Sec. 150.3. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • Wherever used in this Part:
    (a) The hiring rate is the minimum salary stated in the salary schedule for each of the salary grades applicable to employees covered by this Part.
    (b) The job rate is the maximum salary, exclusive of longevity payments, stated in the salary schedule for each of the salary grades applicable to employees covered by this Part.
    (c) The salary range is the dollar difference between the hiring rate and the job rate of a salary grade.
    (d) A performance advancement payment is an increase in basic annual salary for an employee who is below the job rate of the salary grade, based on a performance evaluation. Such payment is equal to the difference between the hiring rate and performance advancement rate 1 of the applicable salary schedule for the grade to which the employee's position is allocated.
    (e) A performance/longevity payment is an increase in basic annual salary for an employee who has 10 and/or 15 years of continuous service in a supervisory position in the security services occupational series, based on a performance evaluation.
    (f) The anniversary date in salary grade is an employee's appointment date to salary grade.
    (g) A performance rating is one of five terms used to describe an employee's performance. These terms are outstanding, excellent, good, needs improvement, and unsatisfactory performance.