Sec. 483.5. Location of records for inspection; hours  

Latest version.
  • (a) All original records are kept by the superintendent at division headquarters. Unless otherwise directed by the records access officer:
    (1) inspection of an original record or a copy, in whole or in part, shall be made at division headquarters; and
    (2) all blotter entries shall be inspected at the division installation where the blotter is located.
    (b) A record shall be inspected at division headquarters by prior arrangement as directed by the records access officer; this inspection shall be made in the presence of and under the supervision of a member.
    (c) Blotter entries shall be inspected at the appropriate division installation during business hours, except on Saturday, Sunday and holidays. These inspections shall be subject to the availability of a member to supervise such an inspection; these inspections shall not impede or curtail regular official business functions being conducted at such installation.