Sec. 535.1. Statement of purpose  

Latest version.
  • The following rules are adopted in compliance with section 6450 of the Education Law and shall be filed with the Commissioner of Education and the Board of Regents on or before July 20, 1969, as required by that section. Said rules shall be subject to amendment or revision and any amendments or revisions thereof shall be filed with the Commissioner of Education and Board of Regents within 10 days after adoption. Nothing herein is intended, nor shall it be construed, to limit or restrict the freedom of speech or peaceful assembly. Free inquiry and free expression are indispensable to the objectives of a higher educational institution. Similarly, experience has demonstrated that the traditional autonomy of the educational institution (and the accompanying institutional responsibility for the maintenance or order) is best suited to achieve these objectives. These rules shall not be construed to prevent or limit communication between and among faculty, students and administration, or to relieve the institution of its special responsibility for self-regulation in the preservation of public order. Their purpose is not to prevent or restrain controversy and dissent but to prevent abuse of the rights of others and to maintain that public order appropriate to a college or university campus without which there can be no intellectual freedom and they shall be interpreted and applied to that end.