 portionSt. Regis RiverFrom trib. 51 to dam at Santa Clara. Parts not in forest preserve.B-22CC(T)
    217SLC-32 portionSt. Regis RiverFrom dam at Santa Clara to trib. 61.B-22CC
    218SLC-32 portionSt. Regis RiverFrom trib. 61 to trib. 68.B-22CC(T)
    219SLC-32 portionSt. Regis RiverFrom trib. 68 to trib. 84. Parts not in forest preserve.B-22 C-22CC
    220SLC-32 portionSt. Regis RiverFrom trib. 84 to dam at P 257 outlet. Parts not in forest preserve.C-22CC(T)
    221SLC-32-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and tribs. 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 4-1Tribs. of St. Regis River and subtribs. A-21DD
    222SLC-32-6 portionDeer RiverFrom mouth to County Highway Route 47 Bridge at North LawrenceA-21BB
    222.1SLC-32-6 portionDeer RiverFrom County Highway Route 47 Bridge at North Lawrence to trib. 8.A-21 B-22 B-23CC
    223SLC-32-6 portionDeer RiverFrom trib. 8 to source.B-21 B-22 B-23CC(T)
    224SLC-32-6-1 portionLawrence BrookFrom mouth to bridge over stream at Alburgh.A-21DD
    225SLC-32-6-1 portionLawrence BrookFrom bridge over stream at Alburgh to source.A-21 B-21CC(T)
    226SLC-32-6-1-1, 2, 3, 7 and tribs. 4-1, 4-2, 4-4, 6-1, 8-1, 8-2, 4-3-1, 6-1-1Tribs. of Lawrence Brook and subtribs. A-21 A-22 B-21DD
    227SLC-32-6-1-4, 5, 6, 8 and trib. 4-3Tribs. of Lawrence Brook and subtrib. A-21 B-21 B-22CC(T)
    228SLC-32-6-2 and trib. 2-1Redwater Brook and trib. A-21BB
    229SLC-32-6-3 and trib. 3-1Trout Brook and trib. A-21 A-20se B-21DD
    230SLC-32-6-3-2Allen BrookFrom mouth to trib. 3.A-21 B-21DD
    231SLC-32-6-3-2Allen BrookFrom trib. 3 to source.B-21CC(TS)
    232SLC-32-6-3-2-1, 2, 3 and all tribs.Tribs. of Allen Brook and subtribs. A-21 B-21DD
    233SLC-32-6-3-3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and all tribs.Tribs. of Trout Brook and subtribs. A-21 A-20se B-21DD
    234SLC-32-6-4, 5, P 68b, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, P 86, P 87, 32 and tribs. 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 7-1, 10-2, 10-2-1, 10-2-2, 15-1, 15-2, 17-1, 21-1, 22-1, 23-1, 30-1, 30-1-1, 30-1-P 85, 30-2Tribs. of Deer River and subtribs. B-21 B-22DD
    235SLC-32-6-9, 9a, 9b, 10, 11, 12a, 15, 16, 18, 19 and tribs. 9-1, 10-1, 18-1Tribs. of Deer River and subtribs. B-21 B-22CC(T)
    236SLC-32-6-10-2-2- P 70 and tribs. P 70-1, P 70-2Baker Pond B-21DD
    237SLC-32-6-P 71Reynoldston Flow B-22CC(T)
    238SLC-32-6-P 71-1, 2Tribs. of Reynoldston Flow B-22DD
    239SLC-32-6-26 and tribs. 26-1, 26-P 74, 26-P 75Trib. of Deer River and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.B-22CC
    240SLC-32-6-26-1-1, P 76Subtrib. of Deer River B-22CC
    241SLC-32-6-26-2Crandell BrookParts not in forest preserve.B-22CC(T)
    242SLC-32-6-26-P 78Horseshoe Pond B-22CC
    243SLC-32-6-26-P 78-1Trib. of Horseshoe Pond B-22CC(T)
    244SLC-32-6-26-P 78-2, 3 and trib. P 79Tribs. of Horseshoe Pond and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.B-22DD
    245SLC-32-6-26-P 78-2-1Subtrib. of Horseshoe PondParts not in forest preserve.B-22DD
    246SLC-32-6-26-P 78-2-P 80 and trib. P 80-1Subtrib. of Horseshoe Pond B-22CC
    247SLC-32-6-26-P 78-3-P 83Eagle Pond B-22CC
    248SLC-32-6-27Trib. of Deer RiverParts not in forest preserve.B-22DD
    249SLC-32-6-28, P 84Tribs. of Deer RiverIn forest preserve.B-22
    250SLC-32-6-30-P 85aClear Pond B-22BB
    251SLC-32-6-P 89Trib. of Deer River B-22BB
    252SLC-32-6-33, 34 and trib. 34-1Tribs. of Deer River and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.B-22 B-23DD
    253SLC-32-6-35, 36Tribs. of Deer RiverIn forest preserve.B-23
    254SLC-32-7, 11, 12, 14, 17 and trib. 17-1Tribs. of St. Regis River and subtrib. A-21 A-20se A-20neDD
    255SLC-32-20 portionWest Branch St. Regis RiverFrom mouth to Stockholm-Parishville town line.A-20se B-20nw B-20neBB
    256SLC-32-20 portionWest Branch St. Regis RiverFrom Stockholm-Parishville town line to dam at Parishville.B-21CC
    257SLC-32-20 portionWest Branch St. Regis RiverFrom dam at Parishville to trib. 14.B-20ne B-20seBB
    258SLC-32-20 portionWest Branch St. Regis RiverFrom trib. 14 to source at P 147. Parts not in forest preserve.B-20ne B-20se B-21CC(T)
    259SLC-32-20-2 portionTrout BrookFrom mouth to Sullivan Road Bridge at Beechertown.A-20se B-20neDD
    260SLC-32-20-2 portionTrout BrookFrom Sullivan Road Bridge at Beechertown to source.B-20neCC(T)
    261SLC-32-20-2-3, 4, 6, 9 and tribs. 7-1, 7-3, 7-8, 7-8-1, 7-8-2Tribs. of Trout Brook and subtribs. B-20ne B-21CC(T)
    261.1SLC-32-20-2-7Dan Wright BrookFrom mouth to 0.4 mile above trib. 1.B-20ne B-21CC(T)
    261.2SLC-32-20-2-7Dan Wright BrookFrom 0.4 mile above trib. 1 to trib. 3.B-20ne B-21CC(TS)
    261.3SLC-32-20-2-7Dan Wright BrookFrom trib. 3 to source.B-21CC(T)
    262SLC-32-20-2-1, 2, 5, 8a and tribs. 1-1, 1-2, 3-1, 4-a, 4-1, 5-1, 5-1-1, 5-1-2, 6-1, 6-1a, 7-a 7-1-1, 7-1a, 7-2 7-3-1, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7a and all tribs. of 7-2Tribs. of Trout Brook and subtribs. B-20ne B-21 B-20nw B-20seDD
    263SLC-32-20-5, 5a, 5b, 6, 7, 7a, 8, 8a, 9, 9a, 9b, and tribs. 5a-1, 9-1, 9-2, 9-2-1, and all tribs. of 7Tribs. of West Branch St. Regis River and subtribs. B-20nw B-20neDD
    264SLC-32-20-12 and tribs. 12-3, 12-4, 12-5, 12-5-P 91Alder Meadow Brook and tribs. Clear PondParts not in forest preserve.B-20ne B-20seCC(T)
    265SLC-32-20-12-1, 1a, 1bTribs. of Alder Meadow Brook B-20seDD
    266SLC-32-20-12, 1c, 2, 2aTribs. of Alder Meadow BrookIn forest preserve.B-20se
    267SLC-32-20-13 and tribs. 13-a, 13-b, 13-c, 13-1, 13-c-1Barton Brook B-20ne B-20seCC(TS)
    267.1SLC-32-20-13-a, b, c, 1, c-1Tribs. of Barton Brook B-20ne B-20seDD
    268SLC-32-20-13a, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28 and tribs. 15-2, 20-1, 23-1, 26-1, 26-2Tribs. of West Branch St. Regis River and subtribs. B-20seDD
    269SLC-32-20-14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 26, 27 and tribs. 15-1, 27-1Tribs. of West Branch St. Regis River and subtribs. B-21CC(T)
    270SLC-32-20-29 and all tribs.Mud Pond Outlet and tribs.From mouth to source.B-21CC(T)
    271SLC-32-20-29-P 92Mud Pond B-21CC
    272SLC-32-20-30 portionStoney BrookFrom mouth to trib. 24.B-21CC(T)
    273SLC-32-20-30 portionStoney BrookFrom trib. 24 to source.B-21DD
    274SLC-32-20-30-1, 2, 3Tribs. of Stoney Brook B-21DD
    275SLC-32-20-30-4 and all tribs.Trib. of Stoney Brook and subtribs. B-21CC(T)
    276SLC-32-20-30-5Trib. of Stoney Brook B-21CC(T)
    277SLC-32-20-30-6, 7, 8, 9 and tribs. 6-1, 8-1Trib. of Stoney Brook and subtribs. B-21DD
    278SLC-32-20-30-10 and all tribs.Trib. of Stoney Brook and subtribs. B-21DD
    279SLC-32-20-30-11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26 and tribs. 11-1, 17-1Tribs. of Stoney Brook and subtribs. B-21DD
    280SLC-32-20-30-13, 14, 23 and all tribs.Tribs. of Stoney Brook and subtribs. B-21DD
    280aSLC-32-20-30- 14-P 97Wolf Pond B-21CC
    281SLC-32-20-30-24, 25Tribs. of Stoney Brook B-21CC(T)
    282SLC-32-20-30-27 and all tribs., P 98a except P 98Trib. of Stoney Brook and subtribs. B-21DD
    283SLC-32-20-30- 27-P 98Subtrib. of Stoney Brook B-21CC(T)
    284SLC-32-20-30-28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33Tribs. of Stoney Brook B-21DD
    285SLC-32-20-31, 34Tribs. of West Branch St. Regis River B-21CC(T)
    286SLC-32-20-32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38 and all tribs. of 38Tribs. of West Branch St. Regis River and subtribs. B-21DD
    287SLC-32-20-39 portionTrib. of West Branch St. Regis RiverFrom mouth to 0.5 mile upstream.B-21CC(T)
    288SLC-32-20-39 portion and trib. 39-1Trib. of West Branch St. Regis River and subtrib.From 0.5 mile upstream to source.B-21DD
    289SLC-32-20-40 and P 99aTribs. of West Branch St. Regis River B-21CC(T)
    290SLC-32-20-40-1, P 100, 2, 3, 4 and trib. 3-1Subtribs. of West Branch St. Regis River B-21DD
    291SLC-32-20-41, P 101, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and tribs. 42-1, 44-1, 44-2Tribs. of West Branch St. Regis River and subtribs. B-21 C-21DD
    292SLC-32-20-41-P 102Subtrib. of West Branch St. Regis River B-21CC(T)
    293SLC-32-20-49Alder Brook B-21 C-21CC(T)
    294SLC-32-20-49-1, 2, 3, 4, 5,P 103, P 103a, P 104 and all tribs.Tribs. of Alder Brook and subtribs. B-21 C-21CC(T)
    295SLC-32-20-49-6Long Pond Outlet B-21 C-21 C-22CC(T)
    296SLC-32-20-49-6- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and all tribs.Tribs. of Long Pond Outlet and subtribs. C-21CC(T)
    297SLC-32-20-49-6- 12Trib. of Long Pond Outlet C-21CC(T)
    298SLC-32-20-49-6- 12-1, 2, 3, P 112, P 113, P 114 and all tribs.Subtribs. of Long Pond Outlet C-21DD
    299SLC-32-20-49-6- 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, P 108, 20, P 109, 21, 22 and all tribs.Tribs. of Long Pond Outlet and subtribs. C-21 C-22CC(T)
    300SLC-32-20-49-6- P 107a and all tribs.Tribs. of Long Pond Outlet and subtribs. C-21DD
    301SLC-32-20-49-6- P 110 Inlet and P 110aLong Pond C-22CC
    302SLC-32-20-50, 51, P 115, 52, 53, 54, P 117, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 84, 85, 86, 92, P 138 and all tribs.Tribs. of West Branch St. Regis River and subtribs. C-21 C-22DD
    303SLC-32-20-70 and tribs. 70-3, 70-3-1, 70-3-1-1Trib. of West Branch St. Regis River and subtribs. C-21CC(T)
    304SLC-32-20-70-1, 2, 4, 5, 6Subtribs. of West Branch St. Regis River C-21DD
    305SLC-32-20-73 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 87, 88, 91, 93, 94 and all tribs. and P 123 thru P 139, excluding P 133, P 138Tribs. of West Branch St. Regis River and subtribs. and ponds C-21 C-22CC(T)
    306SLC-32-20-89 and trib. 89-1Trib. of West Branch St. Regis River and subtrib. C-22CC(T)
    307SLC-32-20-89-P 133East PondParts not in forest preserve.C-22CC(CT)
    308SLC-32-20-89-P 133-1, 2, SLC-32- 20-95, 96 and all tribs. and P 140 thru 159aTribs. of East Pond, Tribs. of West Branch St. Regis and subtribs. and pondsIn forest preserve.C-22
    309SLC-32-21, 21a, 22, 24, 25, 26, and all tribs.Tribs. of St. Regis River and subtribs. A-20se B-20ne B-21DD
    310SLC-32-23Trib. of St. Regis River B-21CC(T)
    311SLC-32-27 portionTrib. of St. Regis RiverFrom mouth to trib. 1.B-21CC(T)
    312SLC-32-27 portionTrib. of St. Regis RiverFrom trib. 1 to source.B-21CC(TS)
    313SLC-32-27-1, 2, 3Subtribs. of St. Regis River B-21BB
    314SLC-32-28 portionHopkinton BrookFrom mouth to trib. 1B-21DD
    315SLC-32-28Hopkinton BrookFrom trib. 1 to source.B-21CC(T)
    316SLC-32-28-1, 3, 4, 8, 9, P 162 and all tribs.Tribs. of Hopkinton Brook, Hopkinton Pond and subtribs. B-21CC(T)
    317SLC-32-28-2 and tribs. 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-1-1Trib. of Hopkinton Brook and subtribs. B-21CC(T)
    318SLC-32-28-5, 6 and tribs. 2-4, 2-5Tribs. of Hopkinton Brook and subtribs. B-21DD
    319SLC-32-29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39 and all tribs.Tribs. of St. Regis River and subtribs. B-21CC(T)
    320SLC-32-31, 38 and trib. 38-1Tribs. of St. Regis River and subtrib. B-21DD
    321SLC-32-40Lake Ozonia Outlet B-21CC(T)
    322SLC-32-40- P 165Lake Ozonia B-21BB(T)
    323SLC-32-40-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and trib. 5-1Tribs. of Lake Ozonia Outlet and subtrib. B-21DD
    324SLC-32-40-6Dexter Lake Outlet B-21CC(T)
    325SLC-32-40-6-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and tribs. 1-1, 6-1, 7-1Tribs. of Dexter Lake Outlet and subtribs. B-21DD
    326SLC-32-40-6-2 portionTrib. of Dexter Lake OutletFrom mouth to 2.0 miles upstream.B-21CC(T)
    327SLC-32-40-6-2 portion and trib. 2-1, 2-P 163Trib. of Dexter Lake Outlet and subtribs.From 2.0 miles upstream to source.B-21DD
    328SLC-32-40-6-7Trib. of Dexter Lake Outlet B-21CC(T)
    329SLC-32-40-6-P 164 and all tribs.Dexter Lake and tribs. B-21CC
    330SLC-32-40-7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and all tribs.Tribs. of Lake Ozonia Outlet and subtribs. B-21DD
    331SLC-32-40-15-24 and trib. 24-3Tribs. of Lake Ozonia Outlet and subtrib. B-21CC(T)
    332SLC-32-40-24-1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and tribs. 1-1, 1-2, 3-1, 4-1Tribs. of Leech Pine Brook and subtribs. B-21DD
    333SLC-32-40-25 and all tribs.Trib. of Lake Ozonia Outlet and subtribs. B-21CC(T)
    334SLC-32-40-26, 27, 28Tribs. of Lake Ozonia Outlet B-21DD
    335SLC-32-40-P 165Lake Ozonia B-21BB
    336SLC-32-40-P 165-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and all tribs.Tribs. of Lake Ozonia and subtribs. B-21DD
    337SLC-32-41 and all tribs.Wood Brook and tribs. B-21CC(T)
    338SLC-32-42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50 and all tribs. P 167Tribs. of St. Regis River and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.B-21DD
    338aSLC-32-49Trib. of St. Regis RiverIn forest preserve.B-21
    339SLC-32-46 and trib. 46-P 168Trib. of St. Regis River and subtrib.In forest preserve.B-21
    340SLC-32-P 170Echo LakeFormerly known as Long Pond. In forest preserve.B-21 B-22
    341SLC-32-P 171Grass PondIn forest preserve.B-22
    342SLC-32-P 172Little Clear PondIn forest preserve.B-22
    343SLC-32-51 portionTrib. of St. Regis RiverFrom mouth to trib. 1.B-22CC
    344SLC-32-51 portionTrib. of St. Regis RiverFrom trib. 1 to souce.B-21 B-22CC(T)
    345SLC-32-51-1, 2, 3, 4, 5Subtribs. of St. Regis River B-21 B-22DD
    346SLC-32-51-1-P 173Deer Pond B-22CC
    347SLC-32-51-1-P 174Clear PondSt. Regis Falls water supply.B-22AAAA
    348SLC-32-51-1-P 175 and outletBlack Pond Black Pond OutletSt. Regis Falls water supply.B-22AAAA
    349SLC-32-52 portionEast Branch St. Regis RiverFrom mouth to 1.0 mile upstream. Parts not in forest preserve.B-22CC
    350SLC-32-52 portionEast Branch St. Regis RiverFrom 1.0 mile upstream to trib. 15. Parts not in forest preserve.B-22CC(T)
    351SLC-32-52 portionEast Branch St. Regis RiverFrom trib. 15 to source. Parts not in forest preserve.B-22DD
    352SLC-32-52-1Trib. of East Branch St. Regis RiverParts not in forest preserve.B-22DD
    353SLC-32-52-4Trib. of East Branch St. Regis River B-22CC(T)
    353aSLC-32-52-2Trib. of East Branch St. Regis RiverIn forest preserve.B-22
    354SLC-32-52Conger BrookParts not in forest preserve.B-22CC(T)
    355SLC-32-52-5Pleasant Brook B-22CC(T)
    356SLC-32-52-5-1Cady Brook B-22CC(T)
    357SLC-32-52-6Bristle Brook B-22CC(T)
    358SLC-32-52-7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and tribs. 9-1, 11-P 176, 12-1Tribs. of East Branch St. Regis River and subtribs. B-22CC(T)
    359SLC-32-52-13 and trib. 13-1Chap Brook and trib. B-22DD
    360SLC-32-52-13-1-1 and tribs. 1-1, 1-2Clear Brook and tribs. B-22CC(T)
    361SLC-32-52-14Trib. of East Branch St. Regis River B-22DD
    362SLC-32-52-15 and trib. 15-1Rice Brook Spring Brook B-22DD
    363SLC-32-52-15-2 portionTrib. of Rice BrookFrom mouth to 1.0 mile upstream.B-22CC(T)
    364SLC-32-52-15-2 portion and trib. 2-1Trib. of Rice Brook and subtrib.From 1.0 mile upstream to source.B-22DD
    365SLC-32-52-15-2aTrib. of Rice Brook B-22DD
    365aSLC-32-52-15-P 179Trib. of Rice BrookIn forest preserve.B-22
    366SLC-32-52-15-P 178Rice Lake B-22CC
    367SLC-32-52-15-2a-P 177 and trib. P 177-3Wolf Pond and trib. B-22CC(T)
    368SLC-32-52-15-2a-P 177-1, 2 and trib. 1-1Tribs. of Wolf Pond and subtrib. B-22DD
    369SLC-32-52-15-P 179a and tribs. P 179a-2, P 179a-3, P 179a-4Meacham Lake and tribs.In forest preserve.B-22
    370SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-1 and trib. 1-1Trib. of Meacham Lake and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.B-22CC(T)
    371SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-4-1, P 182, P 183Subtribs. of Meacham LakeIn forest preserve.B-22
    372SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5 portionTrib. of Meacham Lake, Osgood RiverFrom mouth to 1.5 miles upstream. Parts not in forest preserve.B-22CC
    373SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5 portionTrib. of Meacham Lake, Osgood RiverFrom 1.5 miles upstream to 3.0 miles upstream. Parts not in forest preserve.B-22CC(T)
    374SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5 portionTrib. of Meacham Lake, Osgood RiverFrom 3.0 miles upstream to trib. #10. Parts not in forest preserve.B-22 C-22DD
    375SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5 portionTrib. of Meacham Lake, Osgood RiverFrom trib. 10 to trib. 14. Parts not in forest preserve.C-22 C-23CC(T)
    376SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5 portionTrib. of Meacham Lake, Osgood RiverFrom trib. 14 to source. Parts not in forest preserve.C-22 C-23CC
    377SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-1, 2, 3, 4,P 184, 8, P 188, P 189, 11, 14, 15, and tribs.8-1, 10-1, 10-P 191, 10-2, 10-3, 2-P 192, 3-1Subtribs. of Meacham LakeIn forest preserve.B-22 C-22 C-23 B-23
    378SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-5 and tribs., 5-5-P 185, 6-P 187Subtribs. of Meacham Lake (Mud Pond) (Baker Pond)Parts not in forest preserve.B-22CC
    379SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-9, P 190Subtribs. of Meacham Lake C-22CC(T)
    380SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-10Hays BrookParts not in forest preserveB-22 C-22 B-23CC(T)
    381SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-10-4, 6, 6a, 7 and trib. 7-1Tribs. of Hays Brook and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.B-22 B-23CC(T)
    382SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-P 186Subtribs. of Meacham Lake B-22DD
    384SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-10-5Trib. of Hays BrookParts not in forest preserve.B-23DD
    385SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-10-6-1Subtrib. of Hays Brook B-23DD
    386SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-11-P 194, P 195Subtribs. of Meacham Lake C-22CC
    387SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-11-P 193Subtrib. of Meacham LakeParts not in forest preserve.C-22CC
    388SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-13, P 201, 16Subtribs. of Meacham LakeParts not in forest preserve.C-22 C-23CC(T)
    389SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-P 202Osgood PondParts not in forest preserve.C-22 C-23AAAA
    390SLC-32-52-15- P 179a-5-P 203, P 204, P 205, P 206aSubtribs. of Meacham Lake C-22 C-23DD
    391SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-P 206Jones Pond and InletParts not in forest preserve.C-23BB
    392SLC-32-52-15-P 179a-5-17Subtrib. of Meacham LakeParts not in forest preserve.C-23DD
    393SLC-32-53 portionTrib. of St. Regis RiverFrom mouth to 0.5 mile upstream.B-22CC
    394SLC-32-53 portionTrib. of St. Regis RiverFrom 0.5 mile upstream to source.B-22CC(T)
    395SLC-32-54, 55, 56, and tribs. 54-1, 54-2, 55-P 208, 56-1, 54-2-1, 56-1-1, 56-2, P 209, P 209aTribs. of St. Regis River and subtribs. B-22CC(T)
    396SLC-32-57 portion and tribs. 57-P 211, 57-P 212Trib. of St. Regis River and subtribs.From trib. 1 to source.B-21 B-22CC(T)
    397SLC-32-57 portion and tribs. 57-1, 57-2Trib. of St. Regis River and subtribs.From mouth to trib. #1.B-22 B-21DD
    398SLC-32-57-P 210Subtrib. of St. Regis River B-21 B-22CC
    399SLC-32-58, 59 and tribs. 58-1, 58-2, 58-1-1Tribs. of St. Regis River and subtribs. B-22CC(T)
    400SLC-32-60 and tribs. 60-1, 60-1-1Twin Brook and tribs. B-21 B-22CC(T)
    401SLC-32-60-P 214 and all tribs.Wackers Pond and tribs. B-21 B-22CC(T)
    402SLC-32-61, and tribs. 61-P 216, 61-P 217Trib. of St. Regis River and subtribs. B-22DD
    403SLC-32-62 and tribs. 62-1, 62-2Downey Brook and tribs. B-22CC(T)
    404SLC-32-64 and tribs. 64-1, 64-2Balsam Brook and tribs. B-22CC(T)
    405SLC-32-63, 66, 67 and tribs. 66-1, 66-P 220Tribs. of St. Regis River and subtribs. B-22CC(T)
    406SLC-32-65Trib. of St. Regis River B-22DD
    407SLC-32-67-1, 2,P 221Subtribs. of St. Regis River B-22DD
    408SLC-32-68 and trib. 68-1Trib. of St. Regis River and subtrib. B-21 B-22CC(T)
    409SLC-32-68-1-1,P 223Subtrib. of St. Regis River B-21DD
    410SLC-32-68-2, 3Subtribs. of St. Regis River B-21DD
    411SLC-32-68-3-P 224Subtrib. of St. Regis River B-21CC
    412SLC-32-69 and tribs. 69-1, 69-P 225, 69-3, 69-4, 69-3a, 69-3b and tribs. 69-3b-1, 69-3b-2Quebec Brook and tribs. and subtribs. B-22 C-22CC(T)
    413SLC-32-69-3c, 6, P 226Tribs. of Quebec Brook B-22 C-22DD
    414SLC-32-69-P 227Quebec Pond C-22CC
    415SLC-32-69-6-6a, 7Subtribs. of Quebec Brook B-22 C-22CC(T)
    416SLC-32-70, 71, 73, 75 and tribs. 70-1, 71-1, 71-P 229, 71-P 228Tribs. of St. Regis River and subtribs. B-22 C-22CC(T)
    417SLC-32-76, P 230, 81, 83, 86Trib. of St. Regis River C-22DD
    418SLC-32-78,P 231, P 232, P 233, P 233aTribs. of St. Regis River C-22CC
    419SLC-32-79, 80 and tribs. 79-P 235, 79-P 235a, 80-P 237Tribs. of St. Regis River and subtribs. C-22CC(T)
    420SLC-32-82Trib. of St. Regis RiverParts not in forest preserve.C-22DD
    421SLC-32-84-P 248Subtrib. of St. Regis River C-22CC(T)
    422SLC-32-81-P 238-1, 4Subtribs. of St. Regis River C-22DD
    423SLC-32-81-P 238Follensby Jr. Pond C-22CC
    424SLC-32-81-P 238-2, P 241, P 243, P 245Subtribs. of St. Regis RiverParts not in forest preserve.C-22CC(T)
    424aSLC-32-81-P 238- 2-P 244Unnamed pondIn forest preserve.C-22
    420aSLC-32-84Trib. of St. Regis RiverIn forest preserve.C-22
    425SLC-32-86-P 249, P 250, P 251Subtribs. of St. Regis River C-22CC
    426SLC-32-87, 88Tribs. of St. Regis River C-22DD
    427SLC-32-87-P 253, P 254, P 254aSubtribs. of St. Regis River C-22CC
    428SLC-32-88-P 255, P 256, P 257Subtribs. of St. Regis River C-22CC
    429SLC-32-P 257a and trib. P 257a- 5Lower St. Regis Lake and trib. C-22 C-23BB
    430SLC-32-P 257a-3 and trib. 3-P 262Trib. of Lower St. Regis Lake, Barnum PondParts not in forest preserve.C-22CC(T)
    431SLC-32-P 257a-P 258, P 259, P 260Tribs. of St. Regis River C-22CC
    432SLC-32-P 257a-4Trib. of Lower St. Regis Lake C-23DD
    433SLC-32-P 257a- 5-1Subtrib. of Lower St. Regis Lake C-22DD
    434SLC-32-P 257a- 5-P 264, 1, P 265(Spitfire Lake) Subtrib. of Lower St. Regis Lake (Upper St. Regis Lake) C-22AAAA
    435SLC-32-P 257a-P 264-P 265-a,b, 2, 4, P 274Tribs. of Upper St. Regis Lake C-22 C-23DD
    436SLC-32-P 275a- P 264-P 265-1, 3 and tribs.Tribs. of Upper St. Regis LakeParts not in forest preserve.C-22CC(T)
    437SLC-32-P 257a- P 264-P 265-2- P 270Subtrib. of Upper St. Regis Lake C-22CC
    438SLC-32-P 257a- P 264-P 265-1- P 266 and trib. P 266- P 267aSubtrib. of Upper St. Regis LakeIn forest preserve.C-22
    439SLC-32-P 257a-P 264-P 265-1-P 268, P 269Subtribs. of Upper St. Regis Lake C-22DD
    440SLC-32-P 257a- P 264-P 265-1- P 271Bear PondParts not in forest preserve.C-22CC(T)
    441SL-1 portionRaquette RiverFrom mouth to dam at Village of Norwood.A-21 A-20ne A-20swBB
    442SL-1 portionRaquette RiverFrom dams at Village of Norwood to dams at Village of Potsdam north of U.S. Route 11.A-19se A-20sw B-19 B-20nwBB
    443SL-1 portionRaquette RiverFrom dams at Village of Potsdam north of U.S. Route 11 to bridge over stream at Hannawa Falls.B-20nw B-20swA AA A
    444SL-1 portionRaquette RiverFrom bridge over stream at Hannawa Falls to trib. 74.B-20sw B-21 C-20 C-21BB
    445SL-1 portionRaquette RiverFrom trib. 74 to N.Y.S. Route 3 bridge over stream at Piercefield. Parts not in forest preserve.C-20 C-21 D-21CC
    446SL-1 portionRaquette RiverFrom N.Y.S. Route 3 bridge over stream at Piercefield to railroad bridge at Raquette Pond (P 89 outlet).D-21 D-22AA
    447SL-1-P 89Raquette Pond D-21 D-22BB
    448SL-1 portionRaquette RiverFrom inlet to Raquette Pond (P 89) to Long Lake (P 241) Outlet. Parts not in forest preserve.D-22CC
    449SL-1-P 241Long LakeParts not bordering forest preserve.D-22 E-22BB
    450SL-1 portionRaquette RiverFrom Long Lake Inlet to source at Raquette Lake Outlet. Parts not in forest preserve.E-21 E-22CC
    451SL-1-1-1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 3, 4a, 5, 6a, 6b, 7, 7a, 8 and trib. 7-1Tribs. of Raquette River and subtribs. A-21, 19se A-20ne,se A-20nw, swDD
    452SL-1-2Squeak Brook A-20ne A-20se A-20swCC
    453SL-1-2-1 portionTrib. of Squeak BrookFrom mouth to trib. 3.A-20neCC
    454SL-1-2-1 portionTrib. of Squeak BrookFrom trib. 3 to source.A-20ne A-20seDD
    455SL-1-2-1-1, 2, 3, 5, 5aSubtribs. of Squeak Brook A-20ne A-20seDD
    456SL-1-2-2, 3, 6, 6aTribs. of Squeak Brook A-20ne A-20seDD
    457SL-1-4Hutchins Brook A-20nw A-20sw A-19seCC
    458SL-1-6 portionPlum BrookFrom mouth to trib. 1.A-20nw A-20swCC
    459SL-1-6 portionPlum BrookFrom trib. 1 to source.A-20sw B-20nwDD
    459aSL-1-6-1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9a, 9b, 9c and tribs. 1-1, 8-1Tribs. of Plum Brook and subtribs. A-20sw B-20nwDD
    460SL-1-9 portionTrout BrookFrom mouth to trib. 6.A-20sw A-19se B-19CC
    461SL-1-9 portion and tribs. 9-1, 9-4, 9-6, 9-7, 9-8, 9-9, 9-10, 9-11, 9-12, and tribs. 9-6-1, 9-6-2, 9-9-1, 9-11-1, 9-12-1, 9-12-1-1, 9-9-1-1, 9-9-1-2, 9-9-1-2-1, 9-9-1-2-2Trout Brook and tribs. and subtribs.From trib. 6 to source.B-19 B-20sw A-19seDD
    462SL-1-9a, 12, 12a, 14, 16, 18, and tribs. 16-1, 16-2 and all tribs. of 12Tribs. of Raquette River and subtribs. A-20sw B-20nwDD
    463SL-1-17Trib. of Raquette River B-19CC
    464SL-1-20 portionParkhurst BrookFrom mouth to 0.5 mile below trib. 3.B-20nwDD
    464.1SL-1-20 portionParkhurst BrookFrom 0.5 mile below trib. 3 to trib. 3a.B-20nwCC(TS)
    465SL-1-20 portionParkhurst BrookFrom. trib. 3a to source.B-20nw B-20swCC(T)
    466SL-1-20-1a, 3, 3b, 5, 7, 8Tribs. of Parkhurst Brook B-20nw B-20ne B-20sw B-20seDD
    467SL-1-20-2, 3a, 4, 6Tribs. of Parkhurst Brook B-20nw B-20sw B-20seCC(T)
    468SL-1-20-4-1, 2, and trib. 2-1Subtribs. of Parkhurst Brook B-20swDD
    469SL-1-22 portionGarfield BrookFrom mouth to N.Y.S. Route 72 bridge.B-20nwCC
    470SL-1-22 portionGarfield BrookFrom N.Y.S. Route 72 bridge over stream to source.B-20nwDD
    471SL-1-22-1, 2Tribs. of Garfield Brook B-20nwDD
    472SL-1-24 portionStafford BrookFrom mouth to 0.25 mile upstream.B-20nwCC
    473SL-1-24 portionStafford BrookFrom 0.25 mile upstream to trib. 3.B-20nw B-20swCC(T)
    474SL-1-24 portion and tribs. 24-a, 24-b, 24-c, 24-d, 24-1b, 24-2aStafford Brook and tribs.From trib. 3 to source.B-20sw B-20nwDD
    475SL-1-24-1, 2, 3, and trib. 1-1Tribs. of Stafford Brook and subtribs. B-20swCC(T)
    476SL-1-24-1-2, 3, 4Subtribs. of Stafford Brook B-20swDD
    477SL-1-24-1a portionTrib. of Stafford BrookFrom mouth to 0.1 mile upstream.B-20swCC(T)
    478SL-1-24-1a portionTrib. of Stafford BrookFrom 0.1 mile upstream to source.B-20swDD
    479SL-1-P 5aQuarry Pond B-20swCC
    480SL-1-24b, 27, 29 and trib. 27-1a, 27-P 6b, 29-1, 29-1-1Tribs. of Raquette River and subtribs. B-20swDD
    481SL-1-25a, 28, 28a,P 11, 29a, 30Tribs. of Raquette River, Arbuckle Pond, Warm Brook B-20sw C-20CC(T)
    482SL-1-P 8Green PondFormerly called John's Pond.B-20swDD
    483SL-1-26 and tribs. 26-1, 26-3O'Malley BrookFrom mouth to source at Close Pond (P 6)B-20sw B-20seCC(T)
    484SL-1-26-2, 2a, 3a, 3b, P 6 and trib. 2a-1Tribs. of O'Malley Brook and subtrib. B-20sw B-20seDD
    485SL-1-P 11aTrib. of Raquette River B-20swDD
    486SL-1-30-2, 3, 4 and tribs. 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5Tribs. of Warm Brook and subtribs. C-20DD
    487SL-1-31, 32, and trib. 32-1Tribs. of Raquette River (Little Cold Brook) and trib. B-20sw C-20CC(T)
    488SL-1-33 and trib. 33-2, 33-3, 33-5, 33-6, and tribs. 33-5-1-P 14, 33-6-1, 33-6-2, 33-6-3, 33-6-4, 33-6-5, 33-6-P 17Cold Brook and tribs., Barney Pond B-20sw C-20CC(T)
    489SL-1-33-1, 4, P 13, P 16Tribs. of Cold Brook, Mud Pond C-20DD
    490SL-1-33-5-1Subtrib. of Cold Brook C-20DD
    491SL-1-34, 36, 38, 38a, 38b, 38c, 41 and tribs. 36-1, 38-1, 38-2, 38b-1, 41-1Tribs. of Raquette River and subtribs. B-20sw B-20se C-20DD
    491.1SL-1-37Trib. of Raquette RiverEntire streamB-20seCC(TS)
    492SL-1-35 portionDead CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1.B-20seCC(T)
    493SL-1-35 portion and tribs. 35-a, 35-b, 35-1, 35-2, 35-P 18, and trib. 35-1-1Dead Creek and tribs. and subtrib.From trib. 1 to source.B-20se B-20swDD
    494SL-1-37-1Subtrib. of Raquette River B-20seCC(T)
    495SL-1-37-P 20, P 21Subtribs. of Raquette River B-20seCC
    496SL-1-39Rainbow Brook B-20se C-20CC(T)
    497SL-1-40Trib. of Raquette River B-20se C-20CC(T)
    498SL-1-40-P 23Ormsbee Pond C-20CC
    499SL-1-42, 43, 44, 45, and tribs., 43-2, 43-P 25, 43-3, 43-4, 43-5, and tribs. 43-1-1, 43-3-1Tribs. of Raquette River and subtribs. C-20 B-21 B-20se C-21DD
    500SL-1-43-1 and trib. 1-2 and trib. 4-1Trib. of Raquette River and subtribs. B-21CC(T)
    501SL-1-43-P 29 and tribs. P 29-1,P 29-2Sterling Pond and tribs. B-21CC(T)
    502SL-1-43-P 29-3Trib. of Sterling Pond B-21DD
    503SL-1-46Trib. of Raquette RiverFrom mouth to source at P 31.C-20 C-21DD
    504SL-1-46-1Subtrib. of Raquette River C-20 C-21CC(T)
    505SL-1-46-P 31 and tribs. P 31-5, P 31-6 (portion)Joe Indian Pond and tribs.From trib. 2 to source.C-21CC(T)
    506SL-1-46-P 31-1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 6 (portion) and tribs. 6-P 32, 6-1, 6-7, 6-8, 6-9, 6-12, 6-13, 6-14, 6-15, 6-16 and tribs. 6-1-1, 6-9-1, 6-9-2, 6-14-1Tribs. of Joe Indian Pond and subtribs.From mouth to trib. 2.C-21DD
    507SL-1-46-P 31-6-3 and trib. 3-P 33 and trib. 3-P 33-1Kildare Outlet (Kildare Pond) and trib.From mouth to source at P 33.C-21CC(T)
    508SL-1-46-P 31-6-2, 2a, 5, 6, 11, 17, 18Subtribs. of Joe Indian Pond C-21CC(T)
    509SL-1-46-P 31-6-2-1Subtrib. of Joe Indian Pond C-21DD
    510SL-1-46-P 31-6-3-1Trib. of Kildare Outlet C-21DD
    511SL-1-46-P 31-6-6-1Subtrib. of Joe Indian Pond C-21DD
    512SL-1-46-P 31- 6-10 portionSubtrib. of Joe Indian PondFrom mouth to trib. 5.C-21CC(T)
    513SL-1-46-P 31- 6-10 portion and trib. 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4Subtrib.of Joe Indian PondFrom trib. 5 to source at P 34.C-21DD
    514SL-1-46-P 31- 6-10-5, P 34 and trib. P 34-1Subtrib. of Joe Indian Pond C-21CC(T)
    515SL-1-46-P 31-6-11-1Subtrib. of Joe Indian Pond C-21DD
    516SL-1-46-P 31-6-11-P 35Subtrib. of Joe Indian Pond C-21CC
    517SL-1-47, 50, 52, 54, and trib. 54-1Tribs. of Raquette River and subtrib. C-20 C-21CC(T)
    518SL-1-48, 49, 51, 53, 55, 56, 57 and tribs. 48-1, 53-1, 53-2, 53-P 36Tribs. of Raquette River and subtribs. C-20 C-21DD
    519SL-1-47-1, 2, 3, 4Subtribs. of Raquette River C-20 C-21DD
    520SL-1-50-1, 2, 3, 4 and trib. 52-1Subtribs. of Raquette River C-21DD
    521SL-1-58 and tribs. 58-3, 58-4, 58-5, 58-9, 58-P 41 and trib 58-P 41-2Cold Brook and tribs. (Cedar Brook) (Amber Lake) and subtrib. C-21CC(T)
    522SL-1-58-2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and tribs. 2-1, 7-1, and tribs. 58-1-1, 58-1-P 37, 58-3-P 39, 58-5-P 40 and tribs. 58-5-P 40-1, 58-5-P 40-2Tribs. of Cold Brook and subtribs. C-21DD
    522aSL-1-58-1 and trib. 58-1-3Trib. of Cold Brook and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.C-21CC(T)
    522bSL-1-58-1-2, 4, P 38Subtribs. of Cold BrookParts not in forest preserve.C-21DD
    523SL-1-58-9-1 and tribs. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4Trib. of Cedar Brook and subtribs. C-21DD
    524SL-1-58-P 41-1 and trib. 2-1Trib. of Amber Lake and subtrib. C-21DD
    525SL-1-59, 60, 61, 62Tribs. of Raquette River C-21DD
    526SL-1-63, 64Tribs. of Raquette River C-21CC(T)
    527SL-1-65 portionJordan RiverFrom mouth to trib. 2.C-21DD
    528SL-1-65 portion and tribs. 65-5, 65-9, 65-10a, 65-14Jordan RiverFrom trib. 2 to source at P 57a. Parts not in forest preserve.C-21CC(T)
    529SL-1-65-1, 8, 10 and tribs. 10-1, 10-2Tribs. of Jordan River and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.C-21DD
    530SL-1-65-2, 3, 4, P 44, P 48Tribs. of Jordan RiverIn forest preserve.C-21
    531SL-1-65-3-1, 2Subtribs. of Jordan RiverIn forest preserve.C-21
    532SL-1-65-5-1Subtrib. of Jordan RiverIn forest preserve.C-21
    533SL-1-65-6Bear BrookFrom mouth to source. In forest preserve.C-21
    534SL-1-65-6-1Trib. of Bear BrookParts not in forest preserve.C-21CC(T)
    535SL-1-65-6-1-1, 2, 3, 4Subtribs. of Bear Brook C-21DD
    536SL-1-65-6-2, P 45, 3Tribs. of Bear BrookIn forest preserve.C-21
    537SL-1-65-7 portion and tribs. 7-1, 7-2Jordan Outlet and tribs.From mouth to P 46. Parts not in forest preserve.C-21DD
    538SL-1-65-P 46 and tribs. P 46-2, P 46-3, P 46-5, and tribs. P 46-3-2, P 46-3-3Jordan Lake and tribs. and subtribs. C-21CC(T)
    539SL-1-65-P 46-1, 4, 6 and trib. 4-1Tribs. of Jordan Lake and subtrib. C-21DD
    540SL-1-65-P 46-2-1Subtrib. of Jordan Lake C-21DD
    541SL-1-65-P 46-3-1, 4 and trib. 3-3-1Subtribs. of Jordan Lake C-21DD
    542SL-1-65-P 46-3- P 47 and trib. P 47-2Little Jordan Lake and trib. C-21CC(T)
    543SL-1-65-P 46-3-P 47-1, 3 and trib. P 47-2-1Tribs. of Little Jordan Lake and subtribs. C-21DD
    544SL-1-65-9-1, 2Subtribs. of Jordan River C-21DD
    545SL-1-65-11Potter BrookFrom mouth to source. Parts not in forest preserve.C-21CC(T)
    546SL-1-65-11-6, 7, 8 and trib. 1-1Tribs. of Potter Brook and subtrib. C-21DD
    547SL-1-65-11-1- P 49Otter PondParts not in forest preserve.C-21CC(T)
    548SL-1-65-11-3Tribs. of Potter BrookParts not in forest preserve.C-21CC(T)
    548aSL-1-65-11-1, 2aTribs. of Potter BrookIn forest preserve.C-21
    549SL-1-65-11-4, 5 and trib. 4-1Tribs. of Potter Brook and subtrib. C-21DD
    550SL-1-65-11-6- P 50Rock Pond C-21CC
    551SL-1-65-11-6-P 50-1, 2, 3, 4 and tribs. 3-1, 3-2, 3-2-1Tribs. of Rock Pond and subtribs. C-21DD
    552SL-1-65-11-P 51Potter Pond C-21CC
    553SL-1-65-11- P 51-2 and tribs. 2-1, 2-1-1Trib. of Potter Pond and subtrib. C-21DD
    554SL-1-65-11- P 51-1Trib. of Potter Pond C-21CC(T)
    555SL-1-65-16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25Tribs. of Jordan River C-21DD
    556SL-1-65-12, 13, 15 and trib. 14-1Tribs. of Jordan River and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.C-21DD
    557SL-1-65-22Spangler Brook C-21CC(T)
    558SL-1-65-22-1, 2Tribs. of Spangler Brook C-21DD
    558aSL-1-65-14Trib. of Jordan RiverParts not in forest preserve.C-21CC(T)
    559SL-1-65-27, 28, 32,P 58 and tribs. 28-1, 28-P 57, 28-2 and tribs. 28-1-1, 28-1-2Tribs. of Jordan River and subtribs. C-21 C-22DD
    560SL-1-65-26 and trib. 26-1 and tribs. 26-1-4, 26-1-6Willis Brook, Mountain Brook and tribs. C-21 C-22CC(T)
    561SL-1-65-26-1-1, 5, 7, P 52 and tribs. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 7-1Tribs. of Mountain Brook and subtribs. C-21DD
    562SL-1-65-26-3, 3a, P 55, P 56, P 56aTribs. of Willis Brook C-21 C-22DD
    563SL-1-65-26-2 portionBlack BrookFrom mouth to trib. 3.C-21CC(T)
    564SL-1-65-26-2 portion and tribs. 2-1, 2-2, 2-P 52a, 2-P 53Black Brook and tribs.From trib. 3 to source.C-21 C-22DD
    565SL-1-65-26-2-3Trib. of Black Brook C-21 C-22CC(T)
    566SL-1-65-26-P 54Willis Pond C-21 C-22CC
    567SL-1-65-30, 31Tribs. of Jordan River C-21CC(T)
    568SL-1-65-31-1, 2, 3Subtribs. of Jordan River C-21DD
    569SL-1-65-32- P 57aPitchfork Pond C-21 C-22CC
    570SL-1-66, 67, 70, 71Tribs. of Raquette River C-21CC(T)
    571SL-1-P 59, P 60, 68, 72Tribs. of Raquette River C-21DD
    572SL-1-69 and trib. 69-1Roaring Brook and trib.Parts not in forest preserve.C-20 C-21CC(T)
    573SL-1-69-2, P 61 and tribs. 69-1-1, 69-1-2, 69-1-3Tribs. of Roaring Brook and subtribs. C-20 C-21DD
    574SL-1-73, 75, 76Tribs. of Raquette RiverIn forest preserve.C-21
    575SL-1-71-1, 2, 3, 4Subtribs. of Raquette River C-21DD
    576SL-1-74Trib. of Raquette RiverParts not in forest preserve.C-21CC(T)
    577SL-1-74-1, 2Subtribs. of Raquette RiverParts not in forest preserve.C-21DD
    578SL-1-74-2-P 62Leonard PondIn forest preserve.C-21
    579SL-1-74-2-P 62-1Trib. of Leonard PondIn forest preserve.C-21
    580SL-1-74-P 63Crooked Lake C-21CC
    581SL-1-74-P 63-1, 2, 3, P 64, P 65Tribs. of crooked Lake C-21DD
    582SL-1-77Trib. of Raquette RiverParts not in forest preserve.C-21CC(T)
    583SL-1-77-1, 2, 3, 4, 5Subtribs. of Raquette RiverIn forest preserve.C-21
    584SL-1-77-2-P 66Chandler PondParts not in forest preserve.C-21CC
    585SL-1-77-2-P 67Subtrib. of Raquette RiverIn forest preserve.C-21
    586SL-1-78, 79, 82, 83, 85, 86Tribs. of Raquette RiverParts not in forest preserve.C-21DD
    587SL-1-80 and trib. 80-1Fallen Brook and trib. C-21CC(T)
    588SL-1-81, 90, 91 and trib. 81-1Tribs. of Raquette River and subtrib. C-21CC(T)
    589SL-1-81-1-1Subtrib. of Raquette River C-21DD
    590SL-1-84, 87 and tribs. 84-2, 84-3Trib. of Raquette River and subtribs.In forest preserve.C-21
    591SL-1-84-1Subtrib. of Raquette RiverParts not in forest preserve.C-21DD
    592SL-1-88Ellis Brook C-21CC(T)
    593SL-1-88-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and tribs. 1-1, 2-1, 2-1-1Tribs. of Ellis Brook and subtribs. C-21DD
    594SL-1-91-P 68Mud Pond C-21DD
    595SL-1-92Lilypad Brook C-21CC(T)
    596SL-1-89, 94, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104Tribs. of Raquette River C-21 C-21DD
    596.1SL-1-103Trib. of Raquette River C-21CC(TS)
    597SL-1-93, 95, 98 and trib. 98-2Tribs. of Raquette River and subtribs. C-21CC(T)
    598SL-1-93-1, P 70 and trib. P 70-1Subtribs. of Raquette River C-21DD
    599SL-1-95-1Subtrib. of Raquette River C-21DD
    600SL-1-96 portionBear BrookFrom mouth to 0.2 mile upstream.C-21DD
    601SL-1-96 portion and tribs. 96-1, 96-2, 96-1-1, 96-1-2Bear BrookFrom 0.2 mile upstream to source.C-21CC(T)
    602SL-1-96-3, 4, 5, and tribs. 1-3, 1-4, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3Tribs. of Bear Brook and subtribs. C-21DD
    603SL-1-98-1, 3, P 73, P 74, P 75, P 76, P 77Subtribs. of Raquette River C-21DD
    605SL-1-P 78Marsh Ponds C-21CC
    606SL-1-106 and tribs. 106-4, 106-5Mountain Brook (North Branch) C-21CC(T)
    607SL-1-106-1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, P 79 and trib.Tribs. of Mountain Brook and subtrib. C-21DD
    608SL-1-107, 108a, 108bTribs. of Raquette River C-21 C-21DD
    609SL-1-108Beachwood Brook C-21 D-21CC(T)
    610SL-1-109 portionDead CreekFrom mouth to 1.5 mile below trib. 4.D-21CC
    611SL-1-109 portion and trib. 109-1, 109-2Dead Creek and tribs.From 1.5 mile below trib. 4 to source.D-21CC(T)
    612SL-1-109-3, 3a, 3bTribs. of Dead Creek D-21DD
    613SL-1-109-4 portionTrib. of Dead CreekFrom mouth to 0.25 mile above trib. 1. Used as water supply by Conifer.D-21AAAA(T)
    614SL-1-109-4 portionTrib. of Dead CreekFrom 0.25 mile above trib. 1 to source. Used as water supply by Conifer.D-21AAAA
    615SL-1-109-4-aSubtrib. of Dead CreekUsed as water supply by Conifer.D-21AAAA
    616SL-1-109-4-1Subtrib. of Dead CreekUsed as water supply by Conifer.D-21AAAA
    617SL-1-109-4-1- P 80Eagle Crag Lake D-21AA(T)
    618SL-1-109-4-1-P 80-a, 2,P 81Tribs. of Eagle Crag Lake D-21DD
    619SL-1-109-4-P 82, P 83Subtribs. of Dead Creek. Mt. Arab Lake D-21AA
    620SL-1-109-4- P 80-1Trib. of Eagle Crag Lake D-21CC(T)
    621SL-1-109-5, 6, 9, 10Tribs. of Dead Creek D-21CC(T)
    622SL-1-109-7a, 8, 11aTribs. of Dead Creek D-21DD
    623SL-1-109-P 84Pine Pond D-21DD
    623aSL-1-109-11 and trib. 11-1Trib. of Dead Creek and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-21CC(T)
    624SL-1-110, 111, 111a, 111b and tribs. 110-P 79a, 110-P 80aTribs. of Raquette River and subtribs. D-21 C-21DD
    625SL-1-P 85Piercefield FlowUsed as water source by Hamlet of Piercefield.D-21AA
    626SL-1-P 85-1Trib. of Piercefield Flow D-21DD
    627SL-1-P 85-1-P 87Subtrib. of Piercefield Flow D-21CC
    628SL-1-P 85-1-P 87-2 and trib. 2-1Subtrib. of Piercefield Flow D-21DD
    629SL-1-P 85-1-P 87-2-P 88Subtrib. of Piercefield Flow D-21CC(T)
    630SL-1-P 85-2Trib. of Piercefield FlowParts not in forest preserve.D-21CC(T)
    631SL-1-P 89Raquette Pond D-21 D-22BB
    632SL-1-P 89-1 portionTrib. of Raquette PondFrom mouth to trib. 1.D-22DD
    633SL-1-P 89-1 portion and trib. 1-1Trib. of Raquette Pond and subtrib.From trib. 1 to source at P 95.C-22 D-22 D-21CC(T)
    634SL-1-P 89-1-2 portionSubtrib. of Raquette PondFrom mouth to trib. 5.C-22CC(T)
    635SL-1-P 89-1-2 portion and tribs. 2-a, 2-4, 2-5, 2-4-P 91, 2-4-P 91-1Subtrib. of Raquette PondFrom trib. 5 to source at P 93.C-22DD
    636SL-1-P 89-1-2-1, 2Subtribs. of Raquette Pond C-22CC(T)
    637SL-1-P 89-1- 2-1-P 90Subtrib. of Raquette Pond C-22DD
    638SL-1-P 89-1- 2-P 93Lead Pond C-22CC
    639SL-1-P 89-1-2-P 94Subtrib. of Raquette Pond C-22DD
    640SL-1-P 89-1-P 95Little Wolf Pond C-22BB
    641SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1 portionTrib. of Little Wolf PondFrom mouth to trib. 1.C-22CC(T)
    642SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1 portionTrib. of Little Wolf PondFrom trib. 1 to source at P 97.C-22DD
    643SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1-1 portionSubtrib. of Little Wolf PondFrom mouth to trib. 1.C-21 C-22CC(T)
    644SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1-1 portionSubtrib. of Little Wolf PondFrom trib. 1 to source at P 96.C-21 C-22DD
    645SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1-1-1Subtrib. of Little Wolf Pond C-21 C-22CC(T)
    646SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1-1-P 96Haymeadow Pond C-21CC
    647SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1-1-P 96-1Trib. of Haymeadow Pond C-21DD
    648SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1-P 97Wolf Pond C-22BB
    649SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1-P 97-1, P 99, 4, P 103,P 103a, 6, P 105, P 106Tribs. of Wolf Pond C-22DD
    650SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1-P 97-1-P 98Subtrib. of Wolf Pond C-22CC
    651SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1-P 97-P 101, P 102 and all tribs.Spectacle Ponds and tribs. C-22CC
    652SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1-P 97-6- P 104Heaven's Pond C-22CC
    653SL-1-P 89-1-P 95-1-P 97-9, 10Tribs. of Wolf Pond C-22CC(T)
    654SL-1-P 109Tupper Lake D-21 D-22AA
    655SL-1-P 109-1a portionTrib. of Tupper LakeFrom mouth to P 110 outlet.D-22CC(T)
    656SL-1-P 109-1a portion and trib. 1a-P 110Trib. of Tupper Lake and subtrib.From P 110 outlet to source P 110 is water supply for Village of Tupper Lake.D-22AAAA
    657SL-1-P 109-3a, 4a, 4b, 5, 6, 7Tribs. of Tupper Lake D-21DD
    658SL-1-P 109-4Trib. of Tupper Lake D-21CC(T)
    659SL-1-P 109-9 portionJenkins BrookFrom mouth to 0.25 mile below trib. 3.D-21 D-22CC(T)
    660SL-1-P 109-9 portionJenkins BrookFrom 0.25 mile below trib. 3 to source at P 112.D-22DD
    661SL-1-P 109-9-1, 2, and trib. 2-1Tribs. of Jenkins Brook and subtrib. D-21 D-22CC(T)
    662SL-1-P 109-9-1-1Subtrib. of Jenkins Brook D-21 D-22CC(T)
    663SL-1-P 109-9- 1-1-1Subtrib. of Jenkins Brook D-21DD
    664SL-1-P 109-9-2-2Subtrib. of Jenkins Brook D-22DD
    665SL-1-P 109-9-3Trib. of Jenkins Brook D-22DD
    666SL-1-P 109-9-P 112 and trib. P 112-6, and tribs. P 112-6-2, P 112-6- P 113Jenkins Pond and trib. and subtribs. D-22CC(T)
    667SL-1-P 109-9-P 112-7, P 111 and trib. 7-P 114Tribs. of Jenkins Pond D-22DD
    668SL-1-P 109-10Trib. of Tupper LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-21CC(T)
    669SL-1-P 109-10-1, 2Subtribs. of Tupper LakeIn forest preserve.D-21
    670SL-1-P 109-11 portionBog RiverFrom mouth to trib. 13. Parts not in forest preserve.D-20CC(T)
    671SL-1-P 109-11 portion trib. 11-1Bog River and trib.From trib. 13 to source.D-21DD
    672SL-1-P 109-11-2Trib. of Bog RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-21DD
    673SL-1-P 109-11-2-1Subtrib. of Bog RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-21CC(T)
    674SL-1-P 109-11-2-1-2aSubtrib. of Bog River D-21CC(T)
    675SL-1-P 109-11- 2-3, 3a and trib. 3-1Subtribs. of Bog RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-21DD
    676SL-1-P 109-11-2-4 portionBear BrookFrom mouth to county line. Parts not in forest preserve.D-21CC(T)
    677SL-1-P 109-11-2-4 portion and trib. 4-1, 4-3 and tribs. 4-1-2, 4-1-P 116, 4-1-P 116aBear Brook and trib. and subtribs.From county line to source at P 117. Parts not in forest preserve.D-21DD
    678SL-1-P 109-11- 2-4-2 and trib. 2-1Tribs. of Bear Brook and subtrib.In forest preserve.D-21
    679SL-1-P 109-11- 2-4-P 117Trib. of Bear Brook D-21CC(T)
    680SL-1-P 109-11- 2-4-P 117-1, 2 and tribs. 1-1, 1-2, 2-1Tribs. of Bear Brook and subtribs. D-21DD
    681SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 118Round Lake D-21CC
    682SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 118-1, 2, 3, 3a, 3b, 4 and tribs. 2-2, 3a-1, 4-2Tribs. of Round Lake and subtribs. D-21DD
    683SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120Little Lake Tupper D-21CC
    684SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120- 2, 3, 4, 4a, 4b, 5, 5a and all tribs. including P 123, P 125, P 126, P 127Trib. of Little Tupper Lake and subtribs. D-21 D-22 E-21DD
    685SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-6, 6a and all tribs. including P 130, P 131, P 132Tribs. of Little Tupper Lake and subtribs. D-21 E-21DD
    686SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-6a-P 128 and tribs. P 128-1Bum Pond and trib. D-21DD
    687SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-7 and tribs. 7a, 7-1, 7-1b, 7-2, 7-3, 7-a-1Trib. of Little Tupper Lake and subtribs.From mouth to source at P 134.D-21DD
    688SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-7-P 134 and trib. P 134-1 and tribs. P 134-1-1, P 134-1-2Charley Pond and trib. and subtribs.From mouth to source at P 136.D-21DD
    689SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-7-P 134-1-1-P 135East Charley Pond D-21CC(T)
    690SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-7-P 134-1-1-P 135-1, 2Tribs. of East Charley Pond D-21DD
    691SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-7-P 134-1-P 136 and tribs. P 136-1, P 136-2Little Charley Pond and tribs. D-21DD
    692SL-1-P 109-11- 2-P 120-7-P 134-2Trib. of Charley Pond D-21DD
    693SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-7-P 134-2-P 137South Bettner Pond D-21CC(T)
    694SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-7-P 134-2-P 137-P 138 and tribs. P 138-a, P 138-1North Bettner Pond and tribs. D-21DD
    695SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-8, 8a 8b, 9, 10aTribs. of Little Tupper Lake D-21DD
    696SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-10Trib. of Little Tupper LakeFrom mouth to source at P 139.D-21CC(T)
    697SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-10-1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 2a, 3Subtribs. of Little Tupper Lake D-21DD
    698SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-10-P 139 and trib. P 139-2 and trib. P 139-2-1-P 141Otter Pond and trib. and subtrib. D-21CC(T)
    699SL-1-P 109-11-2- P 120-10-P 139-1 and trib. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-P 140, 2-1, 2-P 142Trib. of Otter Pond and subtribs. D-21DD
    700SL-1-P109-11-5, 6Tribs. of Bog RiverIn forest preserve.D-21
    701SL-1-P 109-11- 3a, 3b, 3cTribs. of Bog RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-21DD
    702SL-1-P 109-11-6- P 143Horseshoe LakeIn forest preserve.D-21
    703SL-1-P 109-11-6- P 143-a, 1, 2Tribs. of Horseshoe LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-21DD
    704SL-1-P 109-11-6- P 143-2-aSubtrib. of Horseshoe LakeIn forest preserve.D-21
    705SL-1-P 109-11-P 144Hitchins PondParts not in forest preserve.D-21CC(T)
    706SL-1-P 109-11-P 144-1Trib. of Hutchins PondParts not in forest preserve.D-21DD
    707SL-1-P 109-11-P 144-1-P 145Little Trout PondIn forest preserve.D-21
    708SL-1-P 109-11-P 144-1-P 145-2Trib. of Little Trout PondParts not in forest preserve.D-21CC(T)
    709SL-1-P 109-11- P 144-1-P 145-2-2, 2aSubtribs. of Little Trout PondParts not in forest preserve.D-21DD
    710SL-1-P 109-11-P 144-1-P 145-2-2- P 146Trout PondIn forest preserve.D-21
    711SL-1-P 109-11-P 144-1-P 145-2-2a-P 147High PondParts not in forest preserve.D-21CC(T)
    712SL-1-P 109-11-P 144-2Trib. of Hitchins Pond D-21CC(T)
    713SL-1-P 109-11-P 144-2-1, 2 and tribs. 1-P 148, 2-1Subtribs. of Hitchins Pond D-21DD
    714SL-1-P 109-11- 7, 8, 9 and tribs. 7-1, 7-P 149, 8-1, 8-P 153, 9-1, 9-2, 9-3Tribs. of Bog River and subtribs. D-21DD
    715SL-1-P 109-11-7- P 150 and tribs. P 150-P 151, and tribs. P 150-P 151-2, P 150-P 151-P 152Subtrib. of Bog River D-21CC(T)
    716SL-1-P 109-11-7- P 150-P 151-2-1, 2Subtribs. of Bog River D-21DD
    717SL-1-P 109-11-9- P 154Long Pond D-21CC(T)
    718SL-1-P 109-11-P 155Bog River Flow First Pond D-20 D-21CC(T)
    719SL-1-P 109-11-P 156 portionBog River Flow Second Pond D-20 D-21DD
    720SL-1-P 109-11-P 156 portionBog River Flow Third Pond D-20CC(T)
    721SL-1-P 109-11-P 156 portionBog River FlowFrom third pond to start of flow.D-20CC(T)
    722SL-1-P 109-11-P 156-4 and tribs. 4-P 162 4-1Trib. of Bog River Flow and subtribs. D-20DD
    723SL-1-P 109-11-P 156-4-1-P 161Spring Pond D-20 D-21CC(T)
    724SL-1-P 109-11-P 156-P 168 and trib. P 168-1Mud Lake and trib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-20DD
    725SL-1-P 109-11-P 156-P 168-1-1, P 169Subtribs. of Mud Lake D-20CC(T)
    726SL-1-P 109-11- P 156-P 168-2 portionTrib. of Mud LakeFrom mouth to 1.0 mile upstream. Parts not in forest preserve.D-20CC(T)
    727SL-1-P 109-11-P 156-P 168-2 portionTrib. of Mud LakeFrom 1.0 mile upstream to source.D-20CC(T)
    728SL-1-P 109-11-P 156-P 168-2-P 171,P 172Subtribs. of Mud LakeIn forest preserve.D-20
    729SL-1-P 109-11-P 156-P 168-2-1, P 170Subtrib. of Mud Lake D-20CC(T)
    730SL-L-P 109-11-P 156-P 168-3, P 173, 4,P 174 and tribs. P 173-1,P 173-2Tribs. of Mud Lake and tribs. and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.D-20DD
    731SL-1-P 109-11- 10, 11Tribs. of Bog River D-20CC(T)
    732SL-1-P 109-11- 10-1Subtrib. of Bog RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-20DD
    733SL-1-P 109-11- 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16a, 16b, 17, 17b, 17c and tribs. 14-1, 14-P 136a, 15-1Tribs. of Bog River and subtribs. D-20 D-21DD
    734SL-1-P 109-11-P 175Bog LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-20CC(T)
    735SL-1-P 109-11-P 175-1, 2 and trib. 1-P 176Tribs. of Bog Lake and subtribs. D-20CC(T)
    736SL-1-P 109-11-P 175-1-1,P 177Subtribs. of Bog Lake D-20DD
    737SL-1-P 109-14a, 14bTribs. of Tupper LakeIn forest preserve.D-21
    738SL-1-P 109-15 portionTrib. of Tupper LakeFrom mouth to dam. In forest preserve.D-21
    739SL-1-P 109-15 portionTrib. of Tupper LakeFrom dam to P 178. In forest preserve.D-21
    740SL-1-P 109-15-P 178 and tribs. P 178-1, P 178-1-1, P 178-1-2Subtrib. of Tupper LakeIn forest preserve.D-21
    741SL-1-P 109-15-P 178-1-P 179Black PondIn forest preserve.D-21
    742SL-1-P 109-15-P 178-1a, 1b, 2a, 3Subtribs. of Tupper LakeIn forest preserve.D-21
    743SL-1-P 109-15-2, 3, 4Subtribs. of Tupper LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-21DD
    744SL-1-P 109-16Trib. of Tupper LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-21DD
    745SL-1-P 109-18 and trib. 18-2Trib. of Tupper Lake and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-21CC(T)
    746SL-1-P 109-18-2aSubtrib. of Tupper Lake D-21DD
    747SL-1-P 109-19, 20Tribs. of Tupper Lake D-21DD
    748SL-1-P 180Simon Pond D-22BB
    749SL-1-P 180-3, 5, 6Tribs. of Simon Pond D-22CC(T)
    750SL-1-P 180-3-1, 2Subtribs. of Simon Pond D-22DD
    751SL-1-P 180-4Trib. of Simon PondFrom mouth to source at P 182.D-22DD
    752SL-1-P 180-4-P 182Little Simon PondWater supply for Village of Tupper Lake.D-22AAAA(T)
    753SL-1-P 180-4-1 and trib. 1-1Subtrib. of Simon Pond D-22CC(T)
    754SL-1-P 180-4-1-3 and trib. of 3-P 181Subtrib. of Simon Pond D-22DD
    755SL-1-112Trib. of Raquette River D-22DD
    756SL-1-P 183Trib. of Raquette River D-22CC
    757SL-1-115 portionTrib. of Raquette RiverFrom mouth to trib. 1. In forest preserve.D-22
    758SL-1-115 portionTrib. of Raquette RiverFrom trib. 1 to source at P 184. Parts not in forest preserve.C-22 D-22CC(T)
    759SL-1-116, 126 and tribs. 116-1, 126- P 189, 115-1, 115-2, 115-P 184Tribs. of Raquette River and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-22 C-22
    760SL-1-125Trib. of Raquette RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-22DD
    761SL-1-125-P 186Follensby Pond D-22CC
    762SL-1-125-P 186-7Trib. of Follensby Pond D-22CC(T)
    763SL-1-125-P 186- 9, 10, P 186aTribs. of Follensby Pond D-22DD
    764SL-1-126-P 188Panther PondIn forest preserve.D-22
    765SL-1-130, P190Trib. of Raquette RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-22DD
    766SL-1-133 portionAmpersand BrookFrom mouth to trib. 5. In forest preserve.D-22
    767SL-1-133 portionAmpersand BrookFrom trib. 5 to source. Parts not in forest preserve.D-22 D-23CC(T)
    768SL-1-133-P 191Stony Creek PondsParts not in forest preserve.D-22BB
    769SL-1-133-P 191, P 192, 4, P 194Subtribs. of Stony Creek Ponds D-22DD
    770SL-1-133-P 191-P 193Trib. of Stony Creek PondsIn forest preserve.D-22
    771SL-1-133-P 191-P 193aTrib. of Stony Creek PondsParts not in forest preserve.D-22DD
    772SL-1-133-2, 3, 4, 5 and tribs. 3-1, 5-1, 5-2, 2-P 195Tribs. of Ampersand Brook and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-22
    773SL-1-133-2-P 195-1, 2 and tribs. 1-1, 1-2, 2-P 196Subtribs. of Stony Creek PondsIn forest preserve.D-22
    774SL-1-133-6, 7, 9 and trib. 6-1Tribs. of Ampersand Brook and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-22 D-23CC(T)
    775SL-1-133-8 and trib. 8-P 197Trib. of Ampersand Brook and subtrib. D-23CC(T)
    776SL-1-133-8-1, 2, 3 and trib. 2-1Trib. of Ampersand Brook and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-23CC(T)
    777SL-1-133-13, P 201, 14Tribs. of Ampersand BrookParts not in forest preserve.D-23CC(T)
    778SL-1-133-13a, P 198Tribs. of Ampersand Brook D-23DD
    779SL-1-133-P 202Ampersand Lake D-23CC(T)
    780SL-1-133-P 202-3, 4Tribs. of Ampersand LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-23CC(T)
    781SL-1-133-P 202-3-P 203, P 204 and trib. P 203-1Subtribs. of Ampersand LakeIn forest preserve.D-23
    782SL-1-133-P 202-4-2Subtrib. of Ampersand LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-23CC(T)
    783SL-1-133-P 202- 5 portion and trib. 5-1aWard Brook and trib.From mouth to trib. 2. Parts not in forest preserve.D-23CC(T)
    784SL-1-133-P 202- 5 portionWard BrookFrom trib. 2 to source. In forest preserve.D-22 D-23
    785SL-1-133-P 202-5-2, 2a, 3, 3a, 4, 6, 6a, 7, 8 tribs. 3-1, 7-1Tribs. of Ward Brook and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-23
    786SL-1-P 207Palmer PondIn forest preserve.D-22
    787SL-1-143 and tribs. 143-1, 143-2, 143-3Palmer Brook and tribs.In forest preserve.D-22
    788SL-1-144Trib. of Raquette River D-22DD
    789SL-1-151 in- cluding P 208Trib. of Raquette RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-22CC(T)
    790SL-1-158 portionTrib. of Raquette RiverFrom mouth to 3.0 miles upstream. Parts not in forest preserve.D-22CC
    791SL-1-158 portion and tribs. 158-4a, 158-P 211, 158- P 212 and trib. 158-P 211-2Trib. of Raquette River and subtribs.From 3.0 miles upstream to source.D-22DD
    792SL-1-158-7, 8Subtribs. of Raquette River D-22CC(T)
    793SL-1-158-9 portionSubtrib. of Raquette RiverFrom mouth to trib. 2.D-22CC(T)
    794SL-1-158-9 portionSubtrib. of Raquette RiverFrom trib. 2 to source at P 210.D-22DD
    795SL-1-158-9- P 210Duck Lake D-22CC
    796SL-1-160 and tribs. 160-P 213, 160-P 213-2, and tribs. 160-P 213-2-P 214, 160-P 213-2- P 215Trib. of Raquette River and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-22
    797SL-1-162Cold RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-22 D-23CC(T)
    798SL-1-162-1 and tribs. 1-1, 1-5, 1-7 (portion) and tribs. 1-7-P 217, 1-7-P 217-2, 1-7-P 217-2-P 216Trib. of Cold River and subtribs.In forest preserve. From mouth to P 217.D-22 D-23
    799SL-1-162-4 and tribs. 4-1a, 4-P 223, 4-2, 4-2a, 4-3, 4-P 219, 4-4Boulder Brook and tribs.In forest preserve.D-22 D-23
    795aSL-1-158-9-2Subtribs. of Raquette River D-22CC(T)
    800SL-1-162-6 portionTrib. of Cold RiverFrom mouth to trib. 6. Parts not in forest preserve.D-22 D-23CC(T)
    801SL-1-162-6 portionTrib. of Cold RiverFrom trib. 6 to P 221.D-23DD
    802SL-1-162-6-1, 1a, 3, 5, 9, 11 and tribs. 5-2, 5-4, 11-1, 11-2Subtribs. of Cold RiverIn forest preserve.D-22 D-23
    802aSL-1-162-P 221 and tribs. P 221-1, P 222Moose Pond and tribs. D-23CC(T)
    803SL-1-162-6-6Subtrib. of Cold RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-23CC(T)
    804SL-1-162-6-6-1Subtrib. of Cold River D-23CC(T)
    805SL-1-162-6-6-2, 3, 4, 4aSubtribs. of Cold RiverIn forest preserve.D-23
    806SL-1-162-12, 14, 15, 17, 20, P 226, 21, 22, 24, 26, and tribs. 12-1, 14-1, 14-2, 14-3, 17-P 226a, 22-1, 22-P 227, 22-2, 22-3, 22-4, 22-5, 22-6, and tribs. 12-1-1, 22-2-1Tribs. of Cold River and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-23
    807SL-1-162-27, 28, 29 and tribs. 27-2, 27-3, 27-P 229, 27-P 230, 28-1, 28-P 231 and tribs. 27-P 230-1, 28-P 231-1Tribs. of Cold River and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-23
    808SL-1-162-31 and tribs. 31-1, 31-4, 31-5 and tribs. 31-1-2, 31-1-3, 31-1-3-P 232Moose Creek and tribs. and subtribs.From mouth to source at P 223. In forest preserve.D-23
    809SL-1-162-P 233 and tribs. P 233-1, P 233-1-3, P 233-1-P 234Subtrib. of Cold RiverIn forest preserve.D-23
    810SL-1-162-P 235Duckhole PondIn forest preserve.D-23
    811SL-1-162-P 235-1, 3Tribs. of Duckhole PondIn forest preserve.D-23
    812SL-1-162-P 235- 1-1a, P 237Tribs. of Duckhole PondIn forest preserve.D-23
    813SL-1-162-P 235- P 238, P 239, P 240Preston PondsParts not in forest preserve.D-23CC(T)
    813aSL-1-162-P 235-2Trib. of Duckhole Pond D-23DD
    814SL-1-163Trib. of Raquette RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-22DD
    815SL-1-P 241Long LakeParts not bordering forest preserve.D-22 E-22BB
    816SL-1-P 241-1 portionTrib. of Long LakeFrom mouth to trib. 5. In forest preserve.D-22
    817SL-1-P 241-1 portionTrib. of Long LakeFrom trib. 5 to source. In forest preserve.D-22 D-23
    818SL-1-P 241-1-P 242, 5Subtribs. of Long LakeIn forest preserve.D-22
    819SL-1-P 241-12, 13Tribs. of Long LakeParts not in forest preserve.E-22CC(T)
    820SL-1-P 241-13-1, P 243Subtribs. of Long Lake E-22DD
    821SL-1-P 241-P 241aTrib. of Long Lake E-22BB(T)
    822SL-1-P 241-P 241a-1Subtrib. of Long LakeTrib. 1 formerly trib. 15 of P 241.E-22DD
    823SL-1-P 241-14Shaw BrookParts not in forest preserve.E-22CC(T)
    824SL-1-P 241-14- P 244Shaw Pond E-22CC(T)
    825SL-1-P 241-14-P 244-2 and tribs.Trib. of Shaw Pond and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.E-22CC(T)
    826SL-1-P 231-14-P 244-3Trib. of Shaw PondIn forest preserve. Used as water supply for Town of Long Lake.E-22
    827SL-1-P 241-14-P 244-4Trib. of Shaw PondParts not in forest preserve. Used as auxiliary water supply for Town of Long Lake.E-22AAAA(T)
    828SL-1-P 241-15Trib. of Long LakeParts not in forest preserve.E-22DD
    829SL-1-P 241-18Trib. of Long LakeParts not in forest preserve.E-22CC(T)
    830SL-1-P 241-18- 1, 2Subtrib. of Long LakeIn forest preserve.E-22
    831SL-1-P 241-22Trib. of Long Lake E-22CC
    832SL-1-P 241-22-P 245South PondParts not in forest preserve.E-22CC
    833SL-1-P 241-22-P 245-1Tribs. of South PondIn forest preserve.E-22
    834SL-1-P 241-22-P 245-2 portionTrib. of South PondFrom mouth to trib. 5.E-22CC(T)
    835SL-1-P 241-22-P 245-2 portionTrib. of South PondFrom trib. 5 to P 247 outlet. Parts not in forest preserve.E-22DD
    836SL-1-P 241-22-P 245-2 portion and tribs. 2-1, 2-3Trib. of South Pond and subtribs.From P 247 outlet to source.E-22CC(T)
    837SL-1-P 241-22-P 245-2-3-1Subtrib. of South Pond E-22CC(T)
    838SL-1-P 241-22-P 245-2-3-P 246Subtrib. of South PondParts not in forest preserve.E-22CC
    838aSL-1-P 241-22-P 245-2-6Subtrib. of South PondIn forest preserve.E-22
    838bSL-1-P 241-22-P 245-2-7Subtrib. of South Pond E-22DD
    838cSL-1-P 241-22-P 245-2-8, 10Subtrib. of South PondParts not in forest preserve.E-22CC(T)
    839SL-1-P 241-22-P 245-2-4Subtrib. of South Pond E-22DD
    840SL-1-P 241-22-P 245-2-5, P 247Subtribs. of South PondParts not in forest preserve.E-22CC(T)
    841SL-1-P 241-22-P 245-2-P 247-1, 2Subtribs. of South Pond E-22DD
    842SL-1-P 241-22-P 245-2-P 247-3Subtrib. of South PondFrom mouth to source.E-22CC(T)
    843SL-1-P 241-23 and tribs. 23-1, 23-3, 23-P 247aTrib. of Long Lake and subtribs.In forest preserve.E-21 E-22
    844SL-1-P 241-23aTribs. of Long Lake E-21 E-22DD
    845SL-1-P 241-24Trib. of Long LakeParts not in forest preserve.E-22CC(T)
    846SL-1-P 241-24-1 and trib. 1-1Trib. of Long Lake and subtrib.In forest preserve.E-22
    847SL-1-P 241-26Trib. of Long LakeUsed as emergency water supply by Town of Long Lake.E-22AAAA
    848SL-1-P 241-26-P 248Lake EatonFuture potential water supply for Long Lake. Parts not bordering forest preserve.E-22AAAA(T)
    849SL-1-P 241-26-P 248-1, 2, 3, 4Tribs. of Lake EatonIn forest preserve.E-22
    850SL-1-P 241-27 portionBig BrookFrom mouth to trib. 2.D-22CC
    851SL-1-P 241-27 portionBig BrookFrom trib. 2 to source at P 259.D-21CC(T)
    851aSL-1-P 241-27-2Trib. of Big BrookParts not in forest preserve.D-22CC(T)
    852SL-1-P 241-27- 1, 5, 6, P 253Tribs. of Big BrookParts not in forest preserve.D-22 E-22DD
    853SL-1-P 241-27-3 and trib. 3-P 250Trib. of Big Brook and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-22CC
    854SL-1-P 241-27-3- P 250-1Subtrib. of Big BrookParts not in forest preserve.D-22DD
    855SL-1-P 241-27-3- P 250-1-P 251Subtrib. of Big BrookIn forest preserve.D-22
    856SL-1-P 241-27-3- P 250-2Subtrib. of Big Brook D-22CC
    857SL-1-P 241-27-3- P 250-2-P 252Subtrib. of Big Brook D-22BB
    858SL-1-P 241-27-3- P 250-2-P 252-5Subtrib. of Big Brook D-22DD
    859SL-1-P 241-27-7, 9 and all tribs. including P 254, P 255, P 256, P 257Tribs. of Big Brook and subtribs. D-21 D-22 E-21DD
    860SL-1-P 241-27- P 259 and trib. P 259-1Slim Pond D-21 E-21DD
    861SL-1-P 241-27-P 260 and tribs. P 260-1,P 260-4, P 260-5,P 260-P 262,P 260-6, and trib. P 260-1-P 261 and tribs. P 260-1- P 261-1, P 260-1-P 261-2Slim Pond and tribs. and subtribs. D-21DD
    862SL-1-P 241-27-P 260-6-P 264 and tribs. P 264-1a, P 264-1b, P 264-3, P 264-3a, P 264-P 265Stony Pond and tribs. D-21DD
    863SL-1-P 241-27-P 260-7, P 266, 8 and tribs. 8-1, 8-P 268, 8-2, 8-P 269, 8-P 270, and tribs. 8-1-1, 8-P 268-1, 8-P 269-1Tribs. of Slim Pond and subtribs. D-21DD
    864SL-1-P 241-31 and all tribs.Trib. of Long Lake and subtribs. D-22CC(T)
    865SL-1-P 241-32 and trib. 32-P 272Trib. of Long Lake and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-22CC
    866SL-1-P 241-32-P 272-2Subtrib. of Long Lake D-22DD
    867SL-1-P 241-32-P 272-2-P 273 and tribs. P 273-1, P 273-1-P 274Subtrib. of Long Lake D-22CC(T)
    863aSL-1-P 241-28, 29, 30Tribs. of Long Lake E-21 E-22DD
    868SL-1-P 241-32-P 272-2-P 273-2,P 275Subtribs. of Long Lake D-22DD
    869SL-1-165, 166Tribs. of Raquette RiverParts not in forest preserve.E-22DD
    870SL-1-168, 170 and trib. 170-1Tribs. of Raquette River and subtrib.In forest preserve.E-21 E-22
    871SL-1-169 and tribs. 169-1, 169-2, 169-3Pine Brook and tribs.From mouth to source. In forest preserve.E-22
    872SL-1-P 276Forked LakeParts not bordering forest preserve.E-21BB
    873SL-1-P 276-1 portionBrandeth Lake OutletFrom mouth to trib. 2. In forest preserve.E-21
    874SL-1-P 276-1 portionBrandeth Lake OutletFrom trib. 2 to trib. 8. Parts not in forest preserve.E-21CC(T)
    875SL-1-P 276-1 portionBrandeth Lake OutletFrom trib. 8 to source at P 277.E-21CC(T)
    876SL-1-P 276-1- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and trib. 1-1Subtribs. of Brandeth Lake OutletIn forest preserve.E-21
    877SL-1-P 276-1-6Subtrib. of Brandeth Lake OutletParts not in forest preserve.E-21CC(T)
    878SL-1-P 276-1-8Subtrib. of Brandeth Lake Outlet E-21CC(T)
    879SL-L-P 276-1-P 277Brandeth Lake E-21BB(T)
    880SL-1-P 276-1-P 277-1, 2, 2a, 2b, 4 and tribs. 2-1, 4-1, 4-2, 4-P 277a, 4-P 278Tribs. of Brandeth Lake and subtribs. E-21DD
    881SL-1-P 276-2, 3, 6, 7,P 291 and tribs. 6-1a, 6-P 290Tribs. of Forked Lake and subtribs. E-21DD
    882SL-1-P 276-3-P 279 and tribs. P 279-1,P 279-2,P 279-3 and tribs. P 279-1-P 280, P 279-2-1, P 279-2-P 282Little Forked Lake and tribs. and subtribs. E-21DD
    883SL-1-P 276-3-P 279-1-P 280-1 and trib. 1-1, 1-1-P 281, 1-1-P 281-1Subtrib. of Little Forked Lake E-21DD
    884SL-1-P 276-3-P 279-1-P 280-1-1-P 281-1-2, 4Subtribs. of Little Forked Lake E-21DD
    885SL-1-P 276-3-P 279-2-1, P 282, 2 and tribs. P 282-1, P 282-P 283, 2-P 284, P 282-1-1, 2-P 282-2Subtribs. of Little Forked Lake E-21DD
    886SL-1-P 276-3-P 279-2-P 282-2-P 284 and tribs. P 284-1, P 284-1-P 285Subtrib. of Little Forked Lake E-21DD
    887SL-1-P 276-3-P 279-3-1a, 1b, P 286 and trib. P 286-1, and tribs. P 286-1-P 287,P 286-1-3, P 286-1-P 288,P 286-2-1,P 286-2-P 289,P 286-2-2, P 286-1-1, P 286-1-2Subtribs. of Little Forked Lake E-21DD
    887aSL-1-P 276-3-P 279-3-P 286-2-4Subtrib. of Little Forked LakeParts not in forest preserve.E-21DD
    888SL-1-P 276-3-P 279-3-P 286-2Subtrib. of Little Forked LakeParts not in forest preserve.E-21CC(T)
    889SL-1-P 276-3- P 279-3-P 286-1-1-1aSubtrib. of Little Forked Lake E-21DD
    890SL-1-P 276-8 and tribs.Trib. of Forked Lake and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.E-21CC(T)
    891SL-1-171, 172 and trib. 172-1a, 172-P 292Tribs. of Raquette River and subtribs.In forest preserve.E-21
    892SL-1-172-P 293Raquette LakeUsed as water supply. Parts not bordering forest preserve.E-21AAAA
    893SL-1-172-P 293-1Boulder BrookIn forest preserve.E-21
    894SL-1-172-P 293-1-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6a, P 295, P 296 and tribs. 5-1, 6-P 294, P 296-1, P 296-2, P 296-4, P 296-5, P 296-6Tribs. of Boulder Brook and subtribs.In forest preserve.E-21 E-22
    895SL-1-172-P 293-1-P 296-4-P 298 and tribs. P 298-1, P 298-P 299Subtribs. of Boulder BrookIn forest preserve.E-22
    896SL-1-172-P 293-2, P 300Tribs. of Raquette LakeParts not in forest preserve.E-21CC
    897SL-1-172-P 293-4 and trib. 4-4Marion River and trib.Parts not in forest preserve.E-21DD
    898SL-1-172-P 293-4-1, 2 and tribs. 2-1, 4-P 301Tribs. of Marion River and subtribs.In forest preserve.E-21
    899SL-1-172-P 293-4-6, 7Tribs. of Marion RiverParts not in forest preserve.E-21CC(T)
    900SL-1-172-P 293-4-7-1, 1a and tribs. 1-1, 1-P 302, 1-P 303Subtribs. of Marion RiverIn forest preserve.E-21
    901SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304Utowana LakeParts not in forest preserve.E-21 E-22BB
    902SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-2 portionLoon BrookFrom mouth to trib. 6. Parts not in forest preserve.E-21 E-22CC(T)
    903SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-2 portion.Loon BrookFrom trib. 6 to source. In forest preserve.E-22
    904SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-2-1a, 2, 3, 3a, 4, 6, and trib. 3-1, 4-1, 4-P 305, 3-1-1Tribs. of Loon Brook and subtribs.In forest preserve.E-21 E-22
    905SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-4Trib. of Utowana LakeParts not in forest preserve.E-21DD
    906SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-P 306Eagle Lake E-22BB
    907SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-P 306-P 307Blue Mountain Lake E-22AA(T)
    908SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-P 306-P 307-1Beaver BrookParts not in forest preserve.E-21 E-22CC(T)
    909SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-P 306-P 307-1-P 309Trib. of Beaver BrookIn forest preserve.E-21
    910SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-P 306-P 307-3, 4Tribs. of Blue Mountain Lake E-22DD
    911SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-P 306-P 307-2Trib. of Blue Mountain LakeParts not in forest preserve.E-22DD
    912SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-P 306-P 307-2-1,P 310Subtribs. of Blue Mountain LakeIn forest preserve.E-22
    913SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-P 306-P 307-3-P 311Subtrib. of Blue Mountain Lake E-22CC
    915SL-1-172-P 293-4-P 304-P 306-P 307-6Trib. of Blue Mountain LakeParts not in forest preserve.E-22CC(T)
    916SL-1-172-P 293-5 and tribs. 5-1, 5-2Death Brook and tribs.In forest preserve.E-21
    917SL-1-172-P 293-6 portionSouth InletFrom mouth to trib. 6. In forest preserve.E-21
    918SL-1-172-P 293-6 portionSouth InletFrom trib. 6 to 0.2 mile above trib. 8.E-21CC
    919SL-1-172-P 293-6 portionSouth InletFrom 0.2 mile above trib. 8 to trib. 11.E-21CC(T)
    920SL-1-172-P 293-6 portionSouth InletFrom trib. 11 to source at P 313.E-21DD
    921SL-1-172-P 293-6-4, 5 and tribs. 5-1, 5-1-1Tribs. of South Inlet and subtribs.In forest preserve.E-21
    922SL-1-172-P 293-6-6, 9, 10Tribs. of South InletParts not in forest preserve.E-21DD
    923SL-1-172-P 293-6-7, 11Tribs. of South InletParts not in forest preserve.E-21 F-21CC(T)
    924SL-1-172-P 293-6-11-1 and tribs. 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, and trib. 1-7-1Subtrib. of South InletIn forest preserve.E-21 F-21
    925SL-1-172-P 293-6-11-P 312Mohegan Lake F-21BB(T)
    925aSL-1-172-P 293-6-11-P 312-1, 2 and all tribs. of 2Tribs. of Mohegan Lake and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.F-21CC(T)
    925bSL-1-172-P 293-6-8, 12Tribs. of South Inlet E-21DD
    926SL-1-172-P 293-6-11-P 312-1-1, 2, 3, 4Subtribs. of Mohegan LakeIn forest preserve.F-21
    927SL-1-172-P 293-6-P 313Sagamore Lake (Shedd Lake) E-21BB
    928SL-1-172-P 293-6-P 313-1 and trib. 1-1a, 1-1Trib. of Sagamore Lake and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.E-21CC(T)
    929SL-1-172-P 293-6-P 313-1-1b, 2, 4, 5 and tribs. 1a-1, 4-1, 4-1a, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-P 315 and tribs. 1a-1-1, 4-1-P 314, 4-1a-1, 5-1-1, 5-P 315-1Subtribs. of Sagamore LakeIn forest preserve.E-21 F-21
    930SL-1-172-P 293-6-P 313-1-4-1-P 314-1Subtrib. of Sagamore LakeIn forest preserve.E-21
    931SL-1-172-P 293-7Otter BrookIn forest preserve. Trib. 7 is water supply for Hamlet of Raquette Lake.E-21
    932SL-1-172-P 293-8 and tribs. 8-1, 8-2, 8-4Browns Tract Inlet and tribs.In forest preserve.E-21
    933SL-1-172-P 293-8-P 316 and tribs. P 316-1, P 316-2, P 316-3, P 316-3aLower Pond and tribs.In forest preserve.E-21
    934SL-1-172-P 293-8-P 316-1-P 317 and tribs. P 317-1, P 317-1-1Upper Pond and tribs.In forest preserve.E-20 E-21
    935SL-1-172-P 293-10,P 318, 12Tribs. of Raquette LakeIn forest preserve.E-21
    936SL-1-172-P 293-11 and P 319, P 324Beaver Brook and tribs.In forest preserve.E-21
    937SL-1-172-P 293-13 and tribs. 13-1, 13-1a, 13-3, 13-P 320, 13-4, 13-4a, 13-4b, 13-4c, 13-5, 13-6, 13-7, and tribs. 13-7-1, 13-4-P 322, 13-4-P 323 and tribs. of P 323Sucker Brook and tribs. and subtribs.In forest preserve.E-20E-21
    938SL-1-172-P 293-13-7-P 329 and tribs. P 329-1, P 329-1-P 330Queer LakeIn forest preserve.E-20
    939SL-1-172-P 293-13-8 and tribs. 8-1, 8-P 326, 8-P 327, 8-P 328Trib. of Sucker Brook and subtribs.In forest preserve.E-20
    940SL-1-172-P 293-14 and tribs. 14-1, 14-1-1Stillman Brook and tribs.In forest preserve.E-21
    941SL-1-172-P 293-14-1-P 331Lone PondIn forest preserve.E-21
    942SL-1-172-P 293-14aTrib. of Raquette LakeParts not in forest preserve.E-21DD
    943SL-2 portionGrass RiverFrom mouth to dam at Madrid.A-20ne A-20nw A-19ne A-19se A-19sw B-19BB
    944SL-2 portionGrass RiverFrom dam at Madrid to bridge at Morley.B-19AA
    945SL-2 portionGrass RiverFrom bridge at Morley to Route 68 bridge at Canton.B-19BB
    946SL-2 portionGrass RiverFrom trib. 22 to Route 68 bridge at Canton.B-19AA
    947SL-2 portionGrass RiverFrom trib. 25 to Canton-Russell town line.B-19 C-19BB
    947.1SL-2 portionGrass RiverFrom Canton-Russelltown line to trib. 36.B-19 C-19CC
    948SL-2 portionGrass RiverFrom trib. 36 to confluence of tribs. 58 and 59.C-19CC(T)
    949SL-2-2, 4, 5, 6, 6a, 7, 7a, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16 and tribs. 5-1, 6a-1, 6a-1-1, 7a-1Tribs. of Grass River and subtribs. A-20ne A-20nw A-19ne A-19se A-19swDD
    950SL -2-18, 19, 20, 21 and tribs. 19-1, 19-2, 19-3, 20-1, 20-1-1Tribs. of Grass River and subtribs. B-19DD
    951SL-2-19aTrib. of Grass RiverCross-reference: see SL-25-16.B-19CC
    952SL-2-22 portionLittle RiverFrom mouth to 0.1 mile above trib. 5.B-19CC
    953SL-2-22 portionLittle RiverFrom 0.1 mile above trib. 5 to trib. 16.B-19 C-19CC(T)
    954SL-2-22 portionLittle RiverFrom trib. 16 to source.B-19 C-19AAAA
    955SL-2-22-1 and tribs.Tracy Brook and tribs. B-19 B-20swDD
    956SL-2-22-2 portionTrib. of Little RiverFrom mouth to trib. 3.B-19DD
    957SL-2-22-2 portionTrib. of Little RiverFrom trib. 3 to trib. 6.B-19CC(T)
    958SL-2-22-2 portion and tribs. 2-1, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-5-1, and all tribs.Trib. of Little River and subtribs.From trib. 6 to source.B-19 B-20swDD
    958.1SL-2-22-2-2Boyden BrookEntire stream.B-19CC(TS)
    959SL-2-22-2-6 and tribs. 6-1, 6-2, 6-2aLeonard Brook and tribs. B-19 B-20sw C-20CC(T)
    960SL-2-22-2-6-2b, 2c, 3Tribs. of Leonard Brook B-20sw C-20DD
    961SL-2-22-3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and tribs. 5-1, 6-1Tribs. of Little River and subtribs. B-19DD
    962SL-2-22-8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and tribs. 8-1, 8-1-1Tribs. of Little River and subtribs. B-19 C-19DD
    963SL-2-22-14 and tribs. 14-1, 14-2, 14-3, 14-4, 14-5 and tribs. 14-3-1, 14-3-2Baldwin Brook and tribs. and subtribs. B-19 C-19DD
    964SL-2-22-15Trib. of Little River B-19DD
    965SL-2-22-16 and tribs. 16-1, 16-2, 16-3, 16-4 and tribs. 16-3-1Deer Lick Brook and tribs. and subtribs. C-19DD
    966SL-2-22-17, 18 and trib. 18-1Tribs. of Little River and subtribs.Trib. of Canton water supply.C-19AAAA
    967SL-2-22-19 portionVan Rensselaer CreekFrom mouth to 0.5 mile above trib. 5.B-19 C-19AAAA(T)
    968SL-2-22-19 portionVan Rensselaer CreekFrom 0.5 mile above trib. 5 to source.B-19 B-20swAAAA
    969SL-2-22-19-1 and tribs. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and trib. 1-3-1Dean Brook and tribs. and subtribs.Trib. of Canton water supply.C-19AAAA(T)
    970SL-2-22-19-1-4Trib. of Dean BrookTrib. of Canton water supply.C-19AAAA
    971SL-2-22-19-2, 3, 4 and tribs. 3-1, 4-1Trib. of Van Rensselaer Creek and subtribs.Trib. of Canton water supply.C-19 B-19AAAA
    972SL-2-22-19-5 portionTaylor CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.B-19 C-19AAAA(T)
    973SL-2-22-19-5 portion and tribs. 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4 and tribs. 5-3-1, 5-3-2, 5-3-P 284, 5-3-3Taylor Creek tribs. and subtribs.From trib. 3 to source.C-19 C-20AAAA
    974SL-2-22-19-6Trib. of Van Rensselaer CreekTrib. of Canton water supply.B-20swAAAA
    975SL-2-23, 24 and tribs. 23-1, 24-1 and trib. 24-1-1Tribs. of Grass River and subtribs. B-19DD
    976SL-2-25 and trib. 25-1 and trib. 25-1-1Harrison Creek and trib. and subtrib. B-19DD
    977SL-2-25-2 portionElm CreekFrom mouth to bridge over stream at Marshville.B-19 C-19CC
    978SL-2-25-2 portionElm CreekFrom bridge over stream at Marshville to source.C-19CC(T)
    979SL-2-25-2-1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and tribs. 9-1, 14-1, 14-2, 15-1, 17-1, 17-2, 17-3, 17-4 and tribs. 14-1-1, 14-1-1-1.Tribs. of Elm Creek and subtribs. B-19 C-19DD
    980SL-2-25-2-18Cancross Creek C-19CC(T)
    981SL-2-25-2-18-1, 2 and tribs. 2-1, 2-2Tribs. of Cancross Creek and subtribs. C-19DD
    982SL-2-25-2-18-3 and tribs. 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4 and tribs. 3-1-1, 3-1-2, 3-2-1, 3-4-1, 3-4-P 288, 3-1-2-1, 3-1-2-3Bullock Creek and tribs. and subtribs. C-19DD
    983SL-2-25-2-18-4Trib. of Cancross Creek C-19DD
    984SL-2-25-2-19, 20, 21 and trib. 20-1Tribs. of Elm Creek and subtribs. C-19DD
    985SL-2-25-2-22 portionCedar Lake StreamFrom mouth to 1.5 miles above trib. 2.C-19CC(T)
    986SL-2-25-2-22 portion and tribs. 22-1, 22-2, 22-3, 22-P 289 and tribs. 22-2-1, 22-1 and all tribs.Cedar Lake Stream and tribs. and subtribs.From 1.5 miles above trib. 2 to source at P 290.C-18 C-19DD
    987SL-2-25-2-22-P 290Cedar Lake C-18BB
    988SL-2-25-2-23, 24 and tribs. 23-1, 24-1Tribs. of Elm Creek and subtribs. C-19DD
    989SL-2-25-2-25 and tribs. 25-1, 25-2, 25-3, 25-4, 25-5, 25-6, 25-7, 25-8, 25-9 and tribs. 25-3-1, 25-3-2, 25-3-3, 25-3-4, 25-3-3-1Mill Brook and tribs. and subtribs. C-19CC(T)
    990SL-2-25-2-26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and trib. 26-1Trib. of Elm Creek and subtribs. C-19DD
    991SL-2-25-3 and tribs. 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 3-8, 3-9, 3-10, 3-11, 3-12, 3-13, 3-14, 3-15, 3-16, 3-17, and tribs. 3-1-1, 3-1-2, 3-1-3, 3-1-4, 3-5-1, 3-6-1, 3-7-1, 3-7-2, 3-8-1, 3-9-1, 3-11-1, 3-12-1, 3-12-2, 3-12-3, 3-12-4, 3-12-P 291, 3-12-P 292, 3-13-1, 3-13-2-3-13-3, 3-14-1, 3-16-1, 3-16-2, 3-16-3, 3-16-4, 3-1-1-1, 3-1-1-2, 3-12-3-1, 3-16-4-1, 3-16-4-2.Tanner Creek and tribs. and subtribs. C-18 C-19DD
    992SL-2-25-3-18 and tribs. 18-1, 18-2Trib. of Tanner Creek and subtribs.From mouth to P 293.C-18DD
    993SL-2-25-3-18-P 293Trout Lake C-18BB(T)
    994SL-2-26, 26a, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43 and tribs. 28-1, 30-1, 30-2, 30-3, 38-1, 39-1, 40-1, 43-1Tribs. of Grass River and subtribs. B-19 C-19DD
    994.1SL-2-32-35, 39Tribs of Grass River C-19CC(TS)
    995SL-2-44Pleasant Creek C-19CC(T)
    996SL-2-44-aSpring Run C-19CC(T)
    997SL-2-44-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and trib. 2-1Tribs. of Pleasant Creek and subtrib. C-19CC(T)
    998SL-2-45 and trib. 45-3 and tribs. 45-3-1, 45-3-2, 45-3-3Plumb Brook and trib. and subtribs. C-19CC(T)
    999SL-2-45-1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, and tribs. 11-P 294, 11-2, 12-2, 12-3, 13-1, 14-1, 15-1 and tribs.11-3-1, 11-3-2, 11-3-3, 11-3-3, 11-3-P 288, 11-3- P 295Tribs. of Plumb Brook and subtribs. C-19DD
    999.1SL-2-45-11, 12, 15 and tribs. 11-1 11-3, and 12-1.Tribs. of Plumb Brook and subtribs. C-19CC(TS)
    1000SL-2-45-15-P 296 and tribs. P 296-1, P 296-2 and tribs. P 296-1-1, P 296-1P 298, P296-1-P 297Sweet Pond and tribs. and subtribs. C-19DD
    1001SL-2-45-16, 18, 19, 20 and tribs. 16-1, 17-1, 17-2, 17-3, 17-4, 17-5, 17-6, 17-7, 17-8, 17-P 299, 17-P 300, and tribs. 17-2-1, 17-3-1, 17-3-2Tribs. of Plumb Brook and subtribs. C-19DD
    1001.1SL-4-45-17Orebed Creek C-19CC(TS)
    1002SL-2-45-21, 22, 23,P 302, P 303 and tribs. 21-1, 21-2, 21-3, 23-1, 23-P 301Tribs. of Plumb Brook and subtribs. C-19CC(T)
    1003SL-2-45-P 303-1Subtrib. of Plumb Brook C-19DD
    1004SL-2-46Trib. of Grass River C-19DD
    1005SL-2-47 and tribs. 47-1, 47-2Black Brook C-19DD
    1006SL-2-48North Branch Grass River C-19CC(T)
    1007SL-2-48-1, P304, 2, 3Tribs. of North Branch Grass River C-19DD
    1008SL-2-48-4 and trib. 4-1 and subtrib. 4-1-1Bucks Brook and tribs. C-19CC(TS)
    1008.1SL-2-48-4-2, 4 and tribs.4-1 P 305, 4-2-1, 4-1-1-1, 4-1-1-2, 4-1-1-3Tribs. of Bucks Brook C-19DD
    1009SL-2-48-1-P 306Clear Lake C-19CC(T)
    1010SL-2-48-4-3Conkey Branch C-19 C-20CC(T)
    1011SL-2-48-4-P 307 and tribs. P 307-1, P 307-2, P 307-3Buck Pond and tribs. C-19 C-20DD
    1012SL-2-48-5, 6, 7 and tribs. 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-P 308, 5-P 308-1, 5-P 308-2Tribs. of North Branch Grass River and subtribs. C-19 C-20DD
    1013SL-2-48-5-P 309Subtrib. of North Branch Grass River C-19CC(T)
    1014SL-2-48-8 and tribs. 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5 and tribs. 8-1-1, 8-1-2, 8-2-1Gulf Creek and tribs. and subtribs. C-20CC(T)
    1015SL-2-48-9, P 314, 10 and trib. 9-1 and trib. 9-1-1Tribs. of North Branch Grass River and subtribs. C-20DD
    1016SL-2-48-10-1, P 315, P 316,P 317Subtribs. of North Branch Grass River C-20CC
    1017SL-2-48-11, 12, 13, 17 and tribs. 11-1, 11-2, 11-P 320, 14-1, 14-2, 11-1-P 318 11-2-P 319Tribs. of North Branch Grass River and subtribs. C-20DD
    1017.1SL-2-48-14, 15, 16 and 18Tribs. of North Branch Grass River C-20CC(TS)
    1018SL-2-48-19, 20, 21, 23, 24 and tribs. 19-P 320a, 20-P 321, 22-1, 22-2, 22-2-1Tribs. of North Branch Grass River and subtribs. C-20CC(T)
    1018aSL-2-48-22, P 323Tribs. of North Branch Grass RiverParts not in forest preserve.C-20CC(T)
    1019SL-2-48-19-1Subtrib. of North Branch Grass River C-20CC(TS)
    1020SL-2-49, 50, 51,P 324, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 and tribs. 52-1, 57-1Tribs. of Grass River and subtribs. C-19DD
    1021SL-2-57-P 329Boyd Pond C-19CC(T)
    1022SL-2-57-P 327,P 328Subtribs. of Grass River C-19CC(T)
    1023SL-2-57-P 329-1, 2,P 330, 3Tribs. of Boyd Pond C-19DD
    1024SL-2-58Middle Branch Grass RiverParts not in forest preserve.C-19 C-20CC(T)
    1025SL-2-58-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and tribs. 3-1, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 7-1, 7-2, 9-P 331 and trib. 5-4-1Tribs. of Middle Branch Grass River and subtribs. and subtrib. C-19 C-20DD
    1026SL-2-58-8, 11, 12 and trib. 11-1Tribs. of Middle Branch Grass River and subtrib. C-20CC(T)
    1027SL-2-58-12-P 332,P 333, 1, 2Subtribs. of Middle Branch Grass River C-20CC(T)
    1028SL-2-58-13Alder BrookParts not in forest preserve.C-20CC(T)
    1029SL-2-58-14 and tribs. 14-1, 14-2 and trib. 14-2-P 335Deerskin Brook and tribs. and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.C-20CC(T)
    1030SL-2-58-15 and tribs. 15-1, 15-2, 15-2a, 15-2b, 15-2c, 15-3, 15-4, 15-5 and tribs. 15-1-1, 15-4-P 336, 15-5-P 337Blue Mountain Stream and tribs. and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.C-20CC(T)
    1031SL-2-58-16 and tribs. 16-1, 16-2, 16-3, 16-4, 16-5, 16-6, and tribs. 16-1-1, 16-4-1, 16-4-2, 16-6-1Pleasant Lake Brook and tribs. and subtribs. C-20CC(T)
    1032SL-2-58-16-P 338,P 339Tribs. of Pleasant Lake Brook C-20DD
    1033SL-2-58-16-P 341Pleasant Lake C-20CC(T)
    1034SL-2-59South Branch Grass River C-19CC(T)
    1035SL-2-59-1Colton Creek C-19CC(T)
    1036SL-2-59-1-1, 2 and tribs. 2-1, 2-2Tribs. of Colton Creek and subtribs. C-19DD
    1037SL-2-59-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and trib. 11-1Tribs. of Colton Creek and subtribs. C-19DD
    1038SL-2-59-13Trib. of South Branch Grass River C-19 C-20CC(T)
    1039SL-2-59-13-P 342,P 343Subtribs. of South Branch Grass River C-19 C-20CC(T)
    1040SL-2-59-13-1, 2, 3 and tribs. 13-1-1Subtrib. of South Branch Grass River C-19 C-20DD
    1041SL-2-59-14, 15Tribs. of South Branch Grass River C-19 C-20DD
    1042SL-2-59-16, 17Tribs. of South Branch Grass River C-19 C-20CC(T)
    1043SL-2-59-17-1, 2 and trib. 17-1-1Subtribs. of South Branch Grass River C-19 C-20DD
    1044SL-2-59-18Moosehead Pond C-20 D-20CC(T)
    1045SL-2-59-18-1, 2, 3, 4,P 344, P 345Tribs. of Moosehead Pond C-20 D-20DD
    1046SL-2-59-19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and tribs. 20-1, 21-1, 23-1 and tribs. 21-1-1, 21-1-P 340Tribs. of South Branch Grass River and subtribs. C-20DD
    1047SL-2-59-24Cook Pond Outlet C-20 D-20DD
    1048SL-2-59-24-P 347Trib. of Cook Pond Outlet C-20CC(T)
    1049SL-2-59-25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and tribs. 25-1, 27-P 348, 27-P 349, 27-P 350, 29-1, 29-2, 29-3, 29-4, 31-P 351, 31-1, 32-1 and tribs. 29-2-1, 29-2-2, 32-1-P 352Tribs. of South Branch Grass River and subtrib. C-20 D-20CC(T)
    1050SL-2-59-32-1- P 352-1 and trib. P 352-1-P 353Subtribs. of South Branch Grass River C-20DD
    1051SL-2-59-32-2 and tribs. 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4 and tribs. 2-1-1, 2-3-P 354Windfall Brook and tribs. and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.C-20 C-21CC(T)
    1052SL-2-59-32-2-P 355Sevey Pond C-21CC(T)
    1053SL-2-59-32-3 and tribs. 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 3-8 and tribs. 3-6-P 359, 3-7-P 362 and tribs. 3-6-P 359-1, 3-6-P 359-P 361, 3-6-P 359-2Subtrib. of South Branch Grass RiverParts not in forest preserve.C-20CC(T)
    1054SL-2-59-P 363Trib. of South Branch Grass River C-20DD
    1055SL-2-59-33 portionTrib. of South Branch Grass RiverFrom mouth to 1.0 miles upstream.C-20 D-20CC
    1056SL-2-59-33 portionTrib. of South Branch Grass RiverFrom 1.0 miles upstream to source.D-20DD
    1057SL-2-59-34, 35Trib. of South Branch Grass River C-20 C-21DD
    1058SL-2-59-34-P 364Subtrib. of South Branch Grass River C-20CC(T)
    1059SL-2-59-36 and trib. 36-1Mink Brook and trib. C-21DD
    1060SL-2-59-36-P 366Trib. of Mink Brook C-21CC(T)
    1061SL-2-59-37 and tribs. 37-1, 37-2, 37-3Jacks Pond Outlet and tribs.From mouth to P 367.C-21CC(T)
    1062SL-2-59-37-4 and tribs. 4-1, 4-2, 4-3Tuttle Brook and tribs.From mouth to source.C-21CC(T)
    1063SL-2-59-37-5 and trib. 5-1Trib. of Jacks Pond Outlet and subtrib. C-21CC(T)
    1064SL-2-59-37-P 367Jacks Pond C-21CC(T)
    1065SL-2-59-38, 39 and tribs. 38-a, 38-1Tribs. of South Branch Grass River and subtribs. D-21 C-21CC(T)
    1066SL-2-59-39-P 369Massawepie Lake C-21 D-21BB
    1067SL-2-59-39- P 369-1, 2 and tribs. 2-1, 2-P 369b-1, 2-P 369d, 2-P 374 and tribs. 2-P 369b-2, 2-1-1Tribs. of Massawepie Lake and subtribs.2-P 369b-1 is outlet of P 369b.C-21 D-21DD
    1068SL-2-59-39-P 369-2-P 370Catamount Pond C-21BB(T)
    1069SL-2-59-39-P 369-2-P 369bSubtrib. of Massawepie Lake C-21 D-21BB
    1070SL-2-59-39- P 369-2-P 373 and outlet, P 371,P 372Subtribs. of Massawepie Lake C-21 D-21CC(T)
    1071SL-2-59-39aTrib. of South Branch Grass River D-21DD
    1072SL-2-59-40 and tribs. 40-1, 40-3, and tribs. 40-3-a, 40-3-1, 40-3-3Burntbridge Outlet and tribs. and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.D-21CC(T)
    1072aSL-2-59-40-4, P 375Tribs. of Burntbridge OutletIn forest preserve.D-21
    1073SL-2-59-41, 42aTribs. of South Branch Grass River D-21DD
    1074SL-2-59-43, 46 and trib. 46-P 376 and tribs. 46-P 376-P 376a, 46-P 376-1 and trib. 46-P 376-1-1Tribs. of South Branch Grass River and subtrib. D-21CC(T)
    1075SL-2-59-47, 48 and tribs. 47-P 376b, 48-P 376cTribs. of South Branch Grass River and subtribs. D-21DD
    1076SL-7, 7a, 8, 9 and trib. 8-1Tribs. of St. Lawrence River and subtrib. A-19neDD
    1077SL-10Coles Creek A-19ne A-19seCC
    1078SL-10-aTrib. of Coles Creek A-19neDD
    1079SL-10aTrib. of St. Lawrence River A-19nwDD
    1080SL-11 and trib. 11-4Brandy Brook and trib. A-19nw B-18ne B-19 A-19swDD
    1081SL-12Little Sucker Brook A-19nw A-19swDD
    1082SL-13 portionSucker BrookFrom mouth to trib. 3.A-19sw A-18neCC
    1083SL-13 portion and tribs. 13-2, 13-3, 13-4 and trib. 13-3-1Sucker Brook and tribs. and subtrib.From trib. 3 to source.A-18ne B-18neDD
    1084SL-14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23Tribs. of St. Lawrence River A-19neDD
    1085SL-24 and tribs. 24-a, 24-1 and trib. 24-1-1Trib. of St. Lawrence River and subtribs. B-18nwDD
    1086SL-25 portionOswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to Route 186 bridge at Rensselaer FallsB-17ne B-18nw B-18sw B-18seBB
    1086.1SL-25 portionOswegatchie RiverFrom Route 186 bridge at Rensselaer Falls to trib. 29 near Richville.B-18se C-18CC
    1086.2SL-25 portionOswegatchie RiverFrom trib. 29 near Richville to 0.4 mile upstream from N.Y.C railroad bridge over stream at Gouverneur.C-17ne C-17sw C-17se C-18BB
    1087SL-25 portionOswegatchie RiverFrom 0.4 mile upstream from N.Y.C. railroad bridge over stream at Gouverneur to bridge over stream at Talcville.C-18AA
    1088SL-25 portionOswegatchie RiverFrom bridge over stream at Talcville to Route 87 bridge at Edwards.C-18CC
    1089SL-25 portionOswegatchie RiverFrom Route 87 bridge over stream at Edwards to bridge over stream at Fine.C-18 C-19 D-19CC
    1090SL-25 portionOswegatchie RiverFrom bridge over stream at Fine to dam at Newton Falls.D-19 D-20CC
    1091SL-25 portionOswegatchie RiverFrom dam at Newton Falls to dam at Cranberry Lake.D-20AA(T)
    1092SL-25 portionOswegatchie River (Cranberry Lake)From Cranberry Lake outlet to footbridge at Wanakena. Crossreference item 1589. Parts not in forest preserve.D-20AA(T)
    1093SL-25 portion including P 380, P 382Oswegatchie RiverFrom footbridge at Wanakena to source of Oswegatchie River at P 380 and P 382. Parts not in forest preserveD-20CC(T).
    1094SL-25-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and all tribs.Tribs. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs. B-17ne B-18nw B-17seDD
    1095SL-25-7 including P 1Black Lake Outlet. Black Lake B-18sw B-17se B-17sw C-17ne C-17nwBB
    1096SL-25-7-1Trib. of Black Lake Outlet B-17seDD
    1097SL-25-7-2 including P 4Fish Creek Hickory Lake B-17se B-18sw C-17ne C-18CC
    1098SL-25-7-2-2Birch CreekMouth to source.C-17neCC
    1099SL-25-7-2-2-3, 4, 4a, 5, 10, 10a, 11, 13 and all subtribs.Tribs. of Birch Creek and subtribs. C-17neDD
    1100SL-25-7- 2-3, 4 and all subtribs. including P 3 (Mud Lake)Tribs. of Fish Creek and subtribs. C-17ne B-17se B-18sw C-18DD
    1101SL-25-7-3 portionIndian RiverFrom Black Lake Inlet to old N.Y.S. Route 26 bridge over stream at Antwerp.C-17nw C-17sw C-16se D-16ne D-16se D-17nw D-17ne D-17se D-18swCC
    1102SL-25-7-3 portionIndian RiverFrom old N.Y.S. Route 26 bridge over stream at Antwerp to trib. 42.D-17neAA
    1103SL-25-7-3 portionIndian RiverFrom trib. 42 to N.Y.S. Route 3 bridge over stream at Natural Bridge.D-17ne D-17se D-18swCC
    1104SL-25-7-3 portionIndian RiverFrom N.Y.S. Route 3 bridge over stream at Natural Bridge to outlet of P 50 (Carthage Reservoir).D-18sw E-18CC(T)
    1105SL-25-7-3 portion including P 50Indian River Carthage ReservoirFrom outlet of P 50 (Carthage Reservoir) to source of Indian River.E-18AA(T)
    1106SL-25-7-3-1 portionTrib. of Indian RiverFrom mouth to trib. 1C-17nwCC
    1107SL-25-7-3-1 portion and tribs. 1-1, 1-1a, 1-3 and all subtribs.Trib. of Indian River and subtribs.From trib. 1 to source.C-17nw C-17neDD
    1108SL-25-7-3-3 and all tribs.Trib. of Indian River and all tribs. C-17nw C-17neDD
    1109SL-25-7-3-3-P 50aPleasant Lake C-17neBB
    1110SL-25-7-3-4, 4a and all tribs.Tribs. of Indian River and subtribs. C-17sw C-17seDD
    1111SL-25-7-3-4-P 5Mud Lake C-17sw C-17seCC
    1112SL-25-7-3-5, 5a, 6, 7, 7a, 9 and all tribs. and all subtribs.Tribs. of Indian River and subtribs. C-17sw C-17seDD
    1113SL-25-7-3-11Trib. of Indian RiverFrom mouth to source.C-17swDD
    1114SL-25-7-3-11- P 8Muskalonge Lake C-17swCC
    1115SL-25-7-3-11- P 8-1 and all tribs.Trib. of Muskalonge Lake and all tribs. C-17swDD
    1116SL-25-7-3-12, 13, 17a, 18aTribs. of Indian River C-17swDD
    1117SL-25-7-3-P 9Lake of the Woods C-17swCC
    1118SL-25-7-3-19Trib. of Indian River C-17swDD
    1119SL-25-7-3-19- P 10Red Lake C-16se C-17swCC
    1120SL-25-7-3-19-P 10-1 and all tribs. of P 10-1Trib. of Red Lake and subtribs. C-17swDD
    1121SL-25-7-3-19a, 19b, 20, 20a, 21 and all tribs.Tribs. of Indian River and subtribs. C-16se D-16se D-16neDD
    1122SL-25-7-3-2 and tribs. 22-1a, 22-1b, 22-1c, 22-2, 22-3 and all tribs., 22-3a and trib. 22-3a-12Black Creek and tribs. and subtrib. D-16neDD
    1123SL-25-7-3-22a, 23a, 23b, 24, 24a, 24b, 24c, 24d, 24e, and all tribs. and trib. 22a-1Tribs. of Indian River and subtribs. D-16ne D-17nw D-16swDD
    1124SL-25-7-3-23 and all tribs. and all tribs. including P 13Otter Creek and all tribs. and all subtribs. D-16ne D-17nw D-17ne C-16seDD
    1125SL-25-7-3-25 portionPleasant CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.D-16seDD
    1125.1SL-25-7-3-25 portionPleasant CreekFrom trib. 3 to outlet of St. James Lake (P 14) at LeRaysville Dam.D-16seCC(T)
    1126SL-25-7-3-25 portion and tribs. 25-P 14Pleasant CreekFrom St. James Lake at LeRaysville to source, including P 14 (St. James Lake).D-16seCC(T)
    1127SL-25-7-3-25-1a, 2, 2a and tribs. 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2a-1Tribs. of Pleasant Creek and subtribs. D-16seDD
    1128SL-25-7-3-25-1 portionWest CreekFrom mouth to U.S. Route 11 bridge over stream just south of Evans Mills Corp. line.D-16seCC(T)
    1129SL-25-7-3-25-1 portionWest CreekFrom U.S. Route 11 bridge over stream to source. Evans Mills water supply.D-16seAA(T)
    1130SL-25-7-3-25- 1-1b, 1c, 1, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1j, 1h, 1i, 2, 3a, 3b, 3cTribs. of West Creek D-16seDD
    1131SL-25-7-3-25-3 portionTrib. of Pleasant CreekFrom mouth to 2.0 miles upstream.D-16se D-17swDD
    1132SL-25-7-3-25-3 portionTrib. of Pleasant CreekFrom 2.0 miles upstream to 3.5 miles upstream.D-17swCC(T)
    1133SL-25-7-3-25-3 portion and trib. 3-2 and tribs. 3-2-2, 3-2-3, 3-2-4, 3-2-5, 3-2-1 and all tribs.Trib. of Pleasant Creek and subtrib.From 3.5 miles upstream to source.D-17sw D-16seDD
    1134SL-25-7-3-25-4 portionTrib. of Pleasant CreekFrom mouth to 2.0 miles upstream.D-16se D-17swCC(T)
    1135SL-25-7-3-25-4 portion and tribs. 4-1, 4-2Trib. of Pleasant Creek and subtribs.From 2.0 miles upstream to source.D-17swDD
    1136SL-25-7-3-25-5aTrib. of Pleasant Creek5a was formerly trib. 1 of 5.D-16seCC(T)
    1137SL-25-7-3-25-5a-2Subtrib. of Pleasant Creek D-17swDD
    1138SL-25-7-3-25-5 portionTrib. of Pleasant CreekFrom mouth to 0.3 mile upstream.D-16seCC(T)
    1139SL-25-7-3-25-5 portionTrib. of Pleasant CreekFrom 0.3 mile upstream to source.D-16se D-17swCC(TS)
    1140SL-25-7-3-25-5-2Subtrib. of Pleasant Creek D-16se D-17swCC(T)
    1141SL-25-7-3-25- 5-2-1Subtrib. of Pleasant Creek D-16se D-17swDD
    1142SL-25-7-3-25-6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7aTribs. of Pleasant Creek D-16seDD
    1143SL-25-7-3-25-7Trib. of Pleasant Creek D-16seCC(T)
    1144SL-25-7-3-26 portionTrout BrookFrom mouth to trib. 2.D-16se D-17swDD
    1145SL-25-7-3-26 portionTrout BrookFrom trib. 2 to trib. 4.D-17swCC(T)
    1146SL-25-7-3-26 portion and tribs. 26-1a, 26-1b, 26-1c, 26-1d, 26-1, 26-2, 26-2a, 26-2b, 26-2c, 26-3, 26-3c, 26-4, and all tribs.Trout Brook and tribs. and all subtribs.From trib. 4 to source.D-17sw D-16seDD
    1147SL-25-7-3-26-P 14aTrib. of Trout BrookPhiladelphia Reservoir.D-17swAA
    1148SL-25-7-3-26a, 26b, 27, 27a, 28, 28a, 29, 29a and all tribs.Tribs. of Indian River and subtribs. D-16se D-16ne D-17nw D-17swDD
    1149SL-25-7-3-30 portionBlack CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.D-17sw D-17nwCC
    1150SL-25-7-3-30 portionBlack CreekFrom trib. 3 to trib. 9.D-17sw D-17seCC(T)
    1151SL-25-7-3-30 portionBlack CreekFrom trib. 9 to trib. 18.D-17seCC(T)
    1152SL-25-7-3-30 portion and tribs. 30-1a, 30-1, 30-1b, 30-2, 30-3, 30-3a, 30-4, 30-4a, 30-5 and all tribs.Black Creek and tribs. and all subtribs.From trib. 18 to source.D-17se D-17nw D-17swDD
    1153SL-25-7-3-30-6 portionWest Branch of Warren SwampFrom mouth to trib. 13. West Branch of Warren Swamp formerly called Hubbard Creek.D-17sw D-17seCC(T)
    1154SL-25-7-3-30-6 portion and tribs. 6-a, 6-3a, 6-5 and all tribs., 6-9, 6-12a, 6-12b, 6-13a, 6-15, 6-16, 6-17, 6-17a and trib. 6-3-2West Branch of Warren Swamp and tribs. and subtrib.From trib. 13 to source.D-17se D-17sw E-17neDD
    1155SL-25-7-3-30-6-1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12Tribs. of West Branch of Warren Swamp D-17sw D-17seCC(T)
    1156SL-25-7-3-30-6-13 portionDrake CreekFrom mouth to trib. 2.D-17seCC(T)
    1157SL-25-7-3-30-6-13 portion and all tribs.Drake Creek and all tribs.From trib. 2 to source.D-17seDD
    1158SL-25-7-3-30-7 and trib. 7-1Trib. of Black Creek and subtrib. D-17swDD
    1159SL-25-7-3-30-8 portionBush CreekFrom mouth to outlet of P 15b.D-17sw D-17seCC(T)
    1160SL-25-7-3-30-P 15bTrib. of Black Creek D-17seBB(T)
    1161SL-25-7-3-30-8 portionBush CreekFrom inlet of P 15b to trib. 1.D-17seCC(T)
    1162SL-25-7-3-30-8 portion and tribs. 8-1, 8-1aBush Creek and tribs.From trib. 1 to source.D-17seDD
    1163SL-25-7-3-30-9, 10, 10a, 11 and all tribs.Tribs. of Black Creek and subtrib. D-17seDD
    1164SL-25-7-3-30-11- P 15cSubtrib. of Black CreekMilitary Reservation Reservoir.D-17seAA
    1165SL-25-7-3-30-12 portionDraper CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1a.D-17seCC(T)
    1166SL-25-7-3-30-12 portion and trib. 12-1aDraper Creek and trib.From trib. 1a to source.D-17seDD
    1167SL-25-7-3-30-12a, 13Tribs. of Black Creek D-17seDD
    1168SL-25-7-3-30-14 portionTrib. of Black CreekFrom mouth to 1.0 mile upstream.D-17seCC(T)
    1169SL-25-7-3-30-14 portionTrib. of Black CreekFrom 1.0 mile upstream to source.D-17seDD
    1170SL-25-7-3-30-15Trib. of Black Creek D-17seCC(T)
    1171SL-25-7-3-30-17, 17a, 18, 18a, and all tribs.Tribs. of Black Creek D-17seDD
    1172SL-25-7-3-32, 33, 33a, 34, 35, 35a, 35b, 36, 36a, 37, 38, 38a, 39, 39a, 39b, 39c, 40, 40a, 41, 41a, and all tribs.Tribs. of Indian River and subtribs. D-17nw D-17neDD
    1173SL-25-7-3-42 and all tribs.Rockwell Creek and all tribs. D-17ne D-18nwDD
    1174SL-25-7-3-P 20Dority Pond D-17ne D-18nwCC
    1175SL-25-7-3-44, 44a, 44b, 44c, 44d, 45, 45a, 46 and all tribs. including P 19aTribs. of Indian River and subtribs. D-17ne D-17seDD
    1176SL-25-7-3-48 portionTrib. of Indian RiverFrom mouth to town line road bridge over stream.D-17neDD
    1177SL-25-7-3-48 portion and trib. 48-1Trib. of Indian River and subtrib.From town line road bridge over stream to trib. 1.D-17neCC(T)
    1178SL-25-7-3-48 portion and trib. 48-2 and all tribs.Trib. of Indian River and subtrib.From trib. 1 to source.D-17neDD
    1179SL-25-7-3-49, 49a, 49b, 50, 52, 52a, 52b, 53, 53a, 53b, 53c, 54 and all tribs.Tribs. of Indian River and subtribs. D-17se D-17ne D-18nw D-18swDD
    1180SL-25-7-3-55Bonaparte Creek D-18nwCC
    1181SL-25-7-3-55-a, b, cTribs. of Bonaparte Creek D-18nwDD
    1182SL-25-7-3-55- P 23Mud Lake D-18nwCC
    1183SL-25-7-3-55-P 23-a, 1, 2Tribs. of Mud Lake D-18nwDD
    1184SL-25-7-3-55- P 23-2-P 25, P 26Subtribs. of Mud Lake D-18nwCC(T)
    1185SL-25-7-3-55- P 24Lake Bonaparte D-18nwBB
    1186SL-25-7-3-55-P 24-3, 3a, 4Tribs. of Lake Bonaparte D-18nw D-18neDD
    1187SL-25-7-3-55- P 24-5 portionTrib. of Lake BonaparteFrom mouth to trib. 1.D-18nw D-18neCC
    1188SL-25-7-3-55-P 24-5 portion and tribs. 5-1, 5-2, 5-P 28Trib. of Lake BonaparteFrom trib. 1 to source.D-18ne D-18se D-18swCC(T)
    1189SL-25-7-3-55- P 24-5-P 29Subtrib. of Lake Bonaparte D-18seDD
    1190SL-25-7-3-55-P 24-P 27Duck Pond D-18neCC
    1191SL-25-7-3-55-P 24-6Dobson Creek D-18nw D-18swCC(T)
    1192SL-25-7-3-55-P 24-6-1 and trib. 1-P 30 and all tribs.Trib. of Dobson Creek and subtrib. D-18nw D-18swCC
    1193SL-25-7-3-55-P 24-6-P 31Clark Pond D-18swCC(T)
    1194SL-25-7-3-55-P 24-6-1a, 1b, 1c, 2 including P 32, 2a, 2b, 2c and all tribs.Tribs. of Dobson Creek and subtribs. D-18swDD
    1195SL-25-7-3-55-P 24-6-1b-P 30aBurnt Pond D-18swCC
    1196SL-25-7-3-55aTrib. of Indian River D-18nwDD
    1197SL-25-7-3-P 36Trib. of Indian River D-18nwCC
    1198SL-25-7-3-P 37Narrow Lake D-18nwCC
    1199SL-25-7-3-P 38Indian Lake D-18nwCC
    1200SL-25-7-3-P 38-56, 57Tribs. of Indian Lake D-18nwDD
    1201SL-25-7-3-P 38-57-P 39Burnt Pond D-18nwCC
    1202SL-25-7-3-P 38-58Trib. of Indian Lake D-18nwDD
    1203SL-25-7-3-P 38-58-P 40Indian Pond D-18nw D-18swCC
    1204SL-25-7-3-P 38-58-P 40-1Trib. of Indian Pond D-18swDD
    1205SL-25-7-3-P 38-58-1-P 41,P 41a, P 42 and all tribs.Subtrib. of Indian Pond D-18swCC
    1206SL-25-7-3-59Trib. of Indian River D-18swDD
    1207SL-25-7-3-59-P 44Onjibonge Pond D-18swCC
    1208SL-25-7-3-59-P 45Johnson Pond D-18swCC
    1209SL-25-7-3-59-P 43Steam Mill Pond D-18swCC
    1210SL-25-7-3-59-P 43aDoherty Pond D-18swDD
    1211SL-25-7-3-60 portionTrib. of Indian RiverFrom mouth to trib. 3.D-18swCC(T)
    1212SL-25-7-3-60 portion and tribs. 60-a, 60-b, 60-1, 60-3, 60-4Trib. of Indian River and subtribs.From trib. 3 to source.D-18swDD
    1213SL-25-7-3-61, 62Tribs. of Indian River D-17se D-18swCC(T)
    1214SL-25-7-3-63 portion including P 47 and tribs. 63-a, 63-b, 63-c, and all tribs. and P 45b, 63-3, 63-3a, 63-3b, 63-3c, 63-4a, and trib. 63-4a-1Blanchard Creek and tribs. and subtrib.From mouth to 1 mile below trib. 3.D-18swDD
    1215SL-25-7-3-63 portion and tribs. 63-2, 63-4Blanchard Creek and tribs.From 1 mile below trib. 3 to source.D-18swCC(T)
    1215aSL-25-7-3-63- 2-1, P 48Subtribs. of Blanchard Creek D-18swDD
    1216SL-25-7-3-63-4-1Subtrib. of Blanchard Creek D-18swDD
    1217SL-25-7-3-63a, 63b and all tribs.Tribs. of Indian River and subtribs. D-18swDD
    1218SL-25-7-3-64, 65, 69, 70, 73, 74Tribs. of Indian River D-18swCC(T)
    1219SL-25-7-3-66 portion and tribs. 66-P 47a, 66-P 47bWeatherhead Creek and tribs.From mouth to inlet of P 47bD-18swCC(T)
    1220SL-25-7-3-66 portion and trib. 66-bWeatherhead Creek and trib.From inlet of P 47b to source.D-18swDD
    1221SL-25-7-3-71, 72Tribs. of Indian River D-18sw E-18DD
    1222SL-25-7-3-73-a, b, cSubtribs. of Indian River D-18swDD
    1223SL-25-7-3-74-1Subtrib. of Indian River E-18DD
    1224SL-25-7-3-75 portionReynolds CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1. Reynolds Creek formerly known as Tim's Creek.E-18 D-18swDD
    1225SL-25-7-3-75 portion and trib. 75-1Reynolds Creek and trib.From trib. 1 to source.D-18seCC(T)
    1226SL-25-7-3-76, 78, 79, 80Tribs. of Indian River E-18CC(T)
    1227SL-25-7-3-75-a, b, c, dSubtribs. of Indian River D-18seDD
    1228SL-25-7-3-77 and trib. 77-1Trib. of Indian River and subtrib. F-18DD
    1229SL-25-7-4Trib. of Black Lake Outlet C-17nwDD
    1230SL-25-7-5 and all tribs. including P 51Grass Creek and all tribs. C-17nw C-17swDD
    1231SL-25-7-8Black CreekFrom mouth to source at outlet of P 54 (Butterfield Lake).C-17nw C-17sw C-16seCC
    1232SL-25-7-8-4 portionJewett CreekFrom mouth to N.Y.S. Route 37 bridge over stream.C-16seCC
    1233SL-25-7-8-4 portion and all tribs.Jewett Creek and all tribs.From N.Y.S. Route 37 bridge over stream to source.C-16se D-16ne D-16nwDD
    1234SL-25-7-8-P 54 and tribs. P 54-1, P 54-2Butterfield Lake and tribs. C-16seBB
    1235SL-25-7-8-P 55Mill Site Lake C-16seBB
    1236SL-25-7-8-P 56Trib. of Black Creek C-16seBB
    1237SL-25-7-8-P 57 and all tribs.Mud Lake and all tribs. C-16seCC
    1238SL-25-7-8-P 58 and trib. P 58-1Trib. of Black Creek and subtrib. C-16seBB
    1239SL-25-7-8-P 59 and trib. P 59-1bClear Lake and trib. C-16seBB
    1240SL-25-7-9 and tribs. 9-1, 9-2Trib. of Black Lake Outlet and subtribs. C-17nwDD
    1241SL-25-8, 8a, 8b, 10 and all tribs.Tribs. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs. B-18nw B-18swDD
    1242SL-25-11 portionLisbon CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1.B-18sw B-18nw B-18neCC
    1243SL-25-11 portion and tribs. 11-a, 11-1, 11-1a, 11-1b, 11-1c, 11-1d, and all subtribs.Lisbon Creek and tribs. and all subtribs.From trib. 1 to source.B-18ne B-18swDD
    1244SL-25-12Trib. of Oswegatchie River B-18sw B-18seDD
    1245SL-25-13 portionBeaver CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1.B-18se B-18swCC
    1246SL-25-13 portionBeaver CreekFrom trib. 1 to source.B-18sw C-18DD
    1247SL-25-13-1-1 and trib. 1-P 4aSubtrib. of Beaver CreekFrom mouth to inlet of P 4a including P 4a.C-18CC
    1248SL-25-13-1 and all tribs. except 1-1, 1-P 4aTrib. of Beaver Creek and all remaining subtribs. B-18sw C-18DD
    1249SL-25-13-2, 3 and all tribs.Tribs. of Beaver Creek and subtribs. C-17ne C-18 C-17seDD
    1250SL-25-14 portionTrib. of Oswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to Rensselaer Falls - Heuvelton Road bridge over stream.B-18seCC
    1251SL-25-14 portionTrib. of River OswegatchieFrom Rensselaer Falls - Heuvelton Road bridge over stream to source.B-18seDD
    1252SL-25-15 portionTrib. of Oswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to N.Y.C. Railroad bridge over stream between source and trib. 1.B-18seCC
    1253SL-25-15 portion and tribs. 15-1, 15-1aTrib. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs.From N.Y.C. Railroad bridge over stream to source.B-18se B-18neDD
    1254SL-25-16Indian Creek B-18se B-19CC
    1255SL-25-16-P 61Lower Lake B-18seCC
    1256SL-25-16-P 62Upper Lake B-18seCC
    1257SL-25-16-2, 3, 4 and all tribs.Tribs. of Indian Creek and subtribs. B-18se B-19DD
    1258SL-25-17, 18, 18a, 18b, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and all tribs.Tribs. of Indian Creek and subtribs. B-18se C-18DD
    1259SL-25-29 and tribs. 1 through 15 and all tribs.Boland Creek and tribs. and all subtribs. C-18DD
    1260SL-25-30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 39a, 39b, 39c, 40, 40a, 40b, 40c, 41, 41a, 43 and all tribs.Tribs. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs. C-18 C-17ne C-17seDD
    1261SL-25-48 and trib. 48-P 67Trib. of Oswegatchie River and subtrib. C-17seDD
    1262SL-25-49 and trib. 49-1 and trib. 49-1-1Trib. of Oswegatchie River and subtrib. C-17sw C-17seDD
    1263SL-25-49-P 69Yellow Lake C-17seCC
    1264SL-25-49-P 69-3 and trib. 3-1Trib. of Yellow Lake and subtrib. C-17seDD
    1265SL-25-49-P 68Payne Lake C-17swCC
    1266SL-25-50 and tribs. 50-1, 50-2, 50-2a, 50-2b, 50-3, 50-4, 50-5, 50-6, 50-7 and all tribs.Vrooman Creek and tribs. and all subtribs. C-17swDD
    1267SL-25-50-P 70Sherman Lake C-17sw D-17nw D-16neCC
    1268SL-25-50-P 71Moon Lake C-17sw D-17nw D-16neCC
    1269SL-25-51, 53, 54, 55, 55a, 55b, 55c, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 60a, 61 and all tribs.Tribs. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs. C-17se C-17swDD
    1270SL-25-62 and tribs. 62-1, 62-2, 62-3Trib. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs. C-18 C-17seDD
    1271SL-25-P 74Trib. of Oswegatchie River C-18CC(T)
    1272SL-25-63, 64, 65, 66, 67Tribs. of Oswegatchie River C-18DD
    1273SL-25-P 75Trib. of Oswegatchie River C-18CC
    1274SL-25-68 portionMatoon CreekFrom mouth to trib. 2.C-18CC
    1275SL-25-68 portion and tribs. 68-1, and 68-2 and all tribs.Matoon Creek and tribs. and all subtribs.From trib. 2 to source.C-18 C-17seDD
    1276SL-25-68-3 portionSawyer CreekFrom mouth to trib. 11.C-18 D-18nwDD
    1277SL-25-68-3 portionSawyer CreekFrom trib. 11 to trib. 15.D-18nwCC(T)
    1278SL-25-68-3 portion and tribs. 3-a, 3-1, 3-2, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, and all tribs.Sawyer Creek and tribs. and all subtribs.From trib. 15 to source.D-18nw D-18ne C-18DD
    1279SL-25-68-3-7Trib. of Sawyer Creek C-18swCC(T)
    1280SL-25-68-3-7-1Subtrib. of Sawyer Creek C-18swDD
    1281SL-25-68-3-9, 9a, 10, 10a, 10bTribs. of Sawyer Creek C-18sw D-18nwDD
    1282SL-25-68-3-11 portionTrib. of Sawyer CreekFrom mouth to trib. 4.D-18nwCC(T)
    1283SL-25-68-3-11 portionTrib. of Sawyer CreekFrom trib. 4 to source.D-18nwDD
    1284SL-25-68-3-P 77a,P 77bTrib. of Sawyer Creek C-17seCC(T)
    1285SL-25-68-3-11-1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and tribs. 8, 10, 11Subtribs. of Sawyer Creek D-18nwDD
    1286SL-25-68-3-11-2Subtrib. of Sawyer Creek D-18nwCC(T)
    1287SL-25-68-3-11-2-1Subtrib. of Sawyer Creek D-18nwDD
    1288SL-25-68-3-12, 13 and all tribs. 15, 16, 16aTribs. of Sawyer Creek D-18nw D-18neDD
    1289SL-25-68-3-14Trib. of Sawyer Creek D-18nwCC(T)
    1290SL-25-68-4, 5, 6, 7, 7a, 7b, 8, 8a, 9, and all tribs.Tribs. of Matoon Creek and subtribs. C-18 C-17seDD
    1291SL-25-68-10 portionTrib. of Matoon CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1.C-17seDD
    1292SL-25-68-10 portionTrib. of Matoon CreekFrom trib. 1 to source.C-17seCC(T)
    1293SL-25-68-10-1, 1a and all tribs.Tribs. of Matoon Creek and subtribs. C-17seDD
    1294SL-25-68-11Trib. of Matoon Creek C-17seCC(T)
    1295SL-25-68-12, 13, 13a, 14, 14a, 14b, 14c, 15, 16, 14e, 14f, 14g, 14h, and all tribs.Tribs. of Matoon Creek and subtribs. C-17se D-17neDD
    1296SL-25-68-P 78Trib. of Matoon Creek D-17neCC(T)
    1297SL-25-69a, 69b, 71 and all tribs.Tribs. of Oswegatchie River C-18DD
    1298SL-25-69a-P 81Chub Lake C-18CC
    1299SL-25-69b-P 86Little Mud Pond C-18DD
    1300SL-25-72 and trib. 72-1Trib. of Oswegatchie River and subtrib.From mouth to P 88.C-18DD
    1301SL-25-P 88Sylvia Lake C-18 D-18nwAAAA
    1302SL-25-P 88-2 and trib. 2-aTrib. of Sylvia Lake and subtrib. D-18nwDD
    1303SL-25-72-2 portionTurnpike CreekFrom mouth to outlet of P 88a.C-18CC(T)
    1304SL-25-72-2 portion including P 88aTurnpike CreekFrom outlet of P 88a to source.C-18sw D-18nwDD
    1305SL-25-72-3, 4, 5 and all tribs. including P 86aSubtribs. of Oswegatchie River C-18DD
    1306SL-25-73 portionWest Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to trib. 18.C-18 D-18neCC
    1307SL-25-73 portionWest Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom trib. 18 to trib. 27.D-18ne D-18seDD
    1308SL-25-73 portion and tribs. 73-3, 73-4, 73-5West Branch Oswegatchie River and tribs.From trib. 27 to source. Parts not in forest preserve.D-18se C-18CC(T)
    1309SL-25-73-1, 2, 6Tribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River C-18DD
    1310SL-25-73-3-1, 2Subtribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River C-18DD
    1311SL-25-73-5-1, 2Subtribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River C-18DD
    1312SL-25-73-7Bennett BrookFrom mouth to P 90.C-18 D-18neCC(T)
    1313SL-25-73-7-P 90Bonner Lake C-18CC
    1314SL-25-73-8Hall Creek C-18 D-18neCC(T)
    1315SL-25-73-8-1, a,b and all tribs.Tribs. of Hall Creek and subtribs. D-18neDD
    1316SL-25-73-9, 10Tribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River D-18neCC(T)
    1317SL-25-73-9-P 95aSubtrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River D-18neDD
    1318SL-25-73-10-P 91Subtrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River D-18neDD
    1319SL-25-73-11Mott Creek D-18neCC(T)
    1320SL-25-73-11-a, 1, 1aTribs. of Mott Creek D-18neDD
    1321SL-25-73-12, 13, P 96 and all tribs. including 12-P 95b, 13-P 97Tribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs. D-18neDD
    1322SL-25-73-P 92Pine Hill Pond D-18neDD
    1323SL-25-73-P 93 and P 94Twin Ponds D-18neDD
    1324SL-25-73-14Toothaker Creek D-18neCC(T)
    1325SL-25-73-14-P 98Toothaker Pond D-18neCC(T)
    1326SL-25-73-14-P 100Bullhead Pond D-18neCC(T)
    1327SL-25-73-14-P 101Mud Pond D-18neCC(T)
    1328SL-25-73-14-a, 1, 1a, 2a, and all tribs.Tribs. of Toothaker Creek and subtribs. D-18neDD
    1329SL-25-73-14-1-P 99Shiner Pond D-18neCC(T)
    1330SL-25-73-14-2Trib. of Toothaker Creek D-18neCC(T)
    1331SL-25-73-15Black Creek D-18ne D-18nwCC(T)
    1332SL-25-73-15-1Tribs. of Black Creek D-18neCC(T)
    1333SL-25-73-15-1a and P 103Lost Pond D-18neDD
    1334SL-25-73-16Clear Creek D-18neCC(TS)
    1335SL-25-73-16, all tribs. and P 104Mud Pond and tribs. of Clear Creek D-18nw D-18neDD
    1336SL-25-73-16-P 27Duck Pond D-18neDD
    1337SL-25-73-16-P 105Green Pond D-18neCC(T)
    1338SL-25-73-17Trib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River D-18neCC(T)
    1339SL-25-73-18, 18a, and all tribs.Tribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs. D-18neDD
    1340SL-25-73-19 portionBig CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.D-18swCC
    1341SL-25-73-19 portion including P 126, P 127, P 128Big CreekFrom trib. 3 to source. Big Creek formerly known as Jenny Creek.D-18sw D-19CC(T)
    1342SL-25-73-19-P 138Jenny Lake D-19CC(T)
    1343SL-25-73-19-1, P 109 and all tribs.Tribs. of Big Creek and subtribs. D-18swDD
    1344SL-25-73-19-3 portionTrib. of Big CreekFrom mouth to trib. 6.D-18swCC
    1345SL-25-73-19-3 portionTrib. of Big CreekFrom trib. 6 to source.D-18sw D-19CC(T)
    1346SL-25-73-19-P 125Greenwood Lake D-19CC(T)
    1347SL-25-73-19-P 111Graham Pond D-18neCC(T)
    1348SL-25-73-19-3-1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3, and tribs. 1a-a, 1-P 110Subtribs. of Big Creek D-18sw D-19 D-18neDD
    1349SL-25-73-19-3-4Subtrib. of Big Creek D-19CC(T)
    1350SL-25-73-19-3-5 portionSubtrib. of Big CreekFrom mouth to P 113 outlet.D-19DD
    1351SL-25-73-19-3-5 portion and trib. 5-P 118Subtrib. of Big CreekFrom P 113 to source.D-19CC(T)
    1352SL-25-73-19-3-P 113Snyder Lake D-19BB(T)
    1353SL-25-73-19-3-5-1Subtrib. of Big Creek D-19DD
    1354SL-25-73-19- 3-5-1-P 112Subtrib. of Big Creek D-19CC
    1355SL-25-73-19-3-P 114,P 115, P 116,P 117Subtribs. of Big Creek D-19DD
    1356SL-25-73-19-3-5-2Subtrib. of Big Creek D-19CC(T)
    1357SL-25-73-19-3-6 portionSubtrib. of Big CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.D-19CC(T)
    1358SL-25-73-19-3-6 portionSubtrib. of Big CreekFrom trib. 3 to Jones Pond outlet.D-19 C-19DD
    1359SL-25-73-19-3-6- P 122aJones Pond D-19CC
    1360SL-25-73-19-3-6- P 122Smith Pond C-19 D-19CC
    1361SL-25-73-19-3-6-1Yellow Creek D-19CC(T)
    1362SL-25-73-19-3-6-1 -1, P 119, 2, 3, 4, 5, and trib. 1-1Tribs. of Yellow Creek and subtrib. D-19DD
    1363SL-25-73-19-3-6-1 -P 120 and trib.Trib. of Yellow Creek and trib. D-19BB
    1364SL-25-73-19-3- 6-2, 3Subtribs. of Big Creek D-19DD
    1365SL-25-73-19-3-7Subtrib. of Big Creek D-19CC(T)
    1366SL-25-73-19-3-8 portionSubtrib. of Big CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.D-19CC(T)
    1367SL-25-73-19-3-8 portion and tribs. 8-1, 8-2Subtrib. of Big CreekFrom trib. 3 to P 124 outlet.D-19DD
    1368SL-25-73-19-3- 8-P 124Mud Pond D-19CC(T)
    1369SL-25-73-19-3-8-3Subtrib. of Big Creek D-19CC(T)
    1370SL-25-73- 19-3-8-3-1, 2Subtribs. of Big Creek D-19DD
    1371SL-25-73-19-4Trib. of Big Creek D-18swDD
    1372SL-25-73-19-5Gulf StreamParts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1373SL-25-73-19-5-P 137Rock Lake D-19CC(T)
    1374SL-25-73-19-5-P 130 and trib.Long Lake and trib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1375SL-25-73-19-5-1 and all tribs. including P 133Trib. of Gulf Stream and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.D-19DD
    1376SL-25-73-19- 5-1- P 131,P 132Twin Ponds North and South D-19CC(T)
    1377SL-25-73-19-5- 1-P 134Bear Lake D-19CC(T)
    1378SL-25-73-19-5-2Trib. of Gulf Stream D-19CC(T)
    1379SL-25-73-19-5-3Trib. of Gulf StreamParts not in forest preserve.D-19DD
    1379aSL-25-73-19-5-4 and all tribs.Trib. of Gulf Stream and subtribs. D-19DD
    1380SL-25-73-19-5- 3-P 136Dry Timber LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1381SL-25-73-19-5-5Trib. of Gulf Stream D-19CC(T)
    1382SL-25-73-20, 21, 23 and all tribs.Tribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.D-18neDD
    1383SL-25-73-24 portionSouth CreekFrom mouth to Village of Harrisville water supply dam 0.35 mile upstream from mouth.D-18neCC(T)
    1384SL-25-73-24 portionSouth CreekFrom Village of Harrisville water supply dam at 0.35 mile upstream from mouth to trib. 5.D-18neAA(T)
    1385SL-25-73-24 portion including P 142South CreekFrom trib. 5 to source. Parts not in forest preserve.D-18ne D-19CC(T)
    1386SL-25-73-24-P 146South Creek LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1387SL-25-73-24-2Trib. of South Creek D-18neDD
    1388SL-25-73-24-P 144Big Hill PondParts not in forest preserve.D-18neCC(T)
    1389SL-25-73-24-P 141,P 144a, 3, 4Tribs. of South Creek D-18ne D-19DD
    1390SL-25-73-24-P 145Goose Pond D-18neCC(T)
    1391SL-25-73-24-9Cold Spring CreekIn forest preserve.D-19
    1392SL-25-73-24-10Trib. of South CreekIn forest preserve.D-19
    1393SL-25-73-24-P 147Sealy Pond D-18neCC(T)
    1394SL-25-73-26 portionMiddle Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to trib. 9.D-18se D-19DD
    1395SL-25-73-26 portionMiddle Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom trib. 9 to trib. 16.D-19CC(T)
    1396SL-25-73-26 portionMiddle Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom trib. 21 to trib. 22. Parts not in forest preserve.D-19DD
    1390aSL-25-73-24-5, 6Tribs. of South CreekParts not in forest preserve.D-18neDD
    1397SL-25-73-26 portionMiddle Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom trib. 22 to source. Parts not in forest preserve.D-19 E-19 E-20CC(T)
    1397aSL-25-73-26-P 213, P 212, P 204, P 193, P 171aTribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverIn forest preserve.E-20
    1398SL-25-73-26-P 214Walker LakeIn forest preserve.E-20
    1399SL-25-73-26-a,b, c, d, 1, 1a, 1b, 1c, and all tribs.Tribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs. D-18se D-18neDD
    1400SL-25-73-26-2 and tribs. 2-1, 2-3Brown's Creek D-18seCC(T)
    1401SL-25-73-26-2-1a, 1b, 2, 3aTribs. of Brown's Creek D-18seDD
    1402SL-25-73-26-2-P 148Norman Pond D-18seDD
    1403SL-25-73-26-3, 5, 5a, 5bTribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-18seDD
    1403.1SL-25-73-26-4Trib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-18seCC(TS)
    1404SL-25-73-26-6Fish CreekFrom mouth to outlet of P 161. Parts not in forest preserve.D-18se D-19CC(TS)
    1405SL-25-73-26-6-P 161Round LakeIn forest preserve.D-19
    1406SL-25-73-26-6-P 161-1 and trib. 1-1Trib. of Round Lake and subtrib.In forest preserve.D-19
    1407SL-25-73-26-6-P 161-1-P 162Long LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1408SL-25-73-26-6-1Trib. of Fish Creek D-18seCC(T)
    1408aSL-25-73-26-6-2 and all tribs.Elijah Creek and all tribs.From mouth to outlet of P 152.D-18se D-19DD
    1409SL-25-73-26-6- 2-P 152Elijah Lake D-19CC(T)
    1410SL-25-73-26-6-3 and tribs. 3-3, 3-P 153Mink Creek and tribs. D-19CC(T)
    1411SL-25-73-26- 6-3-1, 2,P 154,P 155Tribs. of Mink Creek D-19DD
    1412SL-25-73-26-6-4Trib. of Fish CreekParts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1413SL-25-73-26- 6-4- P 157, P 158, P 159, P 161, P 162Subtribs. of Fish CreekIn forest preserve.D-19
    1414SL-25-73-26- 6-5, 6, and all tribs.Tribs. of Fish Creek and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.D-19DD
    1415SL-25-73-26-6a, 6b, 6cTribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River D-18seDD
    1416SL-25-73-26-7 and trib. 7-1Trib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River and subtrib. D-18seCC(T)
    1417SL-25-73-26-7a, 8 and trib. 7a-aTribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River and subtrib. D-18se D-19DD
    1418SL-25-73-26-9 including P 163,P 164Palmer Creek and tribs. D-19 E-19CC(T)
    1419SL-25-73-26-9-1 and trib. 1-1Cold Spring and trib. D-19CC(T)
    1420SL-25-73-26-9-2Trib. of Palmer Creek D-19DD
    1421SL-25-73-26-9-3Shaw Brook D-19CC(T)
    1422SL-25-73-26-9- 3-1, 2 and trib. 2-1Trib. of Shaw Brook and subtrib. D-19DD
    1423SL-25-73-26-9-4 and trib. 4-1Trib. of Palmer Creek and subtrib. D-19DD
    1424SL-25-73-26-10, 11 including P 165.Tribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River D-19DD
    1425SL-25-73-26-P 166Mouldy Pond D-19CC
    1426SL-25-73-26- 12, 13 including P 167, 14 and all tribs. including P 169, 15 and trib. 15-1Tribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-19DD
    1427SL-25-73-26-16 portionWolf CreekFrom mouth to outlet of P 172. Parts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1428SL-25-73-26-16 portion including P 172,P 173, and trib. 3 including P 171, 4 and trib. 3-1Wolf Creek and tribs. and subtrib.From outlet of P 172 to source.D-19DD
    1429SL-25-73-26-16-1, 2Tribs. of Wolf CreekIn forest preserve.D-19
    1430SL-25-73-26-17, 18, 19, 20, 22 and tribs. 19-1, 19-2Tribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-19
    1431SL-25-73-26-21, 23, 24, 25, 28 and tribs. 24-1Tribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1432SL-25-73-26- 23-1, 3, 4 and trib. 1-1Tribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River and subtrib. D-19DD
    1433SL-25-73-26-26Trib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River D-19DD
    1434SL-25-73-26-29, 30, 31, 32Tribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverIn forest preserve.D-19
    1435SL-25-73-26-33, 34, 35, 36 and trib. 36-1Tribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River D-19CC
    1436SL-25-73-26-37Trib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to outlet of P 179.D-19CC(T)
    1432aSL-25-73-26-23-2Trib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-19DD
    1432bSL-25-73-27 and trib. 27-1Trib. of Middle Branch and subtrib. D-19CC(T)
    1437SL-25-73-26-37-P 179Subtrib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River D-19DD
    1438SL-25-73-26-38 including P 181, P 186 and trib. 38-1Trib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.E-19CC(T)
    1439SL-25-73-26-38-2 and P 180, 3, 4,P 184, 5aSubtribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverParts not in forest preserve.E-19DD
    1440SL-25-73-26-39 and P 187Tribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River E-19DD
    1441SL-25-73-26-40Trib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to P 191 outlet. Parts not in forest preserve.D-19 E-19CC(T)
    1442SL-25-73-26-40-P 191Sand LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-19 D-20CC(T)
    1443SL-25-73-26-40-P 191-1, 2, 3,P 192 and trib. 2-1Tribs. of Sand Lake and subtrib.In forest preserve.E-19 D-20 E-20
    1439aSL-25-73-26-38-P 183,P 185Subtribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverIn forest preserve.E-19
    1444SL-25-73-26-40-2, 3, 4, 6, 1 and all tribs. including P 188Subtribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River D-19 D-20DD
    1445SL-25-73-26-40-5Subtrib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to P 189 outlet. Parts not in forest preserve.D-19DD
    1446SL-25-73-26-40-P 189 and tribs.P 189-1 including P 190, P 189-2,P 189-3Rock Lake and tribs.In forest preserve.D-19
    1447SL-25-73-26-40-7Subtrib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverIn forest preserve.D-19 E-19
    1448SL-25-73-26-41 and tribs. 41-1, 41-2Trib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs. E-19DD
    1449SL-25-73-26-42Trib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverParts not in forest preserve.E-19CC(T)
    1450SL-25-73-26-42-P 196 and tribs. P 196-1, P 196-P 197Bear Pond and tribs. E-19 E-20DD
    1451SL-25-73- 26-42-1, P 195Subtribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverParts not in forest preserve.E-19DD
    1452SL-25-73-26-43 including P 200Trib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.E-19DD
    1453SL-25-73-26-43-P 198,P 199Subtribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie RiverIn forest preserve.E-19
    1454SL-25-73-26-46 and trib. 46-P 203Trib. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.E-20CC(T)
    1455SL-25-73-26aTrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River D-18seDD
    1456SL-25-73-27Trib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River D-18seCC(T)
    1457SL-25-73-27-1Subtrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River D-18seDD
    1458SL-25-73-27a and all tribs.Trib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs. D-18seDD
    1454aSL-25-73-45, 47, 48, 49, 50 and P 202,P 205, P 206, P 207, P 208Tribs. of Middle Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs.In forest preserve.E-19 E-20
    1459SL-25-73-28 portionTrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to 0.9 mile upstream.D-18seCC(T)
    1460SL-25-73-28 portion and all tribs.Trib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs.From 0.9 mile upstream to source.D-18seDD
    1461SL-25-73-28b, 29, 29a, 29b, 29c, 28a and all tribs.Tribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs. D-18seDD
    1462SL-25-73-30Trib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River D-18seCC(T)
    1463SL-25-73-31 portionBlanchard CreekFrom mouth to 4.5 miles upstream.D-18seCC(T)
    1464SL-25-73-31 portion and tribs. 31-2, 31-2aBlanchard Creek and tribs.From 4.5 miles upstream to source.D-18seDD
    1465SL-25-73-32 and all tribs.Pine Creek and all tribs. D-18seDD
    1466SL-25-73-32aTrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River D-18seDD
    1467SL-25-73-33 portionTrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to 0.75 mile upstream.D-18seCC(T)
    1468SL-25-73-33 portionTrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom 0.75 mile upstream to source.D-18seDD
    1469SL-25-73-33a, 33b, 33c, 34, 34a, 34b, 35, 36, 37, 37a, 38, 38a and all tribs.Tribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs. D-18se E-18 E-19DD
    1470SL-25-73-39 portionTrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to 1.0 mile upstream.E-18 E-19CC(T)
    1471SL-25-73-39 portionTrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom 1.0 mile upstream to P 218.E-19DD
    1472SL-25-73-39-P 218,P 219Twin Ponds E-19CC
    1473SL-25-73-P 220,P 221, P 222,P 223,P 224, P 225Tribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River E-18CC
    1474SL-25-73-40 portion including P 231,P 232,P 235,P 236Deer CreekFrom mouth to trib. and tribs. 5.D-19 E-19CC(T)
    1475SL-25-73-40 portion and tribs. 40-2, 40-4, 40-5, 40-6, 40-3 and all tribs. including P 234Deer Creek and tribs.From trib. 5 to source.D-19DD
    1476SL-25-73-40-1 including P 233Tribs. of Deer Creek D-19CC(T)
    1477SL-25-73-40-1-1Subtrib. of Deer Creek D-19DD
    1478SL-25-73-P 229,P 230Tribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River E-19CC
    1479SL-25-73-P 237,P 238Tribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River E-19CC(T)
    1480SL-25-73-P 237-1 portionSubtrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to 1.5 miles upstream.E-19CC(T)
    1481SL-25-73-P 237-1 portion and tribs. 1-1, 1-2Subtrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River E-19DD
    1482SL-25-73-P 237-2, 3Subtribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River E-19CC(T)
    1483SL-25-73-41 and tribs. 41-1, 41-2,P 240,P 241, P 242Trib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs. D-19 E-19DD
    1484SL-25-73-42, 43Tribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-19 E-19CC(T)
    1485SL-25-73-43, 46 and trib. 46-1Tribs. of West Branch Oswegatchie River and subtribs. E-19CC(T)
    1486SL-25-73-44Trib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River D-19 E-19DD
    1487SL-25-73-46-2Subtrib. of West Branch Oswegatchie River E-19DD
    1488SL-25-73-46-2-P 246Buck Pond E-19DD
    1489SL-25-73-46-P 247Hog Pond E-21DD
    1484aSL-25-73-45Trib. of West Branch Oswegatchie RiverIn forest preserve.E-19
    1490SL-25-74 and trib. 74-1Trib. of Oswegatchie River and subtrib. C-18DD
    1491SL-25-74-P 248Wolf Lake C-18CC
    1492SL-25-75 and trib. 75-1 and trib. 75-1-1 including P 250, P 251Pork Creek and trib. and subtrib. C-18 D-18neDD
    1493SL-25-75-1a, 3, 4Tribs. of Pork Creek C-18CC(T)
    1494SL-25-75-P 249Clear Lake C-18CC(T)
    1495SL-25-75-P 252Beaver Lake C-18 D-18neCC
    1496SL-25-76, 77Tribs. of Oswegatchie River C-18DD
    1497SL-25-78Trib. of Oswegatchie River C-18CC(T)
    1498SL-25-79, 80, 81, and all tribs.Tribs. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs. C-18DD
    1499SL-25-82 portionStammer CreekFrom mouth to trib. 11.C-19CC(T)
    1500SL-25-82 portion and tribs. 82-1, 82-2 and trib. 82-2-1Stammer Creek and tribs. and subtrib.From trib. 11 to source.C-19DD
    1501SL-25-82-3 portionPaddy Brown BrookFrom mouth to trib. 4.C-19CC(T)
    1502SL-25-82-3 portionPaddy Brown BrookFrom trib. 4 to source at at Partlow Pond (P 256)C-19DD
    1503SL-25-82-3-P 256Partlow Pond C-19CC
    1504SL-25-82-3-P 256-1, 2 and tribs. 1-P 257, 1-1, 1-2Tribs. of Partlow Pond and subtribs. C-19DD
    1505SL-25-82-3-P 256-2-P 258Subtrib. of Partlow Pond C-19CC(T)
    1506SL-25-82-3-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and all tribs. except 4-P 255Tribs. of Paddy Brown Brook and subtribs. C-19DD
    1506.1SL-25-82-3-11Trib. of Paddy Brown Brook C-19CC(TS)
    1507SL-25-82-3-4-P 255Hall Lake C-19CC
    1508SL-25-82-4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and all tribs.Tribs. of Stammer Creek and subtribs. C-19DD
    1509SL-25-82-5 and trib. 5-1Trib. of Stammer Creek and subtrib. C-19CC(T)
    1510SL-25-83, 84, 86, 87, 88 and all tribs. 89, 90, 91, 92, and tribs. 86-1, 89-1Tribs. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs. C-19 D-19DD
    1511SL-25-85Trib. of Oswegatchie River C-19CC(T)
    1512SL-25-85-P 259Subtrib. of Oswegatchie River C-19CC
    1513SL-25-P 262Titus Pond D-19CC
    1514SL-25-93 portionTrib. of Oswegatchie RiverFrom mouth to Carr Pond Outlet.C-19 D-19DD
    1515SL-25-93-P 263Carr Pond C-19CC(T)
    1516SL-25-93 portion and tribs. 93-1, 93-2Trib. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs.From Carr Pond inlet to source.C-19 D-19DD
    1517SL-25-94, 95Tribs. of Oswegatchie River C-19 D-19DD
    1518SL-25-96 portionWelch CreekFrom mouth to trib. 2.C-19 D-19CC(T)
    1519SL-25-96 portion and tribs. 96-1, 96-2, 96-3Welch Creek and tribs.From trib. 2 to source.C-19DD
    1520SL-25-96-P 264Dodge Pond C-19CC
    1521SL-25-97, 98 and tribs. 98-1, 98-2Tribs. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs. D-19DD
    1522SL-25-99 and tribs. 99-1, 99-2, 99-3, 99-4, 99-5, 99-6, 99-7 and all tribs., 99-8, 99-9, 99-10, 99-11, 99-12, 99-13, 99-14 and tribs. 99-2-1, 99-10-1Skate Creek and tribs. and subtribs. C-19 D-19CC(T)
    1523SL-25-100 and tribs. 100-1, 100-2Trib. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs. D-19CC(T)
    1524SL-25-101 portion and P 270, P 271, P 272, P 273Little RiverFrom mouth to trib. 14.D-19CC(T)
    1524aSL-25-101 portionLittle RiverFrom trib. 14 to trib. 21. In forest preserve.D-19
    1525SL-25-101 portionLittle RiverFrom trib. 21 to trib. 25. Parts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1526SL-25-101 portionLittle RiverFrom trib. 25 to P 290a. Parts not in forest preserve.D-19 D-20DD
    1527SL-25-101 portion including P 293, P 294, P 298 and tribs. 101-1, 101-4Little RiverFrom P 290a to source.D-19 D-20CC(T)
    1528SL-25-101-2 portionTrib. of Little RiverFrom mouth to trib. 2.D-19CC(T)
    1529SL-25-101-2 portion and tribs. 2-1, 2-2Trib. of Little River and subtribs.From trib. 2 to source.D-19DD
    1530SL-25-101-3Trib. of Little River D-19DD
    1531SL-25-101-5 and tribs. 5-P 267, 5-P 268, 5-1 and tribs.Twin Lake Stream and tribs. D-19CC(T)
    1532SL-25-101-5-P 269Trib. of Twin Lake Stream D-19CC
    1533SL-25-101-5-2 and trib. 2-1Trib. of Twin Lake Stream and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1534SL-25-101-5-2-2Subtrib. of Twin Lake Stream D-19DD
    1535SL-25-101-6Trib. of Little River D-19DD
    1536SL-25-101-7 and trib. 7-1Trib. of Little River and subtrib. D-19CC(T)
    1537SL-25-101-7-2Subtrib. of Little River D-19DD
    1538SL-25-101-8Trib. of Little River D-19CC(T)
    1539SL-25-101-8-1Subtrib. of Little River D-19DD
    1540SL-25-101-8-P 274Sucker Lake D-19CC(T)
    1541SL-25-101-8-P 274-1Trib. of Sucker Lake D-19CC(TS)
    1541.1SL-25-101-8-P 274-2Trib. of Sucker Lake D-19DD
    1542SL-25-101-9Trib. of Little River D-19DD
    1543SL-25-101-10, 11Tribs. of Little River D-19CC(T)
    1544SL-25-101-12Trib. of Little RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1545SL-25-101-12-1Subtrib. of Little River D-19DD
    1546SL-25-101-13Trib. of Little River D-19DD
    1547SL-25-101-14Trib. of Little RiverIn forest preserve.D-19
    1547aSL-25-101-14-1Subtrib. of Little RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-19DD
    1548SL-25-101-15 and trib. 15-1Trib. of Little River and subtrib.In forest preserve.D-19
    1549SL-25-101-16, 17 and all tribs., 19, 20, 21Tribs. of Little RiverIn forest preserve.D-19
    1550SL-25-101-18Trib. of Little RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-19DD
    1551SL-25-101-P 277,P 278,P 279,P 280Readway PondsParts not in forest preserve.D-19DD
    1552SL-25-101-P 281Star LakeStar Lake water supply.D-19AAAA(T)
    1553SL-25-101-24 and tribs. 24-2, 24-3, 24-4, 24-5, 24-7Tamarack Creek and tribs.Parts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1554SL-25-101-24-5-P 285Streetcar Lake D-19CC(T)
    1555SL-25-101-24-P 282, P 283,P 284Tribs. of Tamarack Creek D-19DD
    1556SL-25-101-24-1Trib. of Tamarack CreekIn forest preserve.D-19
    1557SL-25-101-24-5- 1, 2Subtribs. of Tamarack CreekIn forest preserve.D-19
    1558SL-25-101-24-5-P 285-1 and tribs. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3Trib. of Streetcar Pond Lake and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.D-19DD
    1559SL-25-101-24-8, 9 and tribs. 8-P 288, 8-P 289Tribs. of Tamarack Creek and subtribs. D-19CC(T)
    1560SL-25-101-24-10 portionTrib. of Tamarack CreekFrom mouth to trib. 1. Parts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1561SL-25-101-24-10 portion and tribs. 10-1, 10-2, 10-P 290 and trib. 10-1-1Trib. of Tamarack Creek and subtribs.From trib. 1 to source. In forest preserve.D-19
    1558aSL-25-101-24-6 and tribs., 1, 2, 3, P 286, P 287Trib. of Tamarack Creek and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-19
    1562SL-25-101-24-11, 12Trib. of Tamarack CreekIn forest preserve.D-19
    1563SL-25-101-25 and tribs. 25-1, 25-2, 25-3, 25-4Alice BrookIn forest preserve.D-19 D-20
    1564SL-25-101-26Trib. of Little RiverIn forest preserve.D-19
    1565SL-25-101-27Trib of Little RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-19 D-20CC(T)
    1566SL-25-101-27-P 291Sunny Pond D-20CC
    1567SL-25-101-28, 29, 32 and trib. 28-1Tribs. of Little River and subtrib. D-19 D-20DD
    1568SL-25-101-30 portion 30-2, and tribs. 30-3 and trib. 30-2-1Trib. of Little River and subtribs.From mouth to trib. 3.D-20 D-19DD
    1568.1SL-25-101-30-1Subtrib. of Little River D-20CC(TS)
    1569SL-25-101-30 portionTrib. of Little RiverFrom trib. 3 to source.D-19 D-20CC(T)
    1570SL-25-101-31 and trib. 31-1Tribs of Little River and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-20CC(T)
    1570.1SL-25-101-33Trib. of Little RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-20CC(TS)
    1571SL-25-101-31-2Subtrib. of Little RiverIn forest preserve.D-20
    1572SL-25-101-31-2-P 292Nicks PondIn forest preserve.D-20
    1573SL-25-101-31-3Subtrib of Little River. D-20CC(T)
    1574SL-25-101-31-4Subtrib. of Little RiverParts not in forest preserve.D-20DD
    1575SL-25-101-33-1 portion and trib. 1-1Subtrib. of Little RiverFrom mouth to State Rangers School water intake. Parts not in forest preserve.D-20CC(T)
    1576SL-25-101-33-1 portionSubtrib. of Little RiverFrom water intake to source. In forest preserve.D-20
    1577SL-25-101-33-2 and trib. 2-1Subtrib. of Little River and subtrib.In forest preserve.D-20
    1578SL-25-101-34 and tribs. 34-1, 34-2 including P 297, P 296Trib. of Little River and subtribs. D-20CC(T)
    1574aSL-25-101-32Trib. of Little River D-20DD
    1574bSL-25-101-32-P 293,P 294Subtribs. of Little River D-20CC(T)
    1579SL-25-101-P 298 and trib. P 298-1 and tribs.P 298-1-1,P 298-1-P 299Heath Pond and trib. and subtribs. D-20CC(T)
    1580SL-25-101-P 298-1-P 300Muskrat Pond D-20CC(T)
    1581SL-25-101-P 298-2, 3 and trib. 2-1Tribs. of Heath Pond and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-20CC(T)
    1582SL-25-102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112, 117 and tribs. 103-1, 104-1, 111-1, 111-2, 117-1Tribs. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs. C-20 D-20 D-19DD
    1583SL-25-107, 108 and all tribs., 109, 110, and tribs., 107-1, 108-P 303, 109-P 305, 110-1, 108-P 304Tribs. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.D-20CC(T)
    1584SL-25-111-P 306Subtrib. of Oswegatchie River C-20CC(T)
    1585SL-25-113, 116Tribs. of Oswegatchie River D-20CC(T)
    1586SL-25-114, 115 and tribs. 115-1, 115-2, 115-1-P 307Tribs. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.D-20CC(T)
    1587SL-25-115-3, 4, 5Tribs. of Oswegatchie RiverIn forest preserve.D-20
    1588SL-25-116-P 308Dillon Pond D-20CC(T)
    1589SL-25-P 309Cranberry LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-20AA(T)
    1590SL-25-P 309-1, 3 and tribs. 3-1, 3-2Tribs. of Cranberry LakeIn forest preserve.D-20
    1591SL-25-P 309-2 and trib. 2-1Trib. of Cranberry Lake and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-20DD
    1592SL-25-P 309-4Brandy BrookParts not in forest preserve.D-20 D-21CC(T)
    1593SL-25-P 309-4-1, 2, 3, 4,P 310,P 311 and trib. 2-1Tribs. of Brandy BrookIn forest preserve.D-20 D-21
    1594SL-25-P 309-5, 6, 8Tribs. of Cranberry LakeIn forest preserve.D-20
    1595SL-25-P 309-6-P 312Clear PondIn forest preserve.D-20
    1596SL-25-P 309-7 and tribs. 7-1, 7-2East Creek and tribs.In forest preserve.D-20 D-21
    1597SL-25-P 309-9Sucker BrookParts not in forest preserve.D-20 D-21CC(T)
    1598SL-25-P 309-9-P 316,P 317 and all tribs.Tribs. of Sucker Brook and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-21
    1599SL-25-P 309-9-1Trib. of Sucker BrookIn forest preserve.D-20
    1600SL-25-P 309-9-2,P 313, 5 and all tribs. and tribs. 2-1, 5-P 314, 5-P 315Tribs. of Sucker Brook and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-20
    1601SL-25-P 309-9-4 and tribs. 4-1Trib. of Sucker Brook and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-21CC(T)
    1602SL-25-P 309-10Trib. of Cranberry LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-19CC(T)
    1603SL-25-P 309-11 and trib. 11-5 and tribs. 11-5-1, 11-5-P 318, and tribs. 11-5-P 318-1, 11-5-P 318-2Trib. of Cranberry Lake and subtrib.From mouth to source at P 319 outlet. In forest preserve.D-20
    1604SL-25-P 309-11-1, 2, 3Subtribs. of Cranberry LakeIn forest preserve.D-20
    1605SL-25-P 309-11-4Subtrib. of Cranberry LakeParts not in forest preserve.D-20CC(T)
    1606SL-25-P 309-11-P 319 and tribs. P 319-1, P 319-P 320, P 319-2Darning Needle Pond and tribs.In forest preserve.D-20
    1607SL-25-P 309-11-P 319-P 320-1 and tribs. 1-P 321, 1-1 and tribs. 1-1-P 322, 1-1-P 323, 1-1-P 324, and tribs.Subtrib. of Cranberry Lake D-20CC(T)
    1608SL-25-P 309-12 and tribs. 12-P 330, 12-P 331, 12-P 332, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3 and tribs. 12-1-P 327, 12-1-1, 12-1-2, 12-2-P 328, 12-3-P 329 and tribs. 12-1-2-P 325, 12-1-2-P 326Sixmile Creek and tribs. and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-20
    1609SL-25-P 309-13, 14, 15 and trib. 15-2Tribs. of Cranberry Lake and subtrib.In forest preserve.D-20
    1610SL-25-P 309-14-1, 2 and tribs. 1-P 333, 2-P 334, 2-P 335Subtribs. of Cranberry LakeIn forest preserve.D-20
    1611SL-25-P 309-14-P 336Simmons PondIn forest preserve.D-20
    1612SL-25-P 309-15-1Subtrib. of Cranberry LakeIn forest preserve.D-20
    1613SL-25-P 309-16, 17Trib. of Cranberry LakeIn forest preserve.D-20
    1614SL-25-P 309-18, 19, 20 and tribs. 18-1, 20-P 337Tribs. of Cranberry Lake and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-20
    1615SL-25-P 309-22, 23 and trib. 23-P 338Trib. of Cranberry Lake and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-20DD
    1616SL-25-118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124 and all tribs., 125 and all tribs., 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137 and tribs. 118-1, 118-P 340, 118-2, 118-3, 118-4, 120-1, 122-P 342, 122-1, 122-2, 126-P 348, 126-P 349, 126-P 352, 126-1, 126-2, 126-3, 126-4, 126-5, 126-6, 126-7, 126-8, 126-9, 131-P 361, 131-P 362, 131-P 363, 131-a, 131-2, 133-P 375, 133-1, 124-P 343 and tribs. 126-3-1, 126-7-1, 126-4-P 350, 126-5-P 351 and tribs.126-3-1-P 345, 126-3-1-P 346, 126-3-1-P 347, 126-7-1-P 353, 126-7-1-P 354, 126-7-1-P 355Tribs. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-19 D-20
    1617SL-25-128 and tribs. 128-1, 128-2, 128-P 357 and tribs. 128-1-P 356, 128-P 357-1Glasby Creek and tribs. and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-20
    1618SL-25-131-P 359Nicks PondIn forest preserve.D-20
    1619SL-25-131-2-P 360Big Deer PondIn forest preserve.D-20
    1620SL-25-132 and tribs. 132-3, 132-4, 132-5, 132-6, 132-7, and tribs. 132-3-P 369, 132-5-P 370, 132-6-P 371, 132-7-P 372Robinson River and tribs. and subtribs.In forest preserve.D-20
    1621SL-25-132-1 including P 365Trib. of Robinson River and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve. From mouth to source at Grassy Pond Outlet.D-20DD
    1622SL-25-132-1-1 including P 364Subtrib. of Robinson RiverIn forest preserve.D-20
    1622aSL-25-132-1-P 366 and all tribs. including P 366-P 367, P 366-P 368Grassy Pond and all tribs. D-20CC
    1623SL-25-132-2Trib. of Robinson River D-20CC(T)
    1624SL-25-132-P 373 and trib. P 373-1 including P 374,P 373-2Crooked Lake and tribs.In forest preserve.D-20
    1625SL-25-133-P 376Gal PondIn forest preserve.D-20
    1626SL-25-138, 139 and all tribs.Trib. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs.Parts not in forest preserve.D-20CC(T)
    1627SL-25-140 including P 379Trib. of Oswegatchie River and subtrib.Parts not in forest preserve.D-20CC(T)
    1628SL-25-140-1, 2 and tribs. 1-P 377, 2-P 378Subtribs. of Oswegatchie River D-20CC(T)
    1629SL-25-141, 142 and trib. 142-1Trib. of Oswegatchie River and subtrib. D-20CC(T)
    1630SL-25-143, 144 and tribs. 143-P 381, 143-1Tribs. of Oswegatchie River and subtribs. D-20 E-20CC(T)
    1631SL-25-144-P 382aNegro Lake E-20CC(T)
    1632SL-25-144-P 382a-1, 2 and tribs. 2-P 382b, 2-aTribs. of Negro Lake and subtribs. E-20CC(T)
    1633SL-27 portionTrib. of St. Lawrence RiverFrom mouth to 1 mile upstream.B-17seCC
    1634SL-27 portionTrib. of St. Lawrence RiverFrom 1 mile upstream to source.B-17seDD
    1635SL-28Trib. of St. Lawrence River B-17swCC
    1636SL-28-1Subtrib. of St. Lawrence River B-17swDD
    1637SL-29, 30, 31, 32 and tribs. 31-1, 32-a, 32-bTribs. of St. Lawrence River and subtribs. B-17sw C-17nwDD
    1638SL-33 portionChippewa CreekFrom mouth to trib. 3.C-16ne C-17nw B-17swCC
    1639SL-33 and tribs. 33-a, 33-b, 33-c, 33-d, 33-eChippewa Creek and tribs.From trib. 3 to source.B-17sw B-17se C-16se C-17nwDD
    1640SL-33-1 and tribs. 1-P 383, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6 and tribs. 1-1-1, 1-1-2, 1-1-3, 1-1-4, 1-1-5, 1-1-6, 1-1-7, 1-2-a, 1-2-b, 1-5-a, 1-6-a and trib. 1-1-1-1Trib. of Chippewa Creek and subtribs. C-17sw C-17nw B-17nw B-17sw B-17seDD
    1641SL-34, 35Tribs. of St. Lawrence River B-17seDD
    1642SL-36 portionCrooked LakeFrom mouth to trib. c.C-17neCC
    1643SL-36 portion and tribs. 36-a, 36-b, 36-c, 36-d, 36-e, 36-1Crooked Lake and tribs.From trib. c to source.C-16ne C-16seDD
    1644SL-36a, 36b, 37a, 38, 39, 42Tribs. of St. Lawrence River C-16se C-16swDD
    1645SL-37 portionCranberry CreekFrom mouth to trib. 2.C-16se C-16swCC
    1646SL-37 portion and tribs. 37-2, 37-5Cranberry Creek and tribs.From trib. 2 to source.C-16sw C-16seDD
    1647SL-40 portionOtter CreekFrom mouth to 1 mile upstream.C-16swCC
    1648SL-40 portion and tribs. 40-a, 40-bOtter Creek and tribs.From 1 mile upstream to source.C-16swDD
    1649SL-41 and trib. 41-aTrib. of St. Lawrence River and subtrib. C-16swDD
    1650SL-43 portionMullet CreekFrom mouth to trib. a.C-15se C-16swCC
    1651SL-43 portionMullet CreekFrom trib. a to outlet of P 385.C-16swCC(T)
    1651.1SL-43 portion and tribs. a, 4, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d and P 385Mullet Creek and tribs.From outlet of P 385 to source.C-16sw D-16nwDD
    1651.2SL-43-3Trib. of Mullet CreekMouth to 0.2 mile below trib.c.C-16sw D-16nwDD
    1651.3SL-43-3 From 0.2 mile below trib. c to trib.c.D-16nwCC(T)
    1651.4SL-43-3 From trib. c to source.D-16nwDD
    1652SL-43-2Trib. of Mullet Creek C-16sw D-16nwCC(T)
    1653SL-43-2-1Subtrib. of Mullet Creek C-16sw D-16nwDD
    1654SL-43-3-a, b and trib. c-aSubtribs. of Mullet Creek C-16sw D-16nwDD
    1654.1SL-43-3-cSubtrib. of Mullet CreekFrom mouth to 1.2 miles upstream.D-16nwCC(T)
    1654.2SL-43-3-c From 1.2 miles above mouth to source.D-16nwDD
    1655SL-44, 46, 47, 51, 52, 52a, 53a, 54, 54a and tribs. 44-a, 44-bTribs. of St. Lawrence River and subtribs. C-15se C-15ne D-15ne D-15nwDD
    1656SL-49 portionFrench CreekFrom mouth to trib. 4.D-15ne D-15nwCC
    1657SL-49 portion and tribs. 49-1, 49-1a, 49-1b, 49-2, 49-3, 49-4, 49-5, 49-6, 49-6a, and tribs. 49-1-1, 49-1-1a, 49-1-1b, 49-1-1c, 49-1-1d, 49-1-1e, 49-1-2, 49-5-a, 49-6-a and tribs. 49-1-1-1, 49-1-1-2, 49-1-1b-1, 49-1-2-1, 49-6-a-a, 49-6-a-bFrench Creek and tribs. and subtribs.From trib. 4 to source.D-15nw D-15neDD
    1658SL-49-6-a-a-a,bSubtribs. of St. Lawrence River D-15nwDD
    1659SL-53 and tribs. 53-a, 53-1 and tribs. 53-1-1, 53-1-2, 53-1-1-1Wheeler Creek and tribs. and subtribs. D-15nwDD
    1660SL-55, 55a, 55b and tribs. 55-1, 55-2, 55a-1, 55b-1, 55b-2, 55a-1-1Tribs. of St. Lawrence River and subtribs. D-15nw D-14neDD
    1661SL-55c, 55d, 55e and trib. 55c-1Tribs. of St. Lawrence River and subtrib. D-14ne D-14seDD