Sec. 572.2. Project sponsor's options  

Latest version.
  • (a) Pre-application procedures.
    Prior to applying for a permit, a project sponsor may seek preliminary consultations and/or conceptual review pursuant to section 572.3 of this Part.
    (b) Application procedures.
    Whether or not he has sought preliminary consultations and/or conceptual review, a project sponsor may:
    (1) apply for a permit pursuant to the general application procedures of section 572.4 of this Part; or
    (2) if the project is a minor project (single family dwelling, mobile home or subdivision involving two lots, parcels or sites), apply for a permit pursuant to the expedited procedures of section 572.5 of this Part; or
    (3) if the project is a large scale project, or other project to be undertaken in sections, apply for a permit pursuant to section 572.6 of this Part.