Sec. 6403.2. Meetings  

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  • (a) The council and council committees.
    (1) Open meetings. The council and council committees are public bodies as defined by section 102(2) of the Open Meetings Law. All meetings of the council and council committees shall be open to members of the public in accordance with section 103(a) of the Open Meetings Law.
    (2) Public notice. The council shall provide advance notice of council and council committee meetings to the public and to the news media by publishing the time and place of all such meetings in its newsletters, press releases and by other means to provide sufficient public notice pursuant to section 104 of the Open Meetings Law.
    (3) Executive sessions. Upon a majority vote of the total authorized membership of the council or a council committee taken in an open meeting pursuant to section 105(1) of the Open Meetings Law, identifying the particular subject matter to be discussed and the specific grounds authorizing executive session, the council or any council committee may conduct an executive session in accordance with section 105(1)(f) of the Open Meetings Law. Section 105(1)(f) of the Open Meetings Law permits the council and council committees to conduct executive sessions when discussing:
    (i) the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular applicant for funding, or an officer or employee of such applicant; or
    (ii) matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular applicant for funding or an officer or employee of such applicant. The council or council committees may also conduct executive sessions in accordance with the other subsections of section 105 of the Open Meetings Law.
    (4) Minutes. The council shall maintain and publish minutes of all open and executive sessions of the council and council committees pursuant to section 106 of the Open Meetings Law. Minutes taken at open meetings shall contain a summary of all motions, proposals, resolutions and any other matter formally voted upon and the vote thereon. Minutes shall be taken at executive sessions of any action that is taken by formal vote which shall consist of a record or summary of the final determination of such actions, and the date and vote thereon; provided, however, that such summary need not include any matter which is not required to be made public by the Freedom of Information Law.
    (b) The council advisory panels.
    The advisory panels shall act as advisory bodies of the council and shall review and analyze information that is collected by the staff with respect to applicants for council funding. The advisory panels shall review each request for funding and submit final recommendations to the appropriate council committee. The council committees shall consider the recommendations of the advisory panels and the basis for such recommendations. The advice and recommendations of the advisory panels are not final determinations of the council. Meetings of the advisory panels may be conducted in private pursuant to the council's authority under the Arts and Cultural Affairs Law, section 3.05(4).