Sec. 511.3. General rule  

Latest version.
  • (a) This Part establishes guidance for determination by DMNA of whether or not a State action under consideration will require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
    (b) The following classes of actions will not require and EIS and may be undertaken by DMNA under SEQR.
    (1) Actions undertaken or approved prior to September 1, 1976.
    (2) Actions excluded by section 8-0105.5 of the ECL.
    (3) Actions which have been determined by chief of staff to the Governor not to have a significant effect on the environment.
    (4) Actions which are a part of a program for which an impact statement has been prepared.
    (c) Actions which may have a significant effect on the environment and are not excluded by this Part or article 8 of the ECL will require compliance with State EIS procedures before implementation.
    (d) EIS procedures shall be in accordance with article 8 of the ECL.