Sec. 2000.2. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • As used in Parts 2000 through 2002, the following shall mean:
    (a) Convenient to densely populated area.
    Where any perimeter point of an area proposed for acquisition for a neighborhood park is accessible to and within a distance generally of not more than one-half mile from any perimeter point of a densely populated area.
    (b) Commissioner.
    Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.
    (c) Cost of acquisition.
    The actual cost of land acquisition, less any aid, grant or contribution received for or because of such land acquisition from the State or Federal government, in connection with any other program.
    (d) Densely populated area.
    An area generally of at least 100 acres with an average population density of not less than 20 persons per acre.
    (e) Governing body.
    (1) In the case of a town, the town board.
    (2) In the case of a county outside the City of New York, the county board of supervisors or other elective governing body.
    (3) In the case of a city, the “local legislative body” thereof.
    (4) In the case of a village, the board of trustees or other elective governing body.
    (5) In the case of an improvement district, the official body or board having responsibility for the conduct of the affairs of such district.
    (f) Housing Commissioner.
    New York State Commissioner of Housing and Community Renewal.
    (g) Incidental costs.
    Costs of contractual services for surveys, appraisals, title reports and such other costs as may be approved by the commissioner and the State Comptroller.
    (h) Land.
    Lands, improvements and structures thereon, rights, franchises and interests therein, lands under water and riparian rights, and shall also mean any and all interest in lands less than full title, including without limitation, easements, permanent or temporary, rights of way, uses, leases, licenses, and any other estate interest or right in lands, legal or equitable.
    (i) Law.
    The New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Law, article 15, also known as “Park and Recreation Land Acquisition Bond Act”, including any amendments thereto.
    (j) Municipality.
    A city, county, town or village or an improvement district within a city, county, town or village or within any combination thereof.
    (k) Neighborhood park.
    A parcel or parcels of land within a municipality of less than 25 acres to be used for neighborhood park purposes located in or convenient to a densely populated area.
    (l) State aid.
    A State grant of funds to a municipality to assist in the acquisition of land for a neighborhood park or parks.
    (m) Improvement district.
    An improvement, assessment or special district for park purposes.