Sec. 7679.6. General institutional library staff  

Latest version.
  • (a) A person with a master of library science degree shall be designated to administer and coordinate the provision of library services for the department at all facilities.
    (b) Each general institutional library shall be supervised by a librarian who shall have a master of library science degree.
    (c) The librarian who supervises library services at each facility shall be responsible for:
    (1) selection of print and nonprint materials and equipment as provided for in this Part;
    (2) management of the facility's library service including, but not limited to, the organization of materials and services, the budgetary process and long- and short-range planning and evaluation;
    (3) assistance in the selection, training and use of inmates as library clerks who shall be selected on the basis of educational background, experience and institutional record; and
    (4) completion of a written annual evaluation of the library services program against stated performance goals and objectives which shall be submitted to the department.