Sec. 138.7. Repayment of monies advanced to the State  

Latest version.
  • It is the responsibility of the department or agency hiring the transferred, reassigned or promoted employee to enforce the provisions of subdivision 3 of section 6-b of the State Finance Law. In the event that an employee resigns or voluntarily separates within one year of transfer, reassignment or promotion, other than for reasons of promotion as specified in subdivision 3 of section 6-b of the State Finance Law, the department or agency shall collect from the employee monies advanced for moving and travel expenses and transmit such monies to the State treasurer in accordance with the provisions of section 121 of the State Finance Law. When such monies cannot be collected by the department or agency within three months following separation, the claim shall be transferred to the Attorney-General who shall take whatever action is necessary to collect the monies advanced.