Guidance_Documents Guidance Documents  

  • 2/25/09 N.Y. St. Reg. Guidance Documents
    February 25, 2009
    Not less than once each year, every agency shall submit to the Secretary of State for publication in the State Register a list of all Guidance Documents on which the agency currently relies [SAPA, section 202-e(1)]. However, an agency may be exempted from compliance with the requirements of SAPA section 202-e(1) if the agency has published on its website the full text of all Guidance Documents on which it currently relies [SAPA, section 202-e(2)].
    State Administrative Procedure Act § 202-e requires that not less than once each year, every agency shall submit to the Secretary of State for publication in the State Register a list of all guidance documents on which the agency currently relies, and provide information on where and how regulated parties and members of the public may inspect and obtain copies of any such documents. Set forth below is a list of the guidance documents on which the agency currently relies. Copies of such documents may be available in accordance with the Freedom of Information Law. For further information contact the Division's Records Access Officer, 4 Tower Place, Albany, NY 12203.
    1. Blueprint for Effective Law Enforcement
    2. Guide to Maintaining Accreditation and Preparing for Reaccreditation
    3. Accreditation Implementation Guide
    4. Accreditation Standards and Compliance Verification Manual
    5. Program Manager Tutorial and Reference Guide
    6. Basic Course for Police Officers: minimum requirements
    7. Basic Course for Police Officers: refresher requirements
    8. Pre-Employment Police Basic Training Administrator's Guide
    9. In-Service Training Guide
    10. Breath Analysis Operator Recertification Study Guide
    11. Training Guide for Peace Office Employers
    12. Campus Public Safety Officer Course Administrators Guide
    13. Training Guide for Peace Officers
    14. Police Officer Appointments - General Information
    15. List of Approved Security Guard Training Schools
    16. Security Guard Training Matrix
    17. Top-Ten List of Common Audit Findings
    18. Grant and Contract Self-Audit Checklist
    19. Guide for grantees who are writing goals and objectives
    20. Logic Model for Program Development
    21. Grants Management System user manual
    22. NYS Incident-Based Reporting Desktop Reference Manual
    23. The NYS Supplement to the FBI UCR Handbook
    24. The DCJS Law Section Reference Table
    25. The UCR Cross-Reference Table
    26. FBI UCR Handbook
    27. Personal Criminal History Record Review Program
    28. Evidence Submission Form
    29. Help Us Help You
    30. DCJS/NCIC Missing Person Data Collection Guide
    31. DCJS/NCIC Unidentified Person Data Collection Guide
    32. AMBER Alert and DCJS Missing Child/College Student Alert Quick Reference
    33. NYS AMBER Alert: Program Brief and Law Enforcement Guide (Comprehensive)
    34. NYS AMBER Alert: Program Brief and Law Enforcement Guide (Abbreviated)
    35. Policy for Acquisition and Implementation of Livescan, Cardscan and Photo Imaging System for Electronic Submissions to DCJS
    36. Store and Forward Implementation Overivew
    37. New York Statewide Criminal Justice Data Dictionary
    38. Standard Practices for Processing Fingerprintable Criminal Cases
    39. Coded Vehicle Table
    40. Charge Code Manuals
    41. NYS Coded Laws Table
    42. New York State Sex Offender Registry Information for Offenders
    43. SOR Settlement Notice & Stipulation of Settlement in Doe v. Pataki

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