Sec. 7677.4. Required program components  

Latest version.
  • (a) At a minimum, the department's academic education program shall extend from basic literacy training through secondary education.
    (b) The educational program shall include, but is not limited to, the following components:
    (1) adult basic education, including instruction in functional social skills;
    (2) instruction as required for completion of the general education development (GED) test leading to a high school equivalency diploma;
    (3) special education for inmates identified as having an educationally handicapping condition(s) and/or special learning needs; and
    (4) bilingual programs designed to meet the needs of the department's limited and non-English speaking inmate populations.
    (c) The design and implementation of curricula for adult basic education programs and instruction as required for completion of the GED test leading to a high school equivalency diploma shall be standardized at all correctional facilities.
    (d) The department shall develop and implement a system of incentives which are designed to encourage functionally illiterate, non-English speaking and learning handicapped inmates to enroll and remain in academic education programs.
    (e) Each facility shall provide a minimum of five hours of actual classroom instruction time each weekday for academic education programs.
    (f) Academic education programs shall be developed so that they are:
    (1) integrated with and provide necessary skills instruction for the vocational programs offered at each facility; and
    (2) realistic and relevant to the needs and requirements of the current labor market.
    (g) All academic education programs up to the and including GED completion shall be available at no cost to all inmates.
    (h) Inmate participation and progress in alternative academic education programs which are offered by the department and provided outside traditional classroom settings shall be monitored by qualified academic education personnel.
    (i) The department shall ensure that qualified inmates are made aware of all post-secondary opportunities available to them and sources where assistance can be obtained in applying to post-secondary institutions and for available education funding.