Sec. 341.6. Organized student groups  

Latest version.
  • (a) Students representing constituencies traditionally underrepresented within the student assembly shall have an opportunity to meet, communicate and recommend resolutions for consideration by the student assembly. The opportunity for these students to voice their concerns will enable the student assembly representatives to consider concerns and view points that may not otherwise be introduced. In support of this important effort, the student assembly shall prepare a list of organized student groups, consisting of student organizations requesting organized student group designation which are established pursuant to written bylaws and which have chapters of 10 or more full or part-time students at 10 or more campuses.
    (b) After providing annual public notice and conducting an open hearing, the student assembly shall select those organized student groups which:
    (1) are likely to remain in existence for more than one academic year;
    (2) represent points of view not adequately represented in the student assembly or the executive committee; and
    (3) will not be adequately represented without participation in the student assembly or the executive committee by duly elected representatives.
    (c) Each selected organized student group shall be considered a standing committee of the student assembly. As a standing committee, it will meet to discuss issues of particular interest to its members and forward resolutions to the student assembly and the executive committee.
    (d) Each organized student group will be allocated one nonvoting representative to the student assembly and the executive committee who shall be a student. The nonvoting representative will enjoy all the privileges accorded to representatives. Additionally, members of the organized student groups may serve on such other committees of the student assembly as appropriate.
    (e) A group shall not be designated an organized student group or be seated in the student assembly if it has a policy or practice of restricting membership on the basis of race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or age.
    (f) Each organized student group shall elect its representatives to the student assembly and the executive committee from among the students elected by the campus chapters to serve on the organized student group. The campus selection process and the organized student group representatives election process shall be included in the student assembly bylaws.