Sec. 152.1. Coverage  

Latest version.
  • The provisions of this Part shall apply to the following full-time State officers and employees:
    (a) officers and employees whose positions are designated managerial or confidential, pursuant to article 14 of the Civil Service Law;
    (b) officers and employees of the Division of Military and Naval Affairs in the Executive Department;
    (c) officers and employees excluded from representation rights under article 14 of the Civil Service Law, pursuant to rules or regulations of the Public Employment Relations Board;
    (d) officers or employees whose salaries are prescribed by section 19 of the Correction Law;
    (e) officers and employees whose salaries are provided for by paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 215 of the Executive Law; and
    (f) incumbents of positions in the professional service in the State University which are designated, stipulated or excluded from negotiating units as managerial or confidential, as defined pursuant to article 14 of the Civil Service Law.