Sec. 30-3.6. Rating determination  

Latest version.
  • (a) The overall rating determination for a teacher or principal shall be determined according to a methodology as follows:
    Observation/School Visit
    Highly Effective (H)Effective (E)Developing (D)Ineffective (I)
    Student PerformanceHighly Effective (H)HHED
    Effective (E)HEED
    Developing (D)EEDI
    Ineffective (I)DDII
    (b) The district shall ensure that the process by which weights and scoring ranges are assigned to subcomponents and categories is transparent and available to those being rated before the beginning of each school year. Such process must ensure that it is possible for a teacher or principal to obtain any number of points in the applicable scoring ranges, including zero, in each subcomponent. In the event that a teacher/principal earns a score of 1 on all rated components of the practice rubric across all observations, a score of 0 will be assigned. The superintendent, district superintendent or chancellor and the representative of the collective bargaining unit (where one exists) shall certify in the district's plan that the evaluation process shall use the weights and scoring ranges provided by the commissioner.