Sec. 1610.0. Foreword  

Latest version.
  • (a) This Part describes the recommended standards for the design and construction of low rent State-aided public housing projects and is intended to serve as a guide. These standards are intended to produce adequate, safe and sanitary dwellings, at the lowest cost compatible with economical maintenance and low rent, and which will help preserve the character of the development during the life of the project.
    (b) Except where required, these standards are for guidance. Housing authorities and architects are expected to use judgment and imagination. The Division of Housing will welcome all efforts to improve the livability, architectural quality, and economical construction and operation of projects.
    (c) The Commissioner of Housing has no responsibility for the adequacy of design or the technical sufficiency of plans, specifications and other data submitted for review and approval. Approval, when granted, is only as to compliance with the Public Housing Law, the loan and subsidy contract, the rules and regulations of the commissioner and this Part. The project shall comply with all pertinent local and State laws and regulations.