Sec. 165.3. Eligible training providers  

Latest version.
  • (a) In order to be eligible for funding, pursuant to section 7 of ORRA, to conduct a program approved pursuant to section 165.4 of this Part, a training provider shall be:
    (1) authorized to confer degrees in this State;
    (2) a board of education or board of cooperative educational services;
    (3) chartered to provide elementary or secondary education;
    (4) licensed pursuant to Education Law, section 5001, or registered pursuant to Education Law, section 5002;
    (5) approved, pursuant to section 167.3 of this Title, to provide a basic skills program; or
    (6) approved for such funding pursuant to subdivision (b) of this section.
    (b) A training provider which is not eligible for funding pursuant to paragraphs (a)(1)-(5) of this section may be authorized by the commissioner to receive such funding, provided that such provider:
    (1) is incorporated or chartered, and has conducted a technical or vocational program for the two years immediately preceding the date of application for approval;
    (2) provides a statement from a certified public accountant or public accountant that its fiscal procedures are consistent with standard fiscal practices;
    (3) has engaged in consultation and cooperative arrangements with other public and private agencies for the delivery of programs and/or services; and
    (4) has a faculty of which a majority has not less than two years of teaching experience.
    (c) The commissioner may suspend or revoke such eligibility or authorization for failure to comply with the standards and procedures set forth in this Part.