Sec. 479.1. Reports of accusations  

Latest version.
  • Whenever accusations are made by any person, or information is received, that a member has violated any rule, regulation, instruction or order of the New York State Police, the member receiving such accusation or information shall make an official record of its receipt and immediately, by telephone, notify appropriate troop or detail commander or, if he is not available, the acting troop or detail commander. The troop or detail commander will thereafter notify the chief inspector at division headquarters. Every such accusation or information shall be thoroughly investigated, in order to protect the accused member, the division, and the people of the State of New York, and all such investigations shall be handled in accordance with current written division instructions outlining the procedure for reporting and investigating complaints against personnel. A written report shall be prepared without delay in accordance with division instructions. The report shall, whenever possible, include written statements of the complainant or complainants, written statements of witnesses interviewed, and a full and complete written statement of the accused member.