Sec. 495.2. Use of insignia  

Latest version.
  • The State Civil Defense Director and county and city directors of civil defense are hereby empowered to authorize the use of the official insignia by any of the sections, services or individuals under their respective jurisdictions, subject to the following directions and restrictions:
    (a) The said insignia may be displayed:
    (1) On a sleeve brassard, hatband, or badge.
    (2) On privately owned vehicles while such vehicles are employed in carrying out an official civil defense mission.
    (3) On vehicles belonging to the State or its political subdivisions and permanently assigned to a civil defense agency or temporarily assigned for use in carrying out a civil defense mission.
    (4) On equipment or supplies intended for civil defense use or owned or controlled by a civil defense agency.
    (5) Upon any building or structure duly designated by the State Civil Defense Director or a county or city director of civil defense to be used for civil defense purposes.
    (6) On official stationery of the civil defense offices.
    (b) The said insignia may not be displayed or worn by any person, organization or group without the express authority of the State Civil Defense Director or a county or city director of civil defense.
    (c) Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the State Civil Defense Director or a county or city director of civil defense from authorizing the use by non-uniformed members of the civil defense forces of a pin, button, or similar device to indicate membership in the said civil defense forces; however, the distribution and wearing of such devices shall not thereby empower or authorize the wearer to act in any official capacity whatsoever.