Sec. 152.11. Date of entitlement to increase  

Latest version.
  • Notwithstanding the provisions of this Part, the increase of salary or compensation of any officer or employee provided by this Part shall be added to the salary or compensation of such officer or employee at the beginning of that payroll period the first day of which is nearest to the effective date of such increase as provided by this Part, or at the beginning of the earlier of two payroll periods the first days of which are nearest but equally near to the effective date of such increase as provided in this Part; provided, however, that for the purposes of determining the salary of such officer or employee upon reclassification, reallocation, appointment, promotion, transfer, demotion, reinstatement or other change of status, such salary increase shall be deemed to be effective on the date thereof as prescribed in this Part, and the payment thereof pursuant to this section on a date prior thereto, instead of on such effective date, shall not operate to confer any additional salary rights or benefits on such officer or employee.