Sec. 8203.4. Data distribution  

Latest version.
  • (a) Data furnished by a participating agency to the council shall be available to such participating agency.
    (b) Aggregate data shall be public information unless the council determines that access to such data would make the identity of a data subject easily traceable.
    (c) The council shall respond to requests for individual identifying data by notifying the requester that CYIMIS does not maintain individual identifying data and that such data cannot be retrieved from CYIMIS.
    (d) The date of the last update, performed by the participating agency, of the data submitted to the council shall appear on all data distributed to agencies or persons.
    (e) The council shall keep an accounting of the data, nature and purpose of each distribution of data, and the name and address of the agency or person to whom data are distributed.
    (f) All requests for data shall be in writing and in a format specified by the council.