Sec. 7634.5. Training in the use of chemical agents  

Latest version.
  • (a) All facility staff who have the authority to order the use of chemical agents pursuant to section 7634.3 of this Part, supervise such use pursuant to section 7634.4(b) of this Part, and use such agents, shall have successfully completed a chemical agents training program developed by the department.
    (b) Such training program shall incorporate accepted practices in the use of chemical agents and shall be submitted to the Commission of Correction for approval before delivery to department staff.
    (c) All facility staff who have the authority to order the use of chemical agents pursuant to section 7634.3 of this Part, supervise such use pursuant to section 7634.4(b) of this Part, and use such agents, shall also receive additional annual in-service training to ensure continued proficiency in chemical agent issues.